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rushawn wuan

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When I was in Kindergarden I stabbed this bitch with my pencil cause she took my scissors. Hella years later in High School this girl comes up to me like is your name blah blah, uh yeah, I'm Blah blah you stabbed me with a pencil in Kindergarden look I still have a piece in there. And she showed me it was sweet. We actually fucked after we got outta hs and the bitch wanted me to choke her right before she would cum. Too much info I know, but I find it kinda ironic that I stabbed her in two ways.

BTW I got money on SHErock




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I punched a girl in the eye in first grade.


It was one of those situations where I told her that if she didn't stop doing something I was going to hit her. She kept doing it. I felt like I had to follow through.


The best part is that I got written up by what turned out to be my fifth grade teacher. I always wondered if she remembered what I'd done all those years ago.


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i bitchslapped a girl for the same thing earlier this year...

i was in a shitty mood, and she was pretending like she was about to fling salad onto me. i was like dont do it i swear to god i will hit you. she goes oh my fingers slipping! i said i am not kidding dont do it.

splat. ranch covered salad running down my shit.

i snapped, i slapped her across the face in the middle of ihop.

thats my story.

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I punched out sluts boyfriend in a fit or rage, really hurt him too



3 weeks later



I get my ass handed to me by some large black mans rage fit



As I'm getting up, girl from 3 weeks about kicks me in the butt and starts screaming shit at me about how do I like it? I like it just fine I said with a big wide grin....then I spit a mouth full of blood/snot that just snorted out of my nose right in her face/hair. I was told later on she had to comb it out...while puking and crying!



I will hit her if i see her again

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One of my ex's put me in a camel clutch.

And I can honestly say, I prefer a good old fashioned solid right cross to the jaw over the camel clutch.


I street fight with dudes.


Anything else makes me feel like a bastard.


Although, the one chick I have ever sparred with, put me in an arm bar and I tapped out pretty fast.

My elbow was wrecked for about a month.

In fairness, I deserved it.

She said I was trying to knock her out.

I am a horrible sparring partner.

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One of my ex's put me in a camel clutch.

And I can honestly say, I prefer a good old fashioned solid right cross to the jaw over the camel clutch.


I street fight with dudes.


Anything else makes me feel like a bastard.


Although, the one chick I have ever sparred with, put me in an arm bar and I tapped out pretty fast.

My elbow was wrecked for about a month.

In fairness, I deserved it.

She said I was trying to knock her out.

I am a horrible sparring partner.


did he stick his penis in your butt while he did it?

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