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i don't think the teacher was racist. he would've been all nervous and shit discussing the matter but he gave the interview and showed he wasn't insecure about repeating the word. he's right, blacks, and non-black youth constantly use the word "nigga" as a term of endearment. when you add the "er" at the end then that's when people's ears raise about racial connotations. but because the teacher is white, older, and in a position of authority, "nigga" isn't acceptable in to be used by him in the eyes of many. the many received his punishment. to have him not teach again over one word is just wrong. and of course none of the students are going to say they heard him say it. they're his friends, identify with him, and of course would love to see the roles reversed and see a teacher get in trouble.


i think the only thing that gave the kid credibility is that he's an honor student, in rotc, plays on the football team, and all that good stuff.

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maybe if it wasn't so cool to be black all these white kids would shut up





yeah cause being racially profiled and followed in stores is the cool thing nowadays....






































I'm just kidding, that shit's great!

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i kno some white boys from ghetto ass neighborhoods and they say that shit all the time but it's so natural to them that you dont even really notice. it's when it comes out sounding awkward that people will jump on yur ass. if people detect weak spirit they will attack.


as far as that teacher sayin it, teachers arent even supposed to say 'shit' or 'fuck' in which case he should have known damn well not to be touchin the n-word, or any derivatives of.

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if whites cant say blacks then blacks shouldnt call white ''whitey, whiteboy etc.'' they say that more then whites say nigga. but eh, no one even gives a fuck and that keeshan dude is a fucker pussy bitch.



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