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i believe benetton was the first to use powerful social issues in advertisements and never made it about the clothes. the last ad in their campaign featured death row inmates and that was the "death" of that. the victims families were outraged and the creative director of that campaign quickly fizzled. but confrontational views on social and political issues in advertising is not a new deal. advertising is all about pushing the limits and trying to break through the clutter. this advertising for ipod is not surprising and i'm sure many more will come after.....but i'm blabbering, i'm sorry.

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The second ad IS hot, for some reason. I just wanted to say that, first...


And the anti-domestic violence billboard from Africa is...well, I don't roll like that. I have to admit, I just got out of a really bad situation where I could have easily given into the temptation of knocking my ex the fuck out because she really DID push me to the edge...it wasn't like, "I gotta show the bitch who's boss," more like "People who run game like that need to get served, male or female...and she's lucky I'm a lot stronger-willed than that, or it could have gotten ugly."

So, I just moved on, and learned from it.


There's a lot of ground to be covered on the subjects these kinds of ad campaigns brings up. I don't know how many people here have ever read a called "The Medium is the Massage", by Marshall McLuhan...but, I read it around the time I started getting up, and it had a lot to do with the way I went about looking at how graff, culture jamming, and media manipulation were powerful ways to influence public perception and opinion.


I thought the Benetton campaign was brillliant, for the simple reason that it made people think about the fact that color is really secondary to the fact that we're all humans, and need to remember to keep that in mind before we make assumptions based on the color of someone's skin.


Okay, that was the message that I picked up on. Like I said, any campaign can be interpreted any one of a million ways based on personal experience and opinion.

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See' date=' this campaign is good because it's taking advantage of the fact that the lady's skin is white and the dude is black, simple as that. In the US, we're at this point where reverse racism is ok, with blacks saying whatever the fuck they want versus whites, latinos, asians, etc, but it's not. This ad is taking two people and putting them on an even playing field, and having the white woman come out on top, regardless of skin color and sex. No one would have a problem if the woman was black, but fundamentally that concept is still wrong. That ad would be saying that black people are superior, when a black woman can overpower a white man. It's all bullshit and the ad einforces the idea that we're all the same beneath 1/4" of skin. It's controversial no matter what two people you have hawking the product. Son'ys been pretty gung-ho in marketing the PSP, for bad or good. I say bravo. A conpany with a little bit of balls. Whoda thunk?[/quote']


did you say the black person in that ad was a dude?

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I love these ads

Sony knows exactly what its doing...its not a mistake at all

If they show both ads...one with the white winning, one with the black winning...there shouldnt be a problem

oh, thats not a black man....thats a woman, dummies.

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