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World Tard Center....teh movie


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i was just at the world trade center crater today, crazy shit, but i do beleive that this new movie is just this dudes political agenda in cinematic form


I went there and was dissapointed to find out that there isn't really shit to see. You can't walk up and look at the crater or anything cause theres all these fences that keep you way far back.

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"For real, fuck some of you people. So many people/organizations profit from this tragedy"


you dont know who really profitted from the tragedy. it was a big insurance scam.


that aside, how can you re-enact a tragedy such as 9/11, thats like acting out someones mom death from a serial rapist, and then finish with 'the aristocrats', just aint happening. alot of people are gunna be mad at this movie, just like the Passion, but without Jews being blamed again, but their neighbors. all that aside, how do you let someone hijack a plane with a boxcutter... "that, right there, is a BOX CUTTER my friend... maria, open your blouse"

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Re: World Tarde Center....teh movie


..is there really christian symbolism in this movie?! Are you fucking kidding me?


yup....3 different scenes...


1. the marine in the church...the bible opened to revelations and the close ups of the cross on the wall


2. jesus bringing on of he cops a bottle of water


3. one of the rescuers gold cross on his chain hanging there during the rescue....



its obvious oliver stone doesnt want to make it out to be about terrorists vs. america....but more about muslims vs. christians....and there is a BIG difference there considering many of the people who died on sept 11th were not christian..

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Re: World Tarde Center....teh movie


Wake up? Try not jumping on the conspiracy theory bandwagon. Go read things with actual detailed data rather than ridiculous conclusions based on one shabby peice of half-information.


I read your article, and it didn't really debunk any of the "myths" from loose change... who have interviews with people like THE CORONER who showed up to the crash site.

but what weight would she hold..

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