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I need the address for cingulars headquarters

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SO I CAN BOMB THE FUCK OUT OF THEM. my fucking phone bill was 266$. i barely even use my fucking phone. i learned that for every call i make i get charged 50 cents a minute.


am i getting ripped off? im on a family plan where we have 700 minutes total. it seems that we run that 700 into the ground after 2 weeks, and then every call we make after taht is 50 cents a pop, this is ludicrous. i have to break a few bills out of my already broke ass so some rich white fuck at cingular can get richer. is there another cell phone provider out there that has a better deal?



fuck this shit. is there a cingular headquarters or office building in the bay area. i have a trunk full of spray cans, a dozen bricks, and some etch bath. im gonna make sure they put my hard earned money into some vandalism repairs. fuck phone companies. burn them all in hell. phone companies are a more serious threat to america than the al queda, taking money from the poor and making these faggots richer.....

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my stupid ass dad is the holder of the plan and he says hes not upgrading



shit is fucked up. i was gonna take some motorcycle license classes, i wanted this dope 200$ drinking table, i want to buy a gun, so basically now i cant buy shit taht i dont need


You 12? get your own plan.

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i think im gonna go attack cingular wireless franchises, but those arent owned by cingular themselves



i am so fucking angry right now, i want to blow the fucking world up. i need to buy alot of shit right now, i need this 200 bucks so bad, and its down the fucking toilet


theres one on first street. parkings a bitch though.

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something similar happened to me but i was roaming. i instantly got on the phone and started complaining about how i didnt know i was roaming and i mentioned i wanted to cancel my service and go with verizon. i asked to talk to a manager and did a total of like a hour with them untill they let it slide "just this time sir".

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Roaming is such bullshit...I only got charged with it one time, but I wanted to kill myself. When I had Sprint and got robbed I went to get a new phone, no problem. So I use it fine for like a month, then I get a fuckin huge bill out of nowhere with roaming charges. I'm like what the fuck and fuck around with the phone, turns out the douchebags had given me a phone with the roaming option turned on "for better service"

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