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Why do guys pick graffiti over girlfriends?


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Well, as a older head with a fuckin job and a wife and responsibilities to my community who wrote hard for 18 years in NYC I can tell you that its mostly immaturity that causes dudes to choose fame over love. I did it several times and I regret it. I'm glad I wisened the fuck up and settled my ass down a little. When you're young you're stupid. Its only in retrospect that you see where fame doesn't get you. There are few... VERY FEW heads with the luck, drive, SKILL, crew, connections, history, dedication and balls to end up like my boy Cope2. Some of you young kids need to wake the fuck up. Life is too short to choose a can of paint over connecting with the world. You ain't that special and noone cares who you are. 10 years out of the game and I still have shit running in NYC and noone cares, including me.


Fuckin lame...


You still FIEND this graffiti ish, trolling the 12oz "graffiti discussion" forum is all the proof needed.


Your bitch ass just can't manage writing some graffiti on the side of your "family life" and "connecting to the world"


because most pussy stinks and aerosol smells GOOD!:D


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  • 2 months later...
ive been chilling with a girl who is starting to write. its kinda my fault she does. she might be leaving her bf soon but idk if id want to date another writer. somethings seem cool about it but others dont.


this too.


that's why i try and pick up the artsy broads.. they usually get hooked off yor addictionand give it a shot. also, they tend to appreciate it more than some prissy, high maintenance broad.

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  • 2 months later...

i know my girl dosnt like me doing graf but thats only cozz she dosnt want to see me be put inside for it. she loves the art side of it n shit but iv just learnt not to talk about it when im with her. But i highly doubt it would cause us to split. i just go for a bomb before or after i see her :P

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  • 2 years later...
  • 4 months later...

this is a funny topic, I've always had problems with this through out a big chunk of my life. every chic I've ever dated hated the fact that my graffiti came before them. Getting up is a lifestyle not something I do in my spare time, its all I do and care about. my exis never had anything good to say about my crew as well, cause of the simple fact that were all very close homies. hoes like scumbags they like being around there boyfriends scumbag friends hoping they'll be quick too fuck over there homie for a quick nutt. I have no problem ditching my girlfriends to go paint with my homies. I had a past friend who I use to write with, my slutty ex went behind my back and fucked him and a bunch of his friends, I kicked her to the curb then went over every spot that fool ever had in Detroit and annarbor. years and years of of spots were gone and it felt great

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