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shop around.


at $500 a month for a '93 plymouth..... you could buy the exact same car in a year.


go to an insurace broker. you'll pay a broker fee but it's totally worth it.

I just got my morotbike insured and my bank (with my checking, rsp, line of credit etc)

was going to charge me $5200 a year. The broker got me a rate of $1600 a year.


think that was worth his $40 comission? I do.

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oh... if you have an accident on record, then yeah.... you're screwed.



my buddy got screwed over because of one thing, he fought a ticket.

The insurance people looked at the date of the trial, not the date of the ticket,

and because of that he had 3 incidents in 2 years. His insurance is like 8 grand a year.

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Get a relative to put you on their shit.

I have 1 accident, and 3 moving violations, including a violation for careless driving which is like one step under DWI status.

I was paying 300+ for a minute, then switched to progressive, i'm at $140/month now.

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