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^^id say the buff crushed philly the most this year




But people are finding ways around it.


Allot of people are going higher, all over (running ruthless bombing routes) and are hitting street spots that ANTI, has a hard time accessing, or simply can't because they don't have "clearance".


Anti, can't hop fences, trounce through weeds or paint over spots that are non-pristine property, without permission (or complaints phoned in by neighborhood folk).


I'm no expert (been here just under two years) but this city is wrecked allot more then it was in late '07 and all through 2008.

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^word. the only thing that really sucks (at least in the northeast) is the militant conservatives assholes (mainly oldass white guys) who dont have shit better to do than wash grafitti off of shit in there neighborhood. fortunately these guys dont go too far outta there neighborhoods (probably because its hard to get around with a plastic hip), but they are still an added annoyance. its a shame when the buff isnt the only ones whos sworn mission is to erase graffiti and kill fun.

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^word. the only thing that really sucks (at least in the northeast) is the militant conservatives assholes (mainly oldass white guys) who dont have shit better to do than wash grafitti off of shit in there neighborhood. fortunately these guys dont go too far outta there neighborhoods (probably because its hard to get around with a plastic hip), but they are still an added annoyance. its a shame when the buff isnt the only ones whos sworn mission is to erase graffiti and kill fun.



I hear that the NE is a conservative/racist nest but yeah, that sucks. The only way to combat that shit, is wreck the whole neighborhood and get higher spots...overwhelm them!


I hate to point it out, the city provides less resources to lower class/"ethnic" neighborhoods. The graff rarely gets buffed because yeah, the city could care less.


Another important thing to factor into the buff equation, is the current fiscal crisis. How long before the city cuts back on the buff squad to compensate for budget shortfalls? They did back in Denver. With that said, the penalties got harsher and sentences were doled left and right.

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I hear that the NE is a conservative/racist nest but yeah, that sucks. The only way to combat that shit, is wreck the whole neighborhood and get higher spots...overwhelm them!


I hate to point it out, the city provides less resources to lower class/"ethnic" neighborhoods. The graff rarely gets buffed because yeah, the city could care less.


Another important thing to factor into the buff equation, is the current fiscal crisis. How long before the city cuts back on the buff squad to compensate for budget shortfalls? They did back in Denver. With that said, the penalties got harsher and sentences were doled left and right.



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But people are finding ways around it.


Allot of people are going higher, all over (running ruthless bombing routes) and are hitting street spots that ANTI, has a hard time accessing, or simply can't because they don't have "clearance".


Anti, can't hop fences, trounce through weeds or paint over spots that are non-pristine property, without permission (or complaints phoned in by neighborhood folk).


I'm no expert (been here just under two years) but this city is wrecked allot more then it was in late '07 and all through 2008.



this is wrong.


"alot of people" ? .. theres deff not alot of people "bombing" .


anti can hit basically anything they want. higher? .they buff roofs.

they have a cherry picker, extension poles, ladders..


anti climbs fences or uses the same holes graff heads use to get through to spots.

weeds? u honestly think that is a deterant?


you are right you arent an expert. you are far from it. so am i, but its obvious how incorect these statements are.




and no you dont know about the northeast or really any part of the city for that matter. dont make blanket statements about shit you know nothing about.


i agree them shirts are gay though.

looks nicely made but thats a trite statement. i predict i will see kids wearing dust masks(for dust ,not paint morons) painting the rez with montana or plutonium g to be wearing these shirts.


now get mad/emo.




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^lemko is my hero lol. one of these days im gonna get off my lazy ass n write "LEMKO->" on every telephone pole on rhawn street from oxford to state just 2 see wat he has to say about it. maybe then he"ll realize that were not all dumbasses and we actualy do read the dribble he posts on that site bitching about how much of a fucking martyr he is and how he hates life and fun.

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posted by cya



Originally Posted by lemko

I would post pictures, but that would only give the knuckleheads the notoriety they crave.


I doubt any of the taggers are here on PS, Lemko. Go ahead and post them.

In fact, I'd love to see the NE Times run a followup story with pics of the tags and the description you have of the punk you caught.


Maybe every week they take a page and show some of the tags. Perhaps this would bring more attention to it and the community would pay more attention.

Because clearly, the city isn't doing anything to get to the root of the problem by, for example, going into the schools or by doing any public service announcements.

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But people are finding ways around it.


Allot of people are going higher, all over (running ruthless bombing routes) and are hitting street spots that ANTI, has a hard time accessing, or simply can't because they don't have "clearance".


Anti, can't hop fences, trounce through weeds or paint over spots that are non-pristine property, without permission (or complaints phoned in by neighborhood folk).


I'm no expert (been here just under two years) but this city is wrecked allot more then it was in late '07 and all through 2008.


philly buff never ask or "needs" premission. thy will show up and buff a mural on the house you own if they feel like it. they dont ask!:mad:

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"I hate to point it out, the city provides less resources to lower class/"ethnic" neighborhoods. The graff rarely gets buffed because yeah, the city could care less.

Another important thing to factor into the buff equation, is the current fiscal crisis. How long before the city cuts back on the buff squad to compensate for budget shortfalls? They did back in Denver. "



--this city buffs the hoods hard and has been for the past 6 + yrs. they need to stop cleaning the walls and start cleaning up the garbage that litters every street in this dirty city. or maybe fix the broke ass roads.

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posted by cya



Originally Posted by lemko

I would post pictures, but that would only give the knuckleheads the notoriety they crave.


I doubt any of the taggers are here on PS, Lemko. Go ahead and post them.

In fact, I'd love to see the NE Times run a followup story with pics of the tags and the description you have of the punk you caught.


Maybe every week they take a page and show some of the tags. Perhaps this would bring more attention to it and the community would pay more attention.

Because clearly, the city isn't doing anything to get to the root of the problem by, for example, going into the schools or by doing any public service announcements.


yo these people are fucking rediculous , they need to run into the right "tagger" and get the shit beat outta them....:mad:

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