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dear channel zero, please entertain my sister.


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Guest R@ndomH3ro













THE SAMMICH ONE IS THE BEST!!!! That really made my sick day

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no links brah, just text.


if yous do, i show you half nipples.


Fuck hang on I am working on it...




Materials: 1 empty beer bottle, and a small piece of a paper napkin.


The trick: Try to get someone to blow a napkin ball into an empty beer bottle.


How to do it: This trick is based on scientist Daniel Bernoulli’s principle stating that flowing air has less pressure than inert air.


Be sure the neck of the empty beer bottle is dry before attempting this trick. Tear off a small piece of napkin and crumple it into a ball. This ball should be smaller than the bottle opening. Holding the bottle horizontally, place the napkin ball inside so that it rests on the lip of the bottle. Keeping the bottle horizontal, hold the opening up to someone and bet that they cannot blow the napkin into the bottle.


Because of Bernoulli’s principle, the ball will be met with resistance from the air inside the bottle. This will cause the ball to blow back out into the participant’s face every time.





Materials: Dry paper napkin, pencil or pen


The trick: Mark a dot in the middle of a napkin and, without lifting the pencil or pen, draw a circle around the dot. There should be no lines connecting the dot and the circle.


How to do it: Begin by folding in a corner of the napkin to the center of the square. Draw a dot at the napkin’s center, ending with the pen on the tip of the folded corner. Keep the pen on this corner while slowing easing the corner of the napkin away from the dot. At any distance away from the dot, draw a circle. At no point did the pen have to leave the surface of the napkin.





Materials: Linen napkin, utensil such as a fork or spoon


The trick: Blow your nose with such force that it causes a napkin to fly upward in a comical fashion.


How to do it: This is less a bar bet than a bar amusement, but it always seems to get a laugh, so we shall include it. To achieve this stunt, sneeze. Grab a napkin and unfold it to blow your nose. Secret the utensil inside the napkin before bringing the napkin to your nose. At this point, the utensil should be hidden under the napkin. When the napkin is to your nose, you should place the utensil in your mouth in such a way that when you bite, it will cause the utensil to rise upward until it is perpendicular to your face. The napkin will rise as if by a forceful blow. Feel free to make exaggerated blowing noises. Enjoy the surprised expressions of your drinking mates



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Dearest Female-


This last Saturday (june-23) our week of preparations came to a head. You see I’ve been working with my family cleaning up the house, pitching tents (real tents not boners), cooking, and searching for that prefect present that could cover 2 occasions, last year’s birthday and his graduation. I’ve never meant to be, but at times I’m forgetful not because I lack consideration but I honestly believe it is due to my rampant drug use in my early teens. The entire story of my adolescences is irrelevant to the story at hand but since we are here… I was born a Christ loving Lutheran in a German family, 2nd of three male boys to Paula and Rich, I chose wisely (in hindsight) to rebel. I’ve always been told I’m not like any middle child anyone has ever meet, perhaps for the reason that I have never cared enough to acknowledge the possibility of one of my brothers to be greater than I. Well getting back into it… it’s strange, I refer to my younger brother as “my little brother”, he is a man know… I know and understand this, my older brother doesn’t refer to me as “little” but yet this flow out naturally.


This story is about my little brother, Jon… well actually buying Jon a gift.

Dim lights, the smell of dank books and a labyrinth of selves packed with antique ornaments ready my senses for the possibility of anything. I need to find this gift. I am obsessed with pairing the right item, to the right person, for the right occasion, I can swear it’s a mild form of retardation, arrrrgggggrowl, I’m wasting my time.


Comparable to an ogre, Gunter’s stats where 5’2” at 265 lb. He sat where I assume he had always sat, the seat’s cochin worn thin, patches of stuffing protrude and holstered his obese self evoking thoughts of the plump Cupid, swollen from wedding cake, sitting on clouds looking down at his deeds, but yet never experiencing happiness itself. Clattering, reminiscent to that of the burglar alarms I once built with my little brother from empty cans of orange and grape crush, this clattering was a causation of the miserable German man cussing over the phone lines while sporadically dangling his dwarfed legs knocking around empties of DAB Original.

This was the right place.


Share a juicey (wink-wink) story with me if you want more.

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Dearest Female-


This last Saturday (june-23) our week of preparations came to a head. You see I’ve been working with my family cleaning up the house, pitching tents (real tents not boners), cooking, and searching for that prefect present that could cover 2 occasions, last year’s birthday and his graduation. I’ve never meant to be, but at times I’m forgetful not because I lack consideration but I honestly believe it is due to my rampant drug use in my early teens. The entire story of my adolescences is irrelevant to the story at hand but since we are here… I was born a Christ loving Lutheran in a German family, 2nd of three male boys to Paula and Rich, I chose wisely (in hindsight) to rebel. I’ve always been told I’m not like any middle child anyone has ever meet, perhaps for the reason that I have never cared enough to acknowledge the possibility of one of my brothers to be greater than I. Well getting back into it… it’s strange, I refer to my younger brother as “my little brother”, he is a man know… I know and understand this, my older brother doesn’t refer to me as “little” but yet this flow out naturally.


This story is about my little brother, Jon… well actually buying Jon a gift.

Dim lights, the smell of dank books and a labyrinth of selves packed with antique ornaments ready my senses for the possibility of anything. I need to find this gift. I am obsessed with pairing the right item, to the right person, for the right occasion, I can swear it’s a mild form of retardation, arrrrgggggrowl, I’m wasting my time.


Comparable to an ogre, Gunter’s stats where 5’2” at 265 lb. He sat where I assume he had always sat, the seat’s cochin worn thin, patches of stuffing protrude and holstered his obese self evoking thoughts of the plump Cupid, swollen from wedding cake, sitting on clouds looking down at his deeds, but yet never experiencing happiness itself. Clattering, reminiscent to that of the burglar alarms I once built with my little brother from empty cans of orange and grape crush, this clattering was a causation of the miserable German man cussing over the phone lines while sporadically dangling his dwarfed legs knocking around empties of DAB Original.

This was the right place.


Share a juicey (wink-wink) story with me if you want more.



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alright, i want to see what photo prize i can pull out of the grab bag....


dear rentals sister,


that zip line looks fucking awesome. its really too bad the military is full of rigid assholes because a couple of zodiacs in the water and a keg could take that thing from functional to a one way ticket on the party express. seriously. how fun would that be?


anyway, france sounds like fun. ive never been but if i were to take a trip i would be so full of wine a cheese that i wouldnt have any time or energy to do anything else. did you have some good cheese? i hope so. if not you should just lie and tell rental you did. it would probably make her jealous.


oh, and if you happen to make it up near the arctic circle and find yourself in norway, dont bother picking up the new turbonegro album. its not really good enough to justify the kroner to dollar exchange. seriously, its hard to believe but im listening to it right now and am only feeling minimal amounts of rock. maybe they should start doing more hard drugs.


well, im looking forward to hearing from you. hopefully you dont have to deal with too many

"seaman" jokes. if i was a female in the navy i would probably get pretty annoyed with that. at least there is that village people song, "in the navy". im sure you can figure out how to use that as a tool to suggest homosexuality amongst your male counterparts.


until next time,

boogie hands

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hah. okay, um, i dont know if i can get any weirder than your post without delving into personal matters. wait wait wait! maybe i can. my mom has a dachshund named winnie:



sometimes when we re over there, she comes and hangs out with me and abc on the couch. a smell wafts through the air and when i recognize it, i usually notify abc of what it is: doggie vagina.

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Dear Rental's Sister,


Navy? My grandfather was in the seabees during ww2. He used to tell me the seabees had the best food because they would rob the officers stash when the ships came onto his island, not so long ago I got comformation of this from an old naval officer.


The story goes that they found an old Duck left over from the invasion and they repaired it in secret. On day they decided when a battleship came in that they where going to get some better food then the rations they had been eating. So they snuck onto the ship and robbed the commanders personal stash of food which included steak and other meat. The ship left the next day and no one was the wiser.


He has alot of great stories, I'm sure you have some good stories too. You should pass them along.


I hope you enjoy your tour and that its not too stressful. Be safe.


Sincerely, MAR

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Dear Rental's Sister


I don;t know you, and you probably don't know me, but HI whats up? I really enjoyed seeing your pictures. I can't imagine what it must be like to be on a ship for that long and more or less travel around the world. I guess it is true what they say...join the navy, see the world...etc


are navy men really feminine?


anyways, I hope that we here at teh Oz. are entertaining you and helping your time aboard the vessel pass by quicker and more easily. When I get some time, and if I don't forget I'll draw you something super cool.


Anyways, i look forward to seeing some more cool photos from your journey, hope all is well, and so on.

Rental is cool too i guess.


Well, thats it for now, peace out






hey rental, does your sister actually answer back?

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