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Should I bring something to protect me?

Blac Korp

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i got attacked by some bums pit bull once under a bridge and hit it witih my can if that helps. like actually more than once ive been approached by like other writers at a spot and like strait held my can up and shit and was like back up fool and they were like who man.


i dont know


a can works. its hard. yyou can hold it in your hand. and hit shit with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
and get blown the fuck up when you lose pressure. you guys dont read or have any common sense do you?


there is no risk using the flame thrower, unless you are holding the flame over 3 seconds, i know because i did it ,just for fun

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Why would someone jump a guy whos jus writin his name on shit..


but yea bring mace maybe cuz if you carry a weapon like a 9mm, thats you gettin into some bigger shit than you would of if you just ran or sprayed him in the face. Think about it.. Its legal to carry it around.. it burns alot.. it buys you time to run.. and possibly take his wallet.. plus you have the great memory of that guy screamin like a pussy on the ground.


That or you could hear your friends call you a pussy, it hurts your feelings, so you take a gun instead then when you whip it out and you start shootin, you run the risk of killling someone and gettin charged for murder. Or you being a terrible shot, missing, and then get one between the eyes.



Your call, buddy

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Dude bring something to protect your self just dosnt matter anymore. I mean most people that cary stuff with them are scared to use it and end up making the situation worse. The ones that arnt scared to use it dont care what happends if they do carry something. Besides living in la I have been shot at manytimes from behind while iam "at work" carrying something wouldnt have helped in those situations. Bottom line just be safe think safe and watch your back. I even drive by spot before to check out the area for good hide spots. getting rolled on by some gangsters or cops sucks when you in the middle of a nice piece.

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I really don't understand this at all.......there isn't really anything to be afraid of unless you are acting like a bitch. I mean no disrespect but if you walking through fast as hell with your head down trying not to make eye contact, that forces them to think you is a bitch. Just walk through if they give you a nod you nod back and most of the fucking time i just get asked "you looking for some" or "i got some if you need it". So i say no there is no use to bring a weapon cause if shit came down to it and there is a group of them you is just better fighting back with your fist and takin the beating (i mean atleast you can hit one in the face haha).


And personally i be more worried about dogs!


Also why did you say "minority filled neighborhood" i mean if you are in the "ghetto or projects" don't you think you need to be alittle worried about every person......dave chappelle said it all, "the white ones is the craziest cause you know they had to do some fucked up shit to prove themselves" lol

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I tag in a minority filled neigborhood that you can say it's kind of ghetto. You can see heaps of people in white tees and wife beaters at mid-night, all grouped together. I've read the Beginning Bible and Spray safe! threads but could find anything if bring a weapon is a good idea. I'm always cautious, I get so nervous that I literally sweat a pound every time I go out bombing with my friends. My friend has a bayonet, but he never brings it! He's afraid that it would make it worse if the popos caught him. My dad has a blackhawk .44 magum but I don't want to mess with it, besides it's heavy.

Anyways, should I bring like a butterfly knife with me or something? Do you bring something to protect you?


um... if you're scared of "minorities" you shouldn't be allowed out of the house.

ignorant jerkoff


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Bring pepper spray. Your friends may call you a pussy, but that shit is very effective against attackers. And you won't get in trouble for it by the cops. And it's cheappepper-sprays.jpg


Fuck a bayonett. You ain't in WWI. Dudes could just throw a brick at your face if they wanted.



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Bring pepper spray. Your friends may call you a pussy, but that shit is very effective against attackers. And you won't get in trouble for it by the cops. And it's cheappepper-sprays.jpg


Fuck a bayonett. You ain't in WWI. Dudes could just throw a brick at your face if they wanted.



the WWI part was hysterical

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I thought if you have a knife that is overall shorter then 6" your not going to get introuble?


I thik it depends on where you at.


But yeah i am fucking confused...if you have a knife, hammer, or gun and there is a "heap of people" what good is any of those weapons gonna do you even if you actually will use it?

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  • 4 weeks later...
bring those little smoke balls that villians use in the old batman cartoons. *POOF* then jet.


This might seem funny, but you can actually cook these up pretty easily. I think it's 2 parts Baking Sugar and 3 parts Potassium Nitrate. Melt it all together in a frying pan on low heat, then pour little globs of it on tin foil, wrap it up into ball shapes, and stick like 4 matches in the top. Someone starts talking shit at you, light one of these behind your back, and toss it down in front of you. It's not an instant *POOF*, but it sure is distracting, and at it's peak, the smoke is thick enough to get down an alley and around a corner without being seen.


Also, learn a martial art. If you're kind of a scrawny kid, take some Budo Taijutsu (ninjutsu, hey, just like ninjas and batman...) It's all about evasian, distraction, and inflicting the most pain with the littlest effort.


I'd just spray someone in the face with my paint though.

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where` can i get "Potassium Nitrate" please some one tell me


You might be able to get it in a pharmacy. I'm not sure if it comes in powder form, or in tablets. If it's tablets, you're going to have to crush it with a pistol and mortar (if you don't have a pistol and mortar, use a rolling pin and a plastic bag) You can get it at most garden centers under the name of peter salts, or salt peters, something like that. It's not 100% pure, but it's supposed to do the trick. The best bet is o just order it online from some chemistry website. It will probably be the most pure, and you can get a lot of it for like, $25-30 I think.


I believe a 1 pound brick of smoke bomb formula can smoke out a whole city block. Just keep in mind that they're fairly useless if it's windy out, but they do show off a fairly big purple/white/green flame and make a fizzing/hissing noise . Don't worry about rain though. I cooked up a couple with a friend, and we took them outside when it was raining heavily and they still lit pretty easily.


An alternative would maybe be the flash-popper thing me and a friend made. Just find a guide to making gun powder. I think it's Charcoal (get pinecones, stick them in a tin box over a fire, they'll turn all black, crush them up into a fine powder), sulfur (available in all garden centers I believe) and something else. Then mix in some potassium nitrate, and pour the mixture into a small ball made of cheap plastic, like a ping pong ball, only fill it to about 3/4 full. get a wick/fuse sticking in the ball somehow. When it goes off the heat should disintegrate the majority of the ping pong ball, and the gun powder flares up and shoots outwards and makes a noise like 'fSSSHHHH-POW!SHHH'. I don't think it's at all dangerous considering my friend was holding it when it went off and he didn't burn his hand or anything.

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You might be able to get it in a pharmacy. I'm not sure if it comes in powder form, or in tablets. If it's tablets, you're going to have to crush it with a pistol and mortar (if you don't have a pistol and mortar, use a rolling pin and a plastic bag) You can get it at most garden centers under the name of peter salts, or salt peters, something like that. It's not 100% pure, but it's supposed to do the trick. The best bet is o just order it online from some chemistry website. It will probably be the most pure, and you can get a lot of it for like, $25-30 I think.


I believe a 1 pound brick of smoke bomb formula can smoke out a whole city block. Just keep in mind that they're fairly useless if it's windy out, but they do show off a fairly big purple/white/green flame and make a fizzing/hissing noise . Don't worry about rain though. I cooked up a couple with a friend, and we took them outside when it was raining heavily and they still lit pretty easily.


An alternative would maybe be the flash-popper thing me and a friend made. Just find a guide to making gun powder. I think it's Charcoal (get pinecones, stick them in a tin box over a fire, they'll turn all black, crush them up into a fine powder), sulfur (available in all garden centers I believe) and something else. Then mix in some potassium nitrate, and pour the mixture into a small ball made of cheap plastic, like a ping pong ball, only fill it to about 3/4 full. get a wick/fuse sticking in the ball somehow. When it goes off the heat should disintegrate the majority of the ping pong ball, and the gun powder flares up and shoots outwards and makes a noise like 'fSSSHHHH-POW!SHHH'. I don't think it's at all dangerous considering my friend was holding it when it went off and he didn't burn his hand or anything.


thanks for info

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