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fear of muslims/nazi germany, feel the love yet?


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'the 79-year-old pontiff quoted Byzantine emperor Manuel II Paleologus when he said, "Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."'

source CNN.com



as if christianity hasn't been and isn't still being spread by the sword


and the tank.



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Dawood, you'll love this article from the Onion...




BAGHDAD, IRAQ—On almost every corner in Iraq's capital city, carolers are singing, trees are being trimmed, and shoppers are rushing home with their packages—all under the watchful eye of U.S. troops dedicated to bringing the magic of Christmas to Iraq by force.


Christmas Brought To Iraq By Force


U.S. soldiers instruct an Iraqi to tell Santa what he wants for Christmas.


"It's important that life in liberated Iraq get back to normal as soon as possible," said Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz at a press conference Monday. "That's why we're making sure that Iraqis have the best Christmas ever—something they certainly wouldn't have had under Saddam Hussein's regime."


To that end, 25,000 troops from the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment and 82nd Airborne Division have been deployed. Their missions include the distribution of cookies and eggnog at major Iraqi city centers, the conscription of bell-ringers from among the Iraqi citizenry, and the enforcement of a new policy in which every man, woman, and child in Baghdad pays at least one visit to 'Twas The Night... On Ice.


Immediately following the press conference, high-altitude bombers began to string Christmas lights throughout the greater-Baghdad area, and Wild Weasel electronic-warfare fighter jets initiated 24-hour air patrols to broadcast Bing Crosby's "White Christmas" over the nation. Armored columns struck out from all major allied firebases to erect a Christmas tree in the town square of every city, while foot soldiers placed fully lit, heavily guarded nativity scenes in front of every Iraqi mosque.


"Thus far, Operation Desert Santa has gone off without a hitch," said Gen. Stanley Kimmet, commander of U.S. armed reconnaissance-and-mistletoe operations in the volatile Tikrit region of central Iraq. "There has been sporadic house-to-house fighting during our door-to-door caroling, but that's to be expected in a Christmas season of this magnitude."


According to Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, the top American military commander in Iraq, every precaution is being taken to ensure the peaceful enforcement of the Christmas season in occupied Iraq.


"All American military personnel have been instructed that the observation of Christmas should be carried out efficiently and tastefully, with minimal emphasis on the season's commercial aspects," said Sanchez, who addressed reporters while a decorations division strung wreaths and garlands outside his headquarters. "We must keep in mind that the reason for the season-oriented campaign is for Iraq to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."


An aide for Sanchez later explained that, in order to ensure a meaningful holiday season for all Iraqis, provisions were made for those Iraqis who elected to observe Hanukkah.


Christmas Brought To Iraq By Force


A mosque in Baghdad decorated by U.S. troops.


Like many U.S. operations in Iraq, Operation Desert Santa has met with some resistance. A convoy transporting fruitcake and gingerbread came under rocket attack Sunday night just outside Checkpoint Noël in Basra, and unidentified bands of Iraqis exchanged gunfire with Marines operating an armored Humvee simulated sleigh ride in a Baghdad suburb. In spite of these troubles, regional commanders report progress, with only eight U.S. casualties resulting from the operation.


Still, Iraqis report that they are unable to get into the Christmas spirit.


"Why am I supposed to feel joy for the world?" said 34-year-old Baghdad mechanic Hassan al-Ajili as he stood in line for his mandatory visit with Santa. "My country is still at war. I need an American identification card to get anywhere in my own city. Now, for some reason, men with machine guns have placed two rows of jingling antlered pigs on the roof of our house. This is insane."


Bush, speaking from his Crawford ranch, praised the brave men and women of Operation Desert Santa and asked for the understanding of all Americans.


"We must be patient with the Iraqis," said Bush, seated before a Christmas tree dotted with Scottish terrier ornaments. "The holidays can be a very stressful time, especially for people not yet used to the customs. I'm sure Iraq will enjoy the happiest of holiday seasons if we show resolve and commit to making sure that they do."


President Bush then called for 30,000 new troops to be deployed in the next week to ensure an effective and precise enforcement of Christmas throughout the region. Salvation and Eighth Army detachments will be stationed on every corner by Christmas Eve to make sure that every last Iraqi citizen spends the holiday at home, with family.


Sanchez said he is confident that he can meet that deadline.


"A merry Christmas in Iraq means peace in the Middle East has finally been achieved," Sanchez said. "God bless us, every one."

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Both Christian's and Muslim's have used very dark ways to get they're message across, and this has happened since the dawn of each religion.


All poeple are going to do bad things, we're humans after all. However this is getting completly out of hand. I don't understand how you can have an attitude (most muslim men) that anything that isn't within they're set of believes is untolerable. This is completly unacceptable and to me is the root of most of these problems. Instead of living with a mindset that was used back in the Stone Age, it's time to get with it and realize people have other way's of living then you're own.


Seriously we're about to enter world war three over the dumbest shit ever.


All parties involved need to grow the fuck up or they're are going to be ALOT of problems for EVERYONE on this planet.


Mother fuckers are building a suicide army, that's insane.

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haha thats funny you say muslims are unaccepting of others beliefs, i was watching the daily show yesterday and it had a segment where these fucking redneck scum were holding pig races just outside a mosque and muslim children's school because they didnt want a mosque in their neighbourhood. The dude interviewed some of the stupid rednecks there and they were talking about lynching and shooting the muslims and then openly admitted to being bigots.


the post at the beginning of this thread proves that it's not actually "most muslim men" but most men and women in general who are fucking bigoted idiots.

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haha thats funny you say muslims are unaccepting of others beliefs, i was watching the daily show yesterday and it had a segment where these fucking redneck scum were holding pig races just outside a mosque and muslim children's school because they didnt want a mosque in their neighbourhood. The dude interviewed some of the stupid rednecks there and they were talking about lynching and shooting the muslims and then openly admitted to being bigots.


the post at the beginning of this thread proves that it's not actually "most muslim men" but most men and women in general who are fucking bigoted idiots.


plz mang i wasn't saying the problem only lies there it's just a peice, there are plenty of ignorant christians and w/e ethnicity you want to throw in here you can.

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"Why am I supposed to feel joy for the world?" said 34-year-old Baghdad mechanic Hassan al-Ajili as he stood in line for his mandatory visit with Santa. "My country is still at war. I need an American identification card to get anywhere in my own city. Now, for some reason, men with machine guns have placed two rows of jingling antlered pigs on the roof of our house. This is insane."



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when I was in the middle east, you would NEVER see any pork products or pork meat being served anywhere except maybe in the airports, maybe.


I think that's part of the joke. Did you take the article seriously? If you did, that says some fucked up shit about America's reputation in the world.

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a guy down here in texas recently made the news when some musilms bought the property next door to his pig ranch and when they asked him not to slaughter pigs on their holy day (Friday) he obliged... and announced he'd be having pig races every Friday instead.


that's cold hearted.

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a guy down here in texas recently made the news when some musilms bought the property next door to his pig ranch and when they asked him not to slaughter pigs on their holy day (Friday) he obliged... and announced he'd be having pig races every Friday instead.


that's cold hearted.


haha shit yeah thats the dude i was talking about that was on the daily show, you wouldnt believe all the rednecks that go to those pig races you should check for the video on youtube

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a guy down here in texas recently made the news when some musilms bought the property next door to his pig ranch and when they asked him not to slaughter pigs on their holy day (Friday) he obliged... and announced he'd be having pig races every Friday instead.


that's cold hearted.



filthy pigs. Ignorant drunk ass rednecks. Texas is for ISLAM



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  • 2 weeks later...
Why do you think pork is prohibited in Islam.


my short answer would be "because it's not food" like if someone asked is it permissablr to eat a moustrap in Islam? I would think they were crazy, pig is not food. but,



pork is prohibited in Islam for the same reason it has always been prohibited (i.e. Judaism) and even before that with many other prophets like Abraham and Noah. It is first and foremost prohibited because God says it is, then if you wanted to find out why for yourself, then you could do enough research to find out that hog is a nasty filthy animal that eats it's own feces and generally lives in slop. It goes through a 2 week "curing" process, where it is packed in salt to kill the 12 or more forms of bacteria living in it's meat. Anyway, i could google a 1000 articles to give you in depth discussions on why pork is harmful, but it still wouldn't do anyone any good if they stopped eating pork , but continued to disbeleive in Allah.

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Good point about the importance to Muslims in belief in God rather than rules...


I always thought that undercooked pork being rather dangerous compared to beef or lamb might have something to do with it. Also, the early Hebrews as well as 7th century Arabs were herders. You can't herd a pig, hence, no pork! You'd have to buy your supplies from other non-believers and that would definitely be bad...


I love bacon nonetheless.

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I'm sure the herding thing has nothing to do with it. It's a revealed text from the quran. And there is nothing in Islam prohibiting muslims from trading with the non muslims, the prophet Muhammad traded with non muslims and it is generally recommended for muslims to treat their non muslim neighbors with respect and give them their rights. this is the practice of the prophet Muhammad. As a matter of fact during the lifetime of the prophet Muhammad , people became muslim just on the stregnth of his manners, but today many muslms don't know these manners and the image of Islam is hurt because of it.

My point Russel, is that there is no harm in doing business with non muslims, unfortunately people have the wrong perception of Islam nowadays , even muslims .

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in Judaism pork is prohibited because we're only allowed to eat animals that have cleft hooves and chew the chud. Pigs have cleft hooves but do not chew the chud. that simple. it has nothing to do with herding, even the earliest Israelites could raise animals that were not herd animals, but G-d declared certain foods holy and certain foods not holy, end of story.

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in Judaism pork is prohibited because we're only allowed to eat animals that have cleft hooves and chew the chud. Pigs have cleft hooves but do not chew the chud. that simple. it has nothing to do with herding, even the earliest Israelites could raise animals that were not herd animals, but G-d declared certain foods holy and certain foods not holy, end of story.



Well OK then.

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my short answer would be "because it's not food" like if someone asked is it permissablr to eat a moustrap in Islam? I would think they were crazy, pig is not food. but,



pork is prohibited in Islam for the same reason it has always been prohibited (i.e. Judaism) and even before that with many other prophets like Abraham and Noah. It is first and foremost prohibited because God says it is, then if you wanted to find out why for yourself, then you could do enough research to find out that hog is a nasty filthy animal that eats it's own feces and generally lives in slop. It goes through a 2 week "curing" process, where it is packed in salt to kill the 12 or more forms of bacteria living in it's meat. Anyway, i could google a 1000 articles to give you in depth discussions on why pork is harmful, but it still wouldn't do anyone any good if they stopped eating pork , but continued to disbeleive in Allah.





the prophet wanted to protect the Ummah from disease; and pigs were notorious for tapeworms and filth....theres the basic answer....

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Nowadays we have the FDA so dont worry about pork


"Is Pork Really Bad For You?


Today's pork products are leaner and healthier than ever. A 3-ounce serving of pork tenderloin has less than half the fat of a 3-ounce serving of skinless chicken thigh.


And pork is a good source of B-vitamins and many minerals, too. That 3-ounce serving of pork contains over half of your recommended daily allowance of thiamin and more than a third of your RDA of vitamin B6 and Niacin. Pork is also a source of iron, magnesium, phosphorous, zinc and vitamin B12.


Pork & Parasites


Like all other meat products, pork carries a very real risk of parasitic infection--especially if the meat is undercooked. Tapeworm and trichinosis are just two of the parasitic infections often mentioned in anti-pork literature.


How common are tapeworm and trichinosis? In an article titled Deaths from Cysticercosis, United States, researchers put the number of pork tapeworm cases in the years 1990-2002 at 221. The vast majority of these cases were of immigrants who likely brought the infection with them. Only 33 of these cases involved U.S.-born citizens.


As for trichinosis, the numbers look even better. More rigorous enforcement of the Swine Health Protection Act has brought the incidence of trichinosis-positive pigs down to 0.1%. In fact, according to the CDC, most recent trichinosis cases in the U.S. have been linked to the consumption of improperly cooked wild game meat like bear--not commercially packaged pork.


The truth is, the organisms that pose a danger to pork eaters are easier to destroy through proper cooking than salmonella, a bacterial infection most commonly associated with eggs and poultry.


Scientific Studies in Favor of Pork


You don't often hear about the "pros" of eating pork but more than a few studies have found pork both safe and nutritious. One of the most intriguing studies on pork was a 2007 study out of Spain. In this study, conducted by the Galician Public Foundation for Heath Emergencies, researchers found that frequent consumption of fresh meat actually reduced the risk of lung cancer while consumption of fish increased it. The reasons for these results are unknown but results of this study are sure to spur on discussions for some time to come.


"But Pigs Don't Have Sweat Glands"


One of the most common arguments made about pork is that pigs are "dirty" because they lack the ability to perspire. It's true. Pigs don't have sweat glands. But neither do chickens."


Back in the day before refrigeration and proper food handling it might have been bad for you, so naturally they made up some bullshit about how god said no to stop people from eating it and dying. Or maybe they made it up for some other reason, I dont know.

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FDA aproves ASPARTAME, check the scientific studies about ASPARTAME....


guess who put it in our products? donald satan rumsfeld on 1981,and since that year brain tumor rates been raising high on charts.


briefly,aspartame destroys brain tissue,and we can understand why the western world is so damn dumb.everything sugar free,eat 3 big macs do 25 push ups and drink diet coke=the middle america diet.




a little amount wont hurt!!! come on drink some aspartame trust your government.

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