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this should be settled....IN THE OCTAGON!!!!! ::insert deep weathered voice::


truth be told i bit an ouija transcend style for one piece back in 99 i think...fortunately i think i am the only man in possession of a picture of said piece which i will gladly show ouija and ouija only someday.


you got real beef? battle. each do an ILLEGAL battle wall


yo ouija! when we gonna paint again!

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Why the hell is that a bad thing to highlight how clean the shit is. If you cant be infront of a wall your not going to be able to take in all the little details those little close ups are a great thing. I mean this dude is doing you a favor by doing that. I think we have all gone out to pieces and taken time to go up and grill a piece just marvel in the technique/beauty/composition wondered why they did this or that what the thought process was behind designing the shit. He is allowing you to do so via interwebz you should be appreciative. So he is proud of his work its not pigheaded to be proud of something that you have dedicated your life to perfecting. Also alot of times you notice those pictures are done in artistic way as well not just to show straight up detail but to make another composition just out of the flick.



I'll agree to some extent with this, however usually when you see a detail shot someone else is putting it up out of appreciation vs appreciating themselves, and it usually involves fine detail in the piece vs cleanliness, which is something we all should be striving for. Also, to quote from Oui, '...I paint so that people can enjoy my pieces up close in person....."

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its true but why not showcase something you put extra work into making sure its not skipped over. Its like me if I record something and I am personally gonna show it to people I cant help but be like oh shit listen to this part right here what do you think of how i did that. Just because its something I put alot of work into or was a cool interesting idea. I dont think its wrong to do that if your extra proud of something put it on the refridgerator I'll even provide the magnet...



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You're completely misinterpreting why I post the close ups. It's not out of arrogance. I always talk about how I paint for the viewer to see the piece in person, and this is the only way to do it in the world of cyberspace. i do try to make a separate composition out of the shot, too.

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I too am a fan of the close ups, but i can see how posting them could be misinterpreted. I decided to solve the problem by posting close ups i took. Either way lets stop the hate in this thread. Bring some pictures and leave the drama for the PMs.






i unlike Ouija did not plan out the shots, so they aren't great. sorry.

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theres always those cats you idolize and wish you could paint with when you first start writin cus you think thier shit is hott but then you hear em talk and then it fuks the whole deal up. ouija's a fagot


i dunno man, the only time i ever met him he had more beer than paint and had some lady friend with him.



that dosent sound very gay to me.

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It's rather funny to me how people dissmiss something as a bite, when hundreds of writers paint in a certain way. It's called Abstract, not ouija's style. No offense but ouija didnt create it , im sorry take a look around and get the fuck off forums. that would be like me looking at your shit and saying its a bite of everything around...Grow the fuck up honestly....and are you fuckin serious with the fartknocker ? damn


very serious. and are you ashamed because that's you on the roller skates. had a kid down the street from me that roller skated, never did like him much (or many other rollerskaters for that matter) ended up pushing him off the platform of a vert ramp.

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its really funny to me ouija that you think you started that style. theres a whole continent and beyond called EUROPE where atleast 75% of the shit there is that style exactly. open any euro magazine. and it just goes to show how fuckin pig headed you are. its embarrasing.

your shit is hot, no dought, but you still paint under bridges and in tunnels. you aint really doing shit. grow up little boy. theres a whole world out there.


ah..reminds me of the haitian guy i sold my soul to. ah how i love goats.

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