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Everything posted by ALLNATURAL

  1. Keep and Listo (that ' K ' fuuuuk!!!) <fixed> keeps a beast and listo has sick hands
  2. driving to the eastbay and seing how rocked the freeways are gets me hella hyped.
  3. I been a fan of his from the a2m days. I enjoyed seeing his freights roll in, in my neck of the woods. then I began to see how raw the dude can get when he set foot in the bay. thats when i gave the guy my total respect.. the graff world has truely lost a significant member. my condolences to his imidiate family aswell as his crew families. REST IN PAINT NEKST!!!!!
  4. that was sick!!! you bring me back to my days in high school
  5. Dope pics! makes me miss the times when writers had their own styles and when crews had originality. now a days everything looks wack and too blantantly copied.. rip mid-nineties
  6. hahaha i like that one! bates definitely keeps many away
  7. It was a sad week for me when i heard what happend to the homie. one of the coolest and most laid back guys i met. you will be missed my dude!! my condolences to his close friends and family... Rest In Paint Ames oh yeah caught one of his tags in the south bay from 2010.
  8. Dream!! the real king of the bay
  9. that else and buff monster spot.. cant wait to see the end result
  10. i've always said "a person's integrity lies upon who he surrounds himself with". i knew rench was a snitch cause his own friends said it. i just never understood how they would still kick it with him. but zack?? thats very disapointing! just goes to show that my saying is true. young kids dont do what they do.. the bigest rule amognst thieves is if you get caught YOU DONT SHITCH. you have the right to SHUT THE FUCK UP, use it!!!! a cop cant force you to say anything. he will how ever threaten to give you more time or more counts. just keep your mouth shut even when it comes to yourself. everything will come out fine. believe that!!
  11. pear, hert, that huge piece, ridle, smae
  12. seen some pear slaps in the southbay. i was hyped on that
  13. props to saeto terf and nor. the only cool shit i see from you youngsters
  14. thats funny that they buff everything else and leave that. guess who ever buffed it liked it
  15. that smog and efeezy roof top
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