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1.) i've always wanted to fake my own death and just kind of bounce and travel forever with a fake name and shit just kind of doin whatever

2.) sometimes i get really anxious and paranoid

3.) the only dreams i ever remember are nightmares

4.) i have to smoke at least one blunt every day


What's good, Fam?..

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I haven't been able to remember my dreams for the past couple years.

Which is strange, because I used to write that shit down when I was younger.

I feel rich no matter how poor I am, because of how helpful and supportive my family is.

I still hate being poor.

Sometimes I tell myself I'm crazy, just to explain all the stupid shit that I do.

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i've killed people in my dreams, pretty cool..fighting people in dreams sucks though, you feel very weak and your punches are more slow motion.


shit I have that type of fighting dream on the regular, then I wake up feeling crazy frustrated...

never killed anybody tho'.. not yet at least

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2. I also am very interested in the north hollywood shoot out, if you dont know what i am talking about go here:


I think that what they did is insane, and its always been in the back of my mind to do something like that. Its really crazy to hear cause you can hear gunfire all over. Heres a transcript of the radio traffic that day:


I also have the actual audio file in mp3 of that if anyone is interested.


i remember seeing this on some court tv show, craziness

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i lurk

a lot

i am always reading 20th century American fic/lit

i have cavities in every tooth

more teeth are broken than not

i still don't go to the dentist

i used to smoke weed and/or eat pills daily

now i don't, ever

i named my son Dillinger

i like making art type stuff

i don't consider myself an artist

i like rap with out all the rapping

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how can you like schhol. i mean okay some people ''like'' school.


but how can u love school?


are you like one of those girls that loves the social scene or are you just down with the going to class and learning shit type of girl.


waking up early sucks. homework sucks. the stress sucks. grades are gay. ill never understand people like you.


so thats a no on the sexor what?

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