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Fighting with a chicken head


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I almost feel compelled to come back on here and state a few things.


First off, I never once asked for any advice when I posted this thread (as someone stated). I don’t need the advice of strangers on a graffiti board (most of which are 16-21 years old) on relationships, or anything else for that matter. My intentions in posting the thread were more to make myself and a few people I know on here have a laugh, and looking back it was probably in bad taste for me to have even done that much. I now realize I lowered myself to being just as juvenile as some of you kiddies when I posted this thread.


If I came off like an asshole (as many of you said), good, that was my intention. I did my job if many of you felt that I was being that much of an asshole just by reading the text on the screen. I already know that the person who I intended to convey that to got the point; your responses only reinforce that for me.


Again, I failed to initially state 95% of the back story, thus making those emails look the way many of you interpreted them. At this point, it’s not worth my time to delve deeper into anything pertinent to the back story. It goes far deeper than a tent, or not talking to someone for a month, but again, I’m not going to get into all of that because it’s pointless.


I can assure you I’m far from emo. Selfish? Yes I can admit I am. A Womanizer? Yes, I am that as well, which is why my buddy is no longer talking to me, but again that’s part of that whole back story.


So, you can continue to make statements attacking me, that’s fine, I left myself open to that. I can assure you though I‘m not losing any sleep over the text on my screen from people I’ll never meet, especially people who live their lives on a message board.


Was that girl a pig? Indeed she was, I won’t deny that. In times of need (and when I’m drunk) I’ve been known to resort to lowering my standards. Far be it from me to turn down little rich girls that give me money, head, and cook for me 3-4 nights a week. Your insults about her are only making me laugh, so please keep them coming!


Oh and SHErock, I had to laugh when I saw you called me an “art fag”. I saw your myspace and I’m sorry little miss Midwest hip hop groupie, I’ve been writing since 1989 and I can assure your trendy lil ass that I can run circles around your generic shit any day. I mean it must be easy to be a girl graff groupie. Actually I know cause I’ve had a few like you in my time. How much head do you throw out to your crew, or should I say “homies” for you to get them to give you some outlines and some belton? You’re just as much of a pig as my buddy was, she at least cooked me some good eats, where as you would just grub paint from me.


And for anyone else that has anything to say, have fun…I really don’t care.

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goochman.. why do ya feel the need to explain yourself to anyone on here?


Do what you gotta do, and who gives a fuck what people on a messageboard think.


ps- it's extremely humid outside today. no bueno.

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god get a life.



Today 01:56 PM


i;m trying to find a tent for a camping trip,.


any ideas?



and I need to get a life, riiiiiight!


can't think of anything more witty than that?


yeah, and quit hitting refresh waiting for me to respond.


but just think, in no time your 12 oz. rep will grow and you'll be at double the posts you have now!


good job!!



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if this is yours, which i believe it is...then i stand by my statement. you're a GAY and yes that makes perfect sense. if you've been writing that long, i'd suggest stopping. 17 years is a long time to be painting and still sucking. and please go look at some more 'abstract' art and try to decipher its meaning...





Gay...and that picture you have is on your myspace, which you claim was 3 or 4 years ago. HA HA TEE HEE.

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ummm sheMALE, i said what i needed to say to you. get at me privately if you still feel the need to sweat me. i'm coming out to nevada in august, if you are still in need of my fist in your shitter i'll gladly hook you up. don't worry, your bald boyfriend can watch. so, you don't need to keep crying like the whore you are for attention.


i'm glad that you took the time to find my pics and post them, you obviously have some stalker qualities. hey it's friday, shouldn't you be getting circle jerked on from your "homies", then you can all go and listen to aesop rock, drink 40's and paint with the belton you bought them.


by the way the american flag wall was done right after 9-11. since i live in ny i guess it hit home a little more than it did for posers like you out in the desert.

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give the goocher a break...


the bitch called him out of the blue on some let me borrow a tent type shit..


he set her straight and called her out on her nerve of emailing him..


he said "i dont want contact with you" he didnt catch feelings over her..


Yeah, I don't see what everyone thinks is so emo about that shit.

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