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the TOY paint thread...


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moz, needz moar arroes & flashee thangs. Stop with the gimmicks, just do you man. You might not be able to understand what i mean yet, but eventually, if you stick with it, you'll stop giving a fuck about looking exactly like those who came before and try to put a part of yourself into it instead.


& NCG? VEG? ???

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diggin an old school stele doesn't mean you need to look exactly like it. I wasted a lot of time trying to look old school, and trying to do wicked or anchor styles, but it's not me and I got nowhere. Just a piece of advice do whatever you are most comfortable with and you will be way more into what you are doing.

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can everyone not see my photos? Cuz on my computer i can see them...



but I can only see my character so imma try this one again. This was my third time painting, and I'm pretty happy. It could use some fixings but i ran outta purple and blue. lol.




btw baise I'm diggin that white filled simple! Keep at it man!

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RHES and HOR lookin fresh.

BASK looks pretty good, the only thing I can say is watch the bumps coming off letters, like above the a, it looks kinda off. Other than that, the character is nice, and your execution is on point. DELT looks good as well.

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