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u shouldnt hate on anyone unless u get up more than they do!


so not to desrespect anyone here or anything but reb1 doesnt get up more then saks, he jsut posts stickers and tags all the time on 12 oz and all of them are in silver spring, i'm not sayingg saks is up but saks has shit all over the redline and sure as hell is up more then reb 1

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dah with the freshness, you forgot budda/taj haha...

i just got like 300 old dc flicks from 1990 to about 98, as i scan them ill post them, theres all kinds of shit, metro trains, walls, disses, old wall of fame, old takoma, red line, rooftops, a little bit of everything. got some rust, smk, dah, cram, cert, exakto, kier, mist, mesk, budda, cycle, kest, taint, demon,eke, jase, sare, joker, felon, ash5, care, etc.

coming soon..

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so not to desrespect anyone here or anything but reb1 doesnt get up more then saks, he jsut posts stickers and tags all the time on 12 oz and all of them are in silver spring, i'm not sayingg saks is up but saks has shit all over the redline and sure as hell is up more then reb 1


i could give a shit about the bitch but thats definately wrong because there arent ANY silver spring pics of reb stuff on 12oz..thats a fact..saks prob has more on the line but dc city taggin..slabz...hands..mops..throws etc reb def has hands down..no dis but ive never heard of saks


and this isnt a debate statement i just have a itch when ppz say stuff i dont agree with..if im wrong just repost the pics your talkin about and shut me up

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i could give a shit about the bitch but thats definately wrong because there arent ANY silver spring pics of reb stuff on 12oz..thats a fact..saks prob has more on the line but dc city taggin..slabz...hands..mops..throws etc reb def has hands down..no dis but ive never heard of saks


and this isnt a debate statement i just have a itch when ppz say stuff i dont agree with..if im wrong just repost the pics your talkin about and shut me up


well here is the thing, reb 1 sucks and has dc gotten so bad that you get respect for just tagging? and reb 1 posts his stuff all the fucking time, saks isnt that good(better then reb 1) so he doesnt post his stuff and i dont see that as a bad thing and if you didnt go on 12 oz can you honestly say you have heard of reb1 well i mean i'm sure your going to say that you have but many can say that they havent, i'm not saying saks is up but the fact of the matter is saks paints more then reb 1hether its the red line or on the dc streets.


but really this is fucking stupid we are two toys argueing about two other toys and i cant think of any other better way to embarass myself

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well folk folk..its like this...the internet are the subway streets, etc. combined very convientley at everone disposal. hate it or love it. if you choose not to post flic, or to post flicks. well thats entirely up to that indivual. but dont waist everybodys time by talking down. plus like ive said previously arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics. no matter who wins your still retarded.if u thik about and get your head out of your arse.


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welcome to the thread big dah. i just did some quick burners with zear fc tc5, ill send you flicks.

this has gotten pretty childish but then again its understandable, its allows for anonymous beefs and internet gangsters.

but its good to see the old heads all in one place like it was friday night at the canals in 1990.

its also good to see kaos give props to someone he beefed with, thats maturity, something it seems most havent achieved.

its good to see nice young kids putting in work on the streets, beef or no beef.


maybe 2007 will be a better year for all...


santi we remember and miss you...


yo reading this got me all nostalgic and shit...probably one of the main reasons i got interested in graffiti was walking through the canal with my grandmoms back then, 90 91 i was just a little whipper snapper then, not even a teenager and man those fucking tunnels/walls were so crushed. no picture will ever do that shit justice. i mean full color burners with characters on every inch of wall space down there. you had to watch out not to step on a junky bank then too, that shit was such a mystery to me, who are these dudes that do all this crazy painting.


too bad DC will never be like that again and too bad the youngins out here will never see that in the first person.


my two cents in the bucket.

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yo reading this got me all nostalgic and shit...probably one of the main reasons i got interested in graffiti was walking through the canal with my grandmoms back then, 90 91 i was just a little whipper snapper then, not even a teenager and man those fucking tunnels/walls were so crushed. no picture will ever do that shit justice. i mean full color burners with characters on every inch of wall space down there. you had to watch out not to step on a junky bank then too, that shit was such a mystery to me, who are these dudes that do all this crazy painting.


too bad DC will never be like that again and too bad the youngins out here will never see that in the first person.


my two cents in the bucket.


i have to agree with you on that on that, i always wish i could have looked at the graff in DC more in depth at that time, but i was just born in 89, but i always thought that shit was fire even at 4 years old.

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i have to agree with you on that on that, i always wish i could have looked at the graff in DC more in depth at that time, but i was just born in 89, but i always thought that shit was fire even at 4 years old.


wtf, come on now, i'm all for givin respect to the old skool but don't act like you know what was goin down when you were 1 or 2, i'm not tryna beef or nuthin but that's a lil much

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