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you see..... me, i'm not into swimming in murky waters, understand? If you play with snakes, you'll no doubt get bit. We've been tricked all along into voting for douchebag after doughebag after douchebag until when? All of the politicians are the same give or take a sleaze point or two. So , who are you going to vote for? some jerkoff who puts on his bleechy white crocidile smile for you so he can get elected into office why? because he cares about you? No, because he probably couldn't make as much money in the private sector as he could in politics, so he's makin' power moves, sonny. A few years in office, make a lot of cheeze a few ceo friends, write a book, deliver a speech or two and lamp on the yacht for the rest of my days. Don't be fooled into thinking you can change the world by calling a punk ass congressman and voting for Mr. Whatshisface or whoever , the machines are rigged anyway.

Aren't we on a GRAFFITI messageboard here? damn what happened to bomb the system?

(not literally) <----*inside parenthesis disclaimer for the fbi.


ahem, excuse me, anyway...damn, dudes is actin' all secret squirrel in here.


what ever happened to SF-1?


i agree.

voting is for suckas. (edit: when its for democratic or republican politicians)

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damn what happened to bomb the system?

(not literally) <----*inside parenthesis disclaimer for the fbi.



what ever happened to SF-1?


damn even with that disclaimer its a bold move from a muslim, keep an eye on that pizza delivery truck across the road cuz :lol:

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nah, The FBI got a file on me, They know what I'm up to and I'm not worried about them. I don't bother them and they only bother me once in a while so I guess I get the short on of the stick on that deal. They don't do pizza delivery trucks, man, they call you on your cellphone and set up appointments. At last thats how they do me.

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it depends on what country youre in. When I was in America they asked me about people I knew and how did I know them and they told me that my phone number was in the phonebok of a suspects in bombings that happened in Riyadh saudi Arabia (which I think they made up) THey asked me about a lot of people I never heard of. Then thay asked me about Islam and why I became a muslim (trying to prod me to see if I had extremist views)

I found the foreign intellegence agencys to be much more sophisticated and forceful in their line of questioning, they ask more direct questions that are meant to link you to a particualr political group. In Egypt they snatch people off the streets and shock their balls with electricity , maybe hold them for a few weeks or a month or more, then let you go and tell you to shave your beard and stop going to the mosque. They are trying to make life there more secular, but people are becoming more religious because of it. Actually, they are developing a lot of extremism because of the torture also. It's a mess, but yeah, if your a muslim in America, chances are you've had the FBI grab you especially if you travel a lot.

They just gather information and build files on people. It's all crap, I just live my life.

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Bill introduced by Kucinich:


"Kucinich Introduces HR 1234 To Immediately End the U.S. Occupation of Iraq


WASHINGTON, D.C. (Feb. 28) - Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) introduced HR 1234, a bill to immediately end the United States occupation of Iraq, in the House of Representatives today.


"This is the plan that will get our troops home the fastest. It is workable and achieves the goals of ending the war and enabling our troops to come home," Kucinich said.


HR 1234 is a plan for the United States to use existing money to bring the troops and necessary equipment home and transition to an international security and peacekeeping force.


"I drafted this with expert advice from those involved in international peacekeeping missions, the United Nations and the U.S. military," Kucinich said.


Kucinich first introduced a withdrawal plan from Iraq three years ago when he proposed that the United States hand the United Nations control of Iraq, including its oil resources and contracts for rebuilding.


"I have given more than 140 speeches on the floor of the House of Representatives, speaking out against this war. I have been one of the most active and vocal Members of Congress on this issue," Kucinich said.


Kucinich led the effort to challenge the Administration's war in Iraq in 2002. In advance of the Iraq war resolution in Congress, he organized 126 Democrats, two-thirds of the House Democratic Caucus, to vote against the resolution. He has constantly challenged the Administration's war against Iraq.


Kucinich has been circulating the plan with Members of Congress for two months and recently had it put in legislative form. He will be speaking to Members of Congress to gain support for the bill in the coming weeks and months.


Joshua here ...


Obviously, this will go nowhere fast. But isn't there something almost surreal about living in an ostensible democracy in which a piece of legislation favored by the majority of Americans is considered to be on the "fringe." "




The last sentence is the kicker.

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Kucinich seems like a great guy. He seems like the only person running, that I know of, who seems to actually be running on HIS OWN views entirely, not watering them down or going along party lines. That's why he'll unfortunately never be elected president.


I saw John edwards speak in early 2003 before he was a household name, and long before he was John Kerry's running mate. It was a small group of about 40 people and I'll tell you, I've never been as impressed with any politician, ever. He was articulate, his views were logical and progressive yet still realistic, and beyond anything he seemed genuinely intelligent. I'd love to see the guy elected president.

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