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Would you pass it down??


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you thiunk you're gonna have anytime for blackbooking when you start a family ....think again!



Wrooooong...Most of the people I paint with have 1-2 or even 3 kids and still get down bigtime.



As for the kid writing graffiti..If you do it on the regular, I mean if you're really dedicated to the shit, Eventually your kid will start pickin up habits..My kid imitates everything I do...Its really up to you, if you want your kid to follow your ropes..Maybe you can teach him stuff that you learned throughout (sp) the years..Good spots, bad spots, sidebusting, all that toy shit you feel me..Put em up on game bout stuff..Remember Monkey see monkey do..You make the call..


Imagine bombin with your kid...Off the hook...End to end freights..Daaamn...


"My Daddy bombs harder that your Daddy"..Sounds tight heh?...


I'm bored..Fuck it...

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well i just figured they would see it in the house and see me blackbooking and just ask one day. i dont think i will need to just come out and say it.


One day you will see tags around the neighborhood similar to those in their notebooks, and they will proceed to show you how to make krink.

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Man oh man are you in for some shit. If you tell your kid, you have to explain why it's o.k. for you to do something illegal, plus you have to be cool with your kid going out on missions and possibly getting into the same risks we all face. If you say nothing, your kid will eventually find it and figure it out anyway, in which case you still have to explain, plus, if you've done the whole 'do the right thing' spiel with him/her you now have to explain how 'exceptions to the rules' occur.


I like the start with crayons idea, rocking the walls in the house. Teach him to cap toys on fr8 and forbid him from going on 12oz.


Anyone see that new issue of Graphotism with the little girl getting up? I think the kid is like 8 and while the shit is on a kid's level, amusingly she's a lot better than some of the toy graf that makes its way onto here!

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my wife and i are currently trying to start a family and i told her that i would not stop painting once we had a child. but the question crossed my mind that once my children got to a certian age and showed an interest in graffiti, would i pass my knowledge on to them? i think i would keep the tradition alive into my offspring. what do you all think about it?


i dont think you should have kids.


stupid people shouldnt breed.

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Right when my baby comes out of the pussy Ima do a tag on his head and put it on shriiimp.com. lol kinda like a graffiti artists baptism! instead of toys he will get mops and markers and those little painters touch baby paint cans. then ill just have to super glue a respirator to his face or something... yeah one day... one day. That will be the shit.

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This thread has generated some fucking awful replies hahaha


I wouldn't tell my kid shit until they had found writing for themself. I keep it secret from my little brother who's ten because I don't want him putting himself in stupid/dangerous situtations like I used to. But if I knew he had started putting up I would then show him the ropes asap.

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damn..all these haters online.


anywho. not to say that my kid would def love the riff-raff graff bizz n what not, but like if s/he got into it, i'd show 'em. yeh, y not?...it's good stuff. i don't want my kid being toy.

BUT i wouldn't advocate all this illegal behavior, only the artists' gain, you kno?

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What about passing it on to relatives who aren't your children? Brothers, Sisters, Cousins, etc.. how do you guys feel about that? I have a little brother who has a sparked interest in graff from that fuckin Marc Ecko game, he's seen me sketch and shit but probably doesn't know that I actually paint and what not. I figure when he's a bit older, I might show him the ropes if he's interested.

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if you told your child its okay to fuck peoples shit up, cause you do, your really going to confuse the kid. your child will think its okay cause his/her ''daddy'' does it. there are all forms of graffiti. theres the vandals, artist, bombers, and just people who want to get up. for some its an addiction, others its a phase, or just passion for graffiti. im all of the above, and im willing to see the other side of graffiti(our victums). wheather it be a child thinking the hood is infested with gangs and evil people, because there mom & dad tell them so, or if people got to look at our shitty mess, or if someones burnin a hole in there wallet cause there little buisness that the spent there life saveings on has been fucked over from some inconsiderate person(yes,less customers will go to there resturant etc. cause its been sprayed, belive it or not, i figure this shit out from personally speaking to them). im too deep into graffiti to let these things stop me, too deep in the addiction, too deep in not careing if shit gets fucked up and if people dont like it. graffiti is a PERSONAL exspression that you learn on your own cause your drawn to it. i dont think you should go spreading it to your child some day cause you do it. you tell a kid that graffiti's okay, what u gonna say about drugs? what would you say about anything that has a negative effect(such as graffiti)? ''drugs are okay they make you feel better.''? ''yeah go kick that kids ass if hes rude to you, here use my knife.'' you tell a kid its okay to just the rules cause we did? i think you should be supportive but not in a negative way. our way is negative choose to see it its there. if your gonna do graffiti, relize that graffiti is for only you, no one eles. yes its selfish, but its worth it to me.(we should say it to ourselfs sometimes, its real)

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