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i dont see why pkay and tkid would just make this shit up outta the blue, thats what doesnt make sense...and all you fools that have a hard on for seen saying "give me 100% proof" of some shit that happened 25 years ago are just plain dumb. if that shit really did go down thats plain grimey, thats not even being a rat, thats straight sellin out ur friends, a pussy. who cares how good of an artist some1 is if you aint loyal to your boys then dont even fess up to it, unforgiveable. but im a nobody toy so dont mind my view

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La novela..LMAO. Yo Seen..This internet shit is Funny. Duded listen I see How Hyped up you become when anyone fucks with your imiage..LOL so I wont say your a Rat anymore.. But You know as well as I do the truth will prevail and it will all come out in the wash eventually Buddy!!!My advise to you is to come clean and embrace who you really are.(Dont worry I`m sure all those collectors and art people will still buy your work.They don`t know or care about who people really are..shit I might buy something From you.) And for you loyal fans of the FraudFather..Trust me he will let you down just as he`s done with all those countless others he has let down here in NY.JUst ask his ol partner in crime.. As for the day in the tattoo shop when I stepped to you and called you a punk ass toy ratt mofo to your face( By the way I like how your ego tells a story that Comet was going to crack me with a shovel LOL) I told you to your face what I had to say and you ran out of there like I was the allmighty himself and you was satan running from the light of the truth. And Comet got cought up in your beef with me. And look what happens ..he wants to go and fight your battle and go pick up a shovel..lol Well Pal I was there for a while and not you or anyone came at me..infact the guys at TCS wouldnt let me go back there so I could finish what I started with you. But you know what in this day and age its not cool to step to people and handle thing like men. Like I was tought to do by my DAD(R.I.P) No Ritchie No violence no fighting, we are grown Men. I want you to understand that my beef with you is not about you setting me up back then.That shit is old news. My beef with you is that little campaighn you went on bad mouthing me to so many people and trying to get them to deal with me and have them do your dirty work.(PATMF)..lol.. What you did was a punk move and I am serious about wanting an apologie from you. I hope and prey that one day you grow the balls to come and sit with me and talk like Men and let me look into your eyes n and you into mines and clear this whole bullshit nonsence up. I have nothing against you Ritchie..Infact I have nothing against anyone. Since you nor your what? Brother in law? well what ever.Did not reply to my previous post I take it that your hoping this will go away. It wont buddy. Not till we talk face to face just you and me. Now where the mommies Oh by the way if you look at that car I did above the shock tkid cem breakdance car if you look at the dude in the windo over the letter O in the shock piece. I believe that was a young Joe Blow.. Well gotta go Have fun Be blessed will be out there soon.




Someone post that pic...

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