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first off i need to vent...

after a recent racking trip where i thought i was goning to throw up the whole time, i came home with around 25 cans of the new painters touch. just as i was starting to feel good about it, i realized these things have those fucked up tips that you cant switch out.


anyways, bump the ouija and here's something from today, basically the same outline but with squares..


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first off i need to vent...

after a recent racking trip where i thought i was goning to throw up the whole time, i came home with around 25 cans of the new painters touch. just as i was starting to feel good about it, i realized these things have those fucked up tips that you cant switch out.


anyways, bump the ouija and here's something from today, basically the same outline but with squares..



ahahaha thats a fuckin dick in the ass, gotta pop them tops!

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I'm gonna have to agree with that. I've seen it done a bunch of times. Pretty common shit. No need to call people out on it.


By the way, that is the black and white I was referring to, on the last page. I mean, yeah it kinda sucks, but I'm gonna guess that "Beast" wasn't even in grade school when i did it. Fucking sucks. Anyways, here's what I did at the spot yesterday.




you mind if i start biting?


shit is dope

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i hear you jimboe, there is a way to tell without popping the tops i found. The new ones have a different script, if you put an old painters touch next to them you'll see what i mean. Not all of them have changed, but out here most of them have the new tip.

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Jick is hot shit.


I just gotta vent a minute here. I went to this old, sketchy wall this morning to drop a piece, and I had this black & white running from 1997 there. No one touched it for ten years. It was running strong until this toy mark-ass fool "Beast" decided to piss all over it with some bullshit toy dance n' graff complete with fluorescent green. I don't know if this toy reads this shit, but I've seen your "shit" up in the area. You fucking suck balls and I'm going to diss out your shit every time I see it from now on. You're on some goth kid death metal tag letter structure. Shit is the hard suck. Just quit writing now. I'll piss in your mouth.


alright, man: i understand you're upset. i understand everyone in the game is upset with the lack of respect for the unspoken rules of graff from newcomers. i understand you rock connecticut like a schoolhouse. but i gotta say, cutting in on this kid like that is just uncalled for. you said some really bitter crushing things there that seem real uncharacteristic of what i've heard about you. what im stating here doesnt have to do with graffiti but just how to treat other people. what you said was unfair and unnecessary. i know as a long time contributor to such a hot graff scene that you wouldnt wish to discourage a writer so viscously who obviously doesnt have any influernces in his develpment other than rlax and old school shit.

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its ignorant and it seems everyones always working against each other in competition...like females. why does it not occur to neone that there really isnt a huge population of us gettin down for the same positive reasons without the DRAMA. im sayin even if we all aint painting together, we probably could get alot more done in terms of this being culture if we worked together instead of against each other

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alright, man: i understand you're upset. i understand everyone in the game is upset with the lack of respect for the unspoken rules of graff from newcomers. i understand you rock connecticut like a schoolhouse. but i gotta say, cutting in on this kid like that is just uncalled for. you said some really bitter crushing things there that seem real uncharacteristic of what i've heard about you. what im stating here doesnt have to do with graffiti but just how to treat other people. what you said was unfair and unnecessary. i know as a long time contributor to such a hot graff scene that you wouldnt wish to discourage a writer so viscously who obviously doesnt have any influernces in his develpment other than rlax and old school shit.




there's a diffrence between a writer, attempting to write, and a jagg off juvenile who picks up a spraypaint can just to wreck and vandalize shit.

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there's a diffrence between a writer, attempting to write, and a jagg off juvenile who picks up a spraypaint can just to wreck and vandalize shit.


beast isnt. hes a toy, but not a vandal. hes got pieces at spots around ct and bombs that can be seen from rt 9 in hard hittin. hes got alot to learn, but so does EVERYONE.

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alright, man: i understand you're upset. i understand everyone in the game is upset with the lack of respect for the unspoken rules of graff from newcomers. i understand you rock connecticut like a schoolhouse. but i gotta say, cutting in on this kid like that is just uncalled for. you said some really bitter crushing things there that seem real uncharacteristic of what i've heard about you. what im stating here doesnt have to do with graffiti but just how to treat other people. what you said was unfair and unnecessary. i know as a long time contributor to such a hot graff scene that you wouldnt wish to discourage a writer so viscously who obviously doesnt have any influernces in his develpment other than rlax and old school shit.


OK you obviously didnt read HAL's post clearly.

the kid BASHED something that was running for 10 YEARS.

its not a matter of a black and white on a bridge that gets painted constantly that no one cares about. So dont talk about it so casually.

after a few years a piece (regardless of how many colors,how large, etc) becomes a stepping stone or a personal object if you will.

For some snot nosed punk to come up and disrespect that is a slap in the face to not only the writer but to graff in general.


take a step back and think about what your saying.

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OK you obviously didnt read HAL's post clearly.

the kid BASHED something that was running for 10 YEARS.

its not a matter of a black and white on a bridge that gets painted constantly that no one cares about. So dont talk about it so casually.

after a few years a piece (regardless of how many colors,how large, etc) becomes a stepping stone or a personal object if you will.

For some snot nosed punk to come up and disrespect that is a slap in the face to not only the writer but to graff in general.


take a step back and think about what your saying.


you obviously didnt read my post clearly, hot shot. first off, i stated that his attack was more than graff realated, it had to do with how to treat people. second, as for the matter of the wall, of course credit is due, and of course this cat HAL is heated he had it rockin so long and that this kid was ignorant of who he was bombing over. or maybe he wasnt ignorant. i kno his boy rlax has been on a spree of bombing over other peoples shit, and maybe thats what he was doing, straight disrespecting. but i've seen this kids work and seen that he must have more interest in the graff game than just bombing out shit have no regard for the ever present underground community you'll find in connecticut graffiti. if im mistaken and it was meant as a dis to him, fine. but id hate to see anyone giving a shot at a new hobby and being shot down by a longtime runner who shits all over people who dont kno the rules from the getgo as if they're a given.

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first off i need to vent...

after a recent racking trip where i thought i was goning to throw up the whole time, i came home with around 25 cans of the new painters touch. just as i was starting to feel good about it, i realized these things have those fucked up tips that you cant switch out.


anyways, bump the ouija and here's something from today, basically the same outline but with squares..



go to your local supermarket and start grabbing a bunch of caps, its what people used to do anyway. oven cleaners will give you a nice cap. also I was told that the Montana website has caps for females. or return them and get other paint that way rusto gets the idea. that painter touch paint seems cheaper any way. On another note if you spent a day racking and came home with 25 cans your not doing it right, body racks for paint are dead. keep doing your thing.

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