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Wow! Holly shit:lol: you seriously have no idea what you're talking about.:lol:


Oh word, your name is just on the same IP address and all those and you registered this name the day Sikism got banned.


No I don't know what I'm talking about. Holla.

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first a disclaimer: i'm not SIK. i don't know SIK. i don't care to know SIK- though i give him props for the work he's put in



MooseKnuckles- i appreciate your somewhat more "objective" approach much more than ILOTSMYBRAIN's obvious flamebait, but if we're gonna stick to the facts, then PLEEEZE stick to the facts:


a) "yes, no matter how much new yorkers want to take credit for giving birth to Writing, it was born in philly - and thats not to say the early ny writers were influenced by early philly writers - but philly was first <- actual facts"


so your saying that philly was first, but that NY writers somehow discovered it completely independently, drawing on nothing but LOCAL influences. right.


thats exactally what im saying - but im not, and didnt, say that was a fact: the fact i was refering to is philly being first. whether the earliest NY writers were influenced by philly writers...well, the jury is still out on that one. as far as im concerned, that will never be a fact - where's the proof? its possible for different ideas or concepts to spring up independent of each other, even in such close quarters like philly and new york. ive got a friend that claims the early philly writers were influenced by hobos because they used to watch the freights down at west falls and started seeing all the same monikers over and over again. i dont happen to agree but who knows.


b) "but if it wasnt for new york writers, the shit definetly wouldnt be world wide to the point that it is today....another fact."


actually, this is NOT a fact, but another biased opinion. what do you have a crystal ball or something that's able to see alternative visions of the future? it's impossible for you to imagine something like writing having a global impact without "new york writers" having something to do with it? c'mon, let go of your ego, man.


first, its not necessary to sling the ego thing at me. im not one of these yo yo's that feel the need to validate his existance, knowledge of history or graff career on 12ozprophet. so unlike most, this is not an ego thing with me - i mean seriously, com on. im from NY born and raised - if this was an ego thing i would not be here boasting about philly being the birthplace of writing.

New York City and the Writing and Hip Hop cultures that began there in the early and mid 70s, was the catalyst that influenced scenes in Pewaulee, Wisconsin....and Sao Paulo Brazil and Birmingham England. not to sound 'egotistical' or nothin but you dont hear kids from Holland and Prauge saying they were influenced by Dr Cool 1 or Kool Kev. the majority of non NY and Philly writers say they were influenced by subway art or beat street or style wars or some other form of media that was about writers from New York City. Would that reach of influence have been the same if New York City was not part of the equasion - who knows..and yes it is conceivable for me that could happen if NY had nothing to do with it. But NYC was part of the equation - it was the common denominator. and the FACT is that writers in NYC influenced their brand of writing on the whole world - and from there is was spun into thousands of different sub-cultures specific to as many different places as it exists.


ok. so once more for all the pupils. sticking to the FACTS, we have established that:


a) writing as we know it started in philly

b) a bunch of other places picked it up (NY being ONE of them) and NOW it can be found worldwide. and

c) NY writers will take no shorts perpertrating any twist of logic (no matter how ridiculous) to obscure these facts, just to claim some piece of the glory for their own.


your b and c sound a lot like (if I may coin a term here) counter ego. sorry, just an observation. you sound like you really hate New York - and New york writers - to a degree, i understand why. but after all is said and done the deal is that New York City has had more of an influence on the worldwide graffiti existence than any other city. sorry if my logic is ridiculous, but just ask anyone who was around for the initial years of the graffiti scene in their city. whether thats fair or not … another story. whether you like it or not...another story. but thats how history is being written. Your probably telling me to fuck off at this point, but please – prove me wrong.


why is it soooooo hard for NY writers to just accept that writing started in philly? y'all should just be proud to be a part of this unstoppable tradition of destruction that just happened to originate in philadelphia. quit crying, accept it and move on.


no malice intent here - not on my part anyway. i consider myself a historian, so I am always looking to learn. So if you have anything in the way of solid dates supported by photos or interviews with people who were there, or any other primary research - then im all ears.

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use all fucking morons and i cant be fucked to read all the bullshit use are saying about HIPHOP culture and shit get fucked this thread is about JA because he has devoted him self to fucking demolishing and his done it and has kept doing it for years his probaly hit spots youve only dreamed about done shit thats never pushed you over the edge that for to do his style is insane yes a 2 letter throw up can get boring but id rather sit there and look at his stuff all day then watch someone that has 6 or 7 different bullshit styles ja has he style kept to his style and rept his tag and crew so shut ya fucking mouth get the fuck off the topic if you dont like him because you dont deserve to say anything u dumb fucks!!!

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and you are????if you know who i am then you know i handle my biizz. and just cause i dont do fills on the street dont mean i cant paint soo please state your name or shut the fuck up pussy:p
that was not a insult i was saying that in general,not as a diss to you,like he does almost the same shit but he gets up in alot of different places
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first a disclaimer: i'm not SIK. i don't know SIK. i don't care to know SIK- though i give him props for the work he's put in



MooseKnuckles- i appreciate your somewhat more "objective" approach much more than ILOTSMYBRAIN's obvious flamebait, but if we're gonna stick to the facts, then PLEEEZE stick to the facts:


a) "yes, no matter how much new yorkers want to take credit for giving birth to Writing, it was born in philly - and thats not to say the early ny writers were influenced by early philly writers - but philly was first <- actual facts"


so your saying that philly was first, but that NY writers somehow discovered it completely independently, drawing on nothing but LOCAL influences. right.



b) "but if it wasnt for new york writers, the shit definetly wouldnt be world wide to the point that it is today....another fact."


actually, this is NOT a fact, but another biased opinion. what do you have a crystal ball or something that's able to see alternative visions of the future? it's impossible for you to imagine something like writing having a global impact without "new york writers" having something to do with it? c'mon, let go of your ego, man.



ok. so once more for all the pupils. sticking to the FACTS, we have established that:


a) writing as we know it started in philly

b) a bunch of other places picked it up (NY being ONE of them) and NOW it can be found worldwide. and

c) NY writers will take no shorts perpertrating any twist of logic (no matter how ridiculous) to obscure these facts, just to claim some piece of the glory for their own.



why is it soooooo hard for NY writers to just accept that writing started in philly? y'all should just be proud to be a part of this unstoppable tradition of destruction that just happened to originate in philadelphia. quit crying, accept it and move on.









Man comeon i know this aint about ja but fuck it. NOONE knows where graffiti started because its been around as you should know since humans existed. Ye phily or Ny may have each had their own way of making "geting up" popular it just blew up as a scene slower in some places. i belive it was taki 183 or someone in that era who started geting up first in ny and cornbread from philly been writing in the same era so who knows lets just leave it at that ladies, noone knows. Peace

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and how do you know i do the same shit?? you make no sense..just shut yah mouth i know who you are now.
i have no idea who you are,the only reason i quoted you in the first places was because i thought you said he just runs the same shit,i never said you run the same shit
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and your completely missing the point :nope:


And what point would that be? That graffiti is ALL about getting up and not about the quality of work? If thats the case maybe Ill just start putting fuckin lines all over the city, then Ill really be up.


Whatever happened to creativity? (This isnt neccasarily in referance to JA) Im just saying... you cant bring the whole "Which is better, quality or quantity" argument... life is about balancing, and thats what it is.... a fuckin balancing act.


But I guess since I dont worship the dude I dont belong on here... damn... I should just kill myself now.. Im not good enough for an internet graffiti forum... fuck me....

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renave, you do know that ja recently went over sil in the n and r tunnels? And by gone over I don't mjean fills over tags or just a little nick, but I mean he threw tags over ya man sil's tags. You should check it out for yaself, its between 28 and 14, on the light spots he went over him. And I know ja knows who sil was, it puzzled me that he would throw shit over a fallen soldier's work but would cry when si did the same thing to his boy.

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the stabbing was before this.


there was beef way way back in 'NAM from NYC it was old beef between JA and another nyc writer who moved to LA from NYC and they brought the beef there.


that, plus JA is a beef writer, if you career is dissing people why not go for the gold and dis the mother of all pieces.

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you cannot improve on perfection.

better to have one handstyle with mad style, consistency, legibility, and all the clout that commands than to have ten wack handstyles with only a few examples of each ever executed.


mad respect for JA.

don't like JA? don't respect what he does? then you dont belong on a forum devoted to graffiti.




^^^true on the handies and style

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