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ism .. how long have u been writing


Had the name since 92 or 93, but was mostly tagging locker rooms back then. Didn't really start trying to piece until 98, then went back to school from 01 to 05' and slowed down a lot, then quit from 05 til like december 07, then took on a crazy job for a while teaching in the s.bronx. got fired last december. Started painting seriously again this spring and have never been anywhere near as active as now. Back in CT and taking advantage of lack of transportation budget and lack of viable competition around here, not that I'm really all that competetive. It's been small spurts of being active until now.

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Yo Effin'!!! I see you Lurkin'... I'm holding you personally responsible for this threads slowness. What's good with some of that quality photography???



Haha , i know i need to get out .i feel so far out of it that every things been posted ..usually i got that fresh new isht before the paints even dry ..ill be back on track sooner or later

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...but still, we know you got a motherfucker of an archive, right?

dont tell me that went down with your last hard drive....


I post 99% of the stuff i take since i have been here ,but i keep it all ..theres a few random gems that havent been posted but i have to have a few of my own lol ..ill dig some up when im bored one day ..but the work i have is only limited to certain spots that i know of ,the more i find the more that gets posted .all my old isht is from a few spots as you can see .i wish i knew of more spots when i started



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that irm is sick...


seconded. the above ouija is also gnarly, as well as that ebis bry posted,

and that mesto has got mad flavor and originality. big ups to yard lurkers.




stoled from another thread called burners and style!

if you click view original post, it will take you there.

check it out, theres fucking insane totem piece that

looks like green fire.

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