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Guest R@ndomH3ro
maybe ill go pumpkin smashing for halloween thats free right?!


No you got to buy a permit...email me your credit card numbers and I will get one for you. :)

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"An Irish legend tells of Jack, a lazy but shrewd farmer who used a cross to trick the Devil, then refused to free him unless he agreed to never let Jack into Hell. The Devil agreed. When Jack died, the Devil wouldn't let him into Hell. So, Jack carved out one of his turnips, put a candle inside it, and began endlessly wandering the Earth for a resting place. He was known as "Jack of the Lantern", or Jack-o'-Lantern.

There are variations on the legend. Some of which include:

The Devil mockingly tossing a coal from the fires of Hell at Jack, which Jack then places in the turnip.

Jack tricking/trapping the Devil a variety of ways, including placing a key or other item in the Devil's pocket when the Devil is suspended in the air or plucking an apple from a tree. Some versions include a "wise and good man" or even God helping Jack to prevail over the Devil.

Jack's bargain with the Devil being different. In some variations, the deal is only a temporary bargain, but the Devil, embarrassed and vengeful, refuses Jack entry after Jack dies.

Jack is considered a greedy man and is not allowed into either Heaven or Hell, without anything having to do with the Devil.

Despite the colorful legends, the term jack-o'-lantern originally meant a night watchman, or man with a lantern, with the earliest known use in the mid-17th century; and later, meaning an ignis fatuus or will-o'-the-wisp.[1] The names "Jacky Lantern" and "Jack the Lantern" persist in the oral tradition in Newfoundland, refering to the Will o' the wisp type phenomena, rather than the carved pumpkin Jack o' Lantern."






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i've been trying to get a pumpkin for going on a week now.



apparently, south florida is having some sort of pumpkin shortage, to the point where some halloweem festivities are being cancelled for lack of pumpkins.


everyone i talk to about this just says, "yeah, it's not like up north" then they get this face like i told them my puppy got raped and now it has cancer or some shit.





so tell me. what's it like up north?

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