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im just tired of snooty artsy guys applying art rules to graf. it is an art form of the street, and most of us know how the street is........not always wat u think it should be but wat u want it to be. thats wats so fresh about wat were doin. i love everyones creativity. cats do stuff i could never imagine! keep it coming.......

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im just tired of snooty artsy guys applying art rules to graf. it is an art form of the street, and most of us know how the street is........not always wat u think it should be but wat u want it to be. thats wats so fresh about wat were doin. i love everyones creativity. cats do stuff i could never imagine! keep it coming.......


This is what is hilarious about the idea of constructive criticism. Everyone wants it, and then when someone actually offers something up that is constructive and entirely non-douchebaggy, there is always someone who takes it the completely wrong way and says it is snooty and artsy. This has gotta be some of the most absurd shit on here. We all know that graffiti is for the street. Be that as it may, the best artists will still have the best shit, and if taking his advice makes craze's shit look doper than it already is, then he's going to become a better STREET artist because of it. Putting the shadows a different way isn't going to change the fact that he's writing graffiti, or the fact that he's a street artist--it will do one thing, POSSIBLY make the piece look even better. And if I haven't implied it enough, that craze piece is fuckin tight! I just hate it when some good-natured advice actually does make it's way on to here and someone nails for some stupid ass reason. You almost make it seem as though street art must stay below some level of accuracy just because its STREET...no. that's not how it is. watch style wars or somethin buddy, and just watch how many of the big cats give advice not only to the younger kids, but also to each other. don't trip.

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your shadows are inconsistent. you might want to work on that for your next one. they should all be directed as if they share a common light source, which creates them. still burns anything i could do. this is constructive criticism.


sometimes you use lighting that is locally consistent and globally inconsistent to create the effects desired. you are a picky twat. this is a blatant insult.

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This has nothing at all to do with craze's piece, but sometimes I watch the old videos and whatnot and honestly miss the days when kids got crossed out or gone over by the masters not because there was beef, but just because their shit sucked. i can't think of a better way to make someone progress, and progress hard.

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its one thing if they ask or was being shown techniqes* from a more experienced writer, but stuff like that is just corny to bring up. i know u aint talkin ish about it but i see other artist who kill it and have been killin it for decades being told the same thing and its bs. teachin someone how to munipulate colors and can control are the only things i think u can teach people, an ive seen stylewars and met a few of the artists so crawl back under ur mother. "u dodo on everything!" lol

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God technique is good technique.

Some stuff just looks toy. Calling it creative is a bit inaccurate.

Sketchy lines are toy.. unless you paint a style that calls for that, but you will never see a guy painting his first piece with shit lines saying "i meant to do that" or with crooked 3d... like it's in the street so crooked 3d looks dope. The dudes that took art class are actually the ones that helped advance graffiti

and make it progress with innovations such as color theory and lighting. Pick your favorite graff writer and look at his work... 9 out of 10 times it is relatively flawless. I guess he is art art fag.

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all this talk about"being artsy"... those cats taht went to school and learned a thing or two about art, HAS helped graff....in the old days, most of the shit out there WAS toy...aside from the well known subway writers, watch those movies about those days graffiti writing. most of the shit that was up on those trains, sucked. face it, graffiti IS an art, so saying this shit about being artsy is a bad thing, makes you look stupid.

Lets move onto flicks now....

and yeah mad props craze.....

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