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13-Year-Old Arrested In School For Writing On Desk

Juan Fuentes

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5-0 does tend to enjoy putting on handcuffs, though it doesn't really go into what they thought of it. Still, going out on a limb I'd imagine they had a good time flexing in front of school kids and setting up a perimeter around the crime scene, i.e. the desk.


Shit like this raises an bunch of paranoid youth.

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Why didn't the teacher just make the little girl clean her desk? That's pretty ridiculous. The police could be doing something more productive like trying to catch a murderer or rapist or something.. But they go for the easier stuff. And putting a little girl in handcuffs is just ridiculous.


My friend was skating at some skatepark in our town and some group of kids in a local gang jumped him, knocked him with a 2 by 4 over his back, gave him a pretty bad beating. Cops didn't even show up for it. But if I walk down a street covered in graff wtih a backpack ill get searched.


I fucking hate pigs so much.

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Why didn't the teacher just make the little girl clean her desk? That's pretty ridiculous. The police could be doing something more productive like trying to catch a murderer or rapist or something.. But they go for the easier stuff. And putting a little girl in handcuffs is just ridiculous.


My friend was skating at some skatepark in our town and some group of kids in a local gang jumped him, knocked him with a 2 by 4 over his back, gave him a pretty bad beating. Cops didn't even show up for it. But if I walk down a street covered in graff wtih a backpack ill get searched.


I fucking hate pigs so much.


Wisdom above.


I called the cops on gunshots and they never showed up. Probably the best way to keep cops out of a situation is to tell them there's gunfire. They'd rather shoot at the unarmed.

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this is truth , I have a smilar story where shots were being fired right next to my house in this field every night. The cops never did Jack. I saw them driving in the opposite direction of where the shots were coming from one time and they drove right past one of the dudes with the guns even after they had his description (black dude in a white tee) how surprising (now fire me from my job)

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When i was in year 8 i was caught writing "schools fuckin' gay" on my desk. I had to spend 25-30....minutes that is in lunchtime detention. Then again i do live in Australia. I'd rather put a razor blade to my wrists if i had to live in the U,S of A! Wiggs, niggs and you have to many fuckin' pigs!

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reminds me of this 6 year old that got arrrested in nebraska for opening his christmas presents a day early. no joke!


What was the charge?




But honestly, I'd like to know who called the police.

















As well as their adress.

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educational system? we have no rights and their is no justice

teach our kids fear and hate thats how the school system works



Well on the bright side of things... at least our new school systems are preparing our kids for their futures of being in and out of jail for the rest of their lives. Which is what this county is coming to with all these fucking new laws and prisons being built.

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