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the pannel next to it has nothing to do with this thread

True it doesn't.............my apologies to anyone that matters.


but looks better than anything u ever painted ............I can tell u that much!;)

How about this? Tell your boy TECK to stop being such a dry snitching faggot and I won't diss his trains! Sound good?

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  • 1 month later...
How about this? Tell your boy TECK to stop being such a dry snitching faggot and I won't diss his trains! Sound good?



yo take a flight to toronto and you'll get fucked up, and when i say fucked up i dont mean beat up . anytime i see you on the streets its over. you fucking internet gangster come see me.

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yo take a flight to toronto and you'll get fucked up, and when i say fucked up i dont mean beat up . anytime i see you on the streets its over. you fucking internet gangster come see me.


Word up tough guy. Leave a name next time so I know who's going to "fuck me up"! You're crazy likely to see me on the streets by the way..........if you wanna make something happen then give me a name and tell me what you wanna do. Save the chit chat fatmouth!

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You fucking stupid yank^^ Do you have any idea who your fucking with???? If you were smart You'd shut your fucking mouth before your living off a feeding tube...


Apparently I don't..........If you weren't such a pussy then you could get back to me and tell me who I'm fucking with when you have the balls to meet me face to face! :lol:

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Are you a fucking idiot??? IT SAYS VADER HFB....couldnt be any clearer... And im down to meet up anytime.. your the one that came to my city, painted some trains in the sticks, and booked it that night! As soon as I found out you were intown I tried to contact you..BUt you chose to ignore me, laugh it off and tell me " this trip had nothing to do with you" And then took off back over the border.....I lost all and any respect I ever had for you...Your a pussy and a shit talker..straight up.

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Are you a fucking idiot??? IT SAYS VADER HFB....couldnt be any clearer... And im down to meet up anytime.. your the one that came to my city, painted some trains in the sticks, and booked it that night! As soon as I found out you were intown I tried to contact you..BUt you chose to ignore me, laugh it off and tell me " this trip had nothing to do with you" And then took off back over the border.....I lost all and any respect I ever had for you...Your a pussy and a shit talker..straight up.


Wow.........never heard of him. I guess that I'm not up on my Toronto graffiti. Forgive me for that. As soon as you found out that I was in town you tried to reach me? Hmmmmm.......how about you said some gay shit like "Come find me!" As I stated previously.........I WANT TO SEE YOU FACE TO FACE. Why "find" you?

I didn't say "this trip had nothing to do with you"......Reser may have.....pt being.....it didn't. I came to paint and if I was able to come across you in my busy schedule then I would have loved to see your smiling face! XO.....Who's the one that magically couldn't make it to his own art show in Seattle and mysteriously wasn't at the one that I attended in Vancouver? 2 to 1 chump..........you're the queer here!

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Wow.........never heard of him. I guess that I'm not up on my Toronto graffiti. Forgive me for that. As soon as you found out that I was in town you tried to reach me? Hmmmmm.......how about you said some gay shit like "Come find me!" As I stated previously.........I WANT TO SEE YOU FACE TO FACE. Why "find" you?

I didn't say "this trip had nothing to do with you"......Reser may have.....pt being.....it didn't. I came to paint and if I was able to come across you in my busy schedule then I would have loved to see your smiling face! XO.....Who's the one that magically couldn't make it to his own art show in Seattle and mysteriously wasn't at the one that I attended in Vancouver? 2 to 1 chump..........you're the queer here!


Mysteriously???? I WAS IN JAIL YOU DUMB FUCK...And im not allowed over the border..

Youre a fucking joke...

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yo, asiquon, you're mad wack and need to shut up. I pop in this thread to see ill styles and i get some bickering toy talk from you instead. man up and either handle your shit or be quiet. I bet teck is laughing at you from Toronto right now. think about it.



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yo, asiquon, you're mad wack and need to shut up. I pop in this thread to see ill styles and i get some bickering toy talk from you instead. man up and either handle your shit or be quiet. I bet teck is laughing at you from Toronto right now. think about it.




That's touching....I'm mad wack! Why "pop in" here to see what's going on in the graffiti world when you can just spend the rest of your life in channel zero like the timid homosexual 12oz geek that you are! 2000 some odd posts? Come on bro...........Fuck where Teck is laughing at me from.........I'm laughing at you from Seattle!!!! Think about that.......



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yeah, this is a pretty toy question but I've always wondered, when people paint the freights carrying autos, with all the holes in them, does the paint damage the cars inside or whatever is inside? It seems like it would, but if so, freight writing would prob be off limits......i dont know.....

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That's touching....I'm mad wack! Why "pop in" here to see what's going on in the graffiti world when you can just spend the rest of your life in channel zero like the timid homosexual 12oz geek that you are! 2000 some odd posts? Come on bro...........Fuck where Teck is laughing at me from.........I'm laughing at you from Seattle!!!! Think about that.......




Buddy, your crew is all toys and whores. I know that for a fact. I eat nerds like you for breakfast. Seattle? HA! Don't make me laugh, bud.

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Buddy, your crew is all toys and whores. I know that for a fact. I eat nerds like you for breakfast. Seattle? HA! Don't make me laugh, bud.


Wow......whores? That's off the wall..........you fuck a lot of my friends? I didn't know the guys got down like that..........Why don't you PM what you write since you have such an opinion?

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oh, you know what i'm talking about. what, they don't break you off a piece? tsk, sucks to be you.



signed, anonymous. ;)


Wow! Mad gay! I think that the comedian Nick Swardson summed you up best when he said "Shit's weak! Shit's weak!" in Grandmas Boy!

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