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straight letters


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that's pretty dope...



but i swear you guys are retarded, this is a simple, not a straight letter, like you do understand the definition of straight letter, it aint that fucking hard of a concept to grasp...............


edit and before you flame me, let me just say what I think the definition of a straight letter should be.... so check it. I reckon a straight letter is well just that, a straight letter, no curves, unless it's like an 'O' then you could do it as a square or rounded, and well simples are just evolved straight letters that have more curves and bends in the bars. and well if i'm wrong please somebody correct me..

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Now, lmao, this is pretty close to a straight letter [kinda make myself look dumb by my definition, but i was new to this shit when i posted that haha], I don't like the flicks on the R 'n' K. other then that I would call this a straight letter too. also the curves on my letters make this technically NOT a straight letter. since well the bars AREN'T straight....

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