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I've really been more and more interested in getting one. They are actually illegal where I live, here in California. I don't think that will be a problem though.


Does anyone on here have on? I had a girlfriend who had a ferret so I know the basics, but maybe some information that I might not know about.





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I live on a fucking horse ranch. The smell is not an issue.


My ex-gfs ferret was trained to go potty in the litter box and was 7 years old. Which apparently is about the lifespan of them...


Cats are cool, I'm into cats. I just want something a little more fun.

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ferrets live around 6-8 years. prone to hormonal death caused by not reproducing, or tumors. dont feed them cat food, its like slow posion to them. they can fit into any hole the size of a half dollar so make sure your ranch is ferret proof. spend a lot of time with them once you first get them. if you can train them in the beginning youll have less bad experiences of them shitting all over the house. they dont smell if you properly take care of them by bathing them once a month/ every 2 months and clean the litter box out daily. pay attention to behavioral issues when you are getting them. females tend to be sweet, males can be bastards if not hand trained early on. so any little guy that nibbles on you at the shop will bite you once its older. they have alot of energy and need to be let out atleast an hour a day. they will steal everything you own and hide it for the great escape they have planned in the future. i really like them, ive had 7 in the past. they make great pets but if you dont clean them regularly they will get stinky in mating season. but not that bad. very cool especially if you train them to chill in a bag without jumping out. some can take it some just want out.

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ferrets make awsome pets if you get them a nice 2-3 story cage for them to play in.

they're very very sneaky. the first day i got my ferret "fuzz" he went into my purse and took ALL the money out and attempted to hide it. it was the cutest thing ever.


they love to play and get along with other animals. you can even buy a lil ferett harness and take them on walks. their eyesights arent that great though, and they do stink, but you can get them de-gland'ed and buy shampoos that ease the odor. (specially made for feretts)


i believe they are part of the skunk family too and the name ferret means like.... lil theif or something. im saying they are very very mischevious animals but in a playful way. they are great with kids too. my son LOVED fuzz.


fuzz came when i called him and i used to get gay with it and sew him lil outfits. :( yeah i know im gay but it was cute. this was like 2-3 years ago. fuzz followed albert out the door one day to work and i didnt know it. so he ran away, or someone picked him up :(

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