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The "Answer A Question With Another Question" Superthread

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well, it gets a little complex.

see i live out in sunny concord california, and i went to school in berkeley, which is about 45 minutes to an hour away from where i'm stationed. and i usually go out there pretty much all the time because that's where all of my friends are at and that's where the "hap" is usually. but in actuality, NO ONE IS EVER FUCKING DOING ANYTHING AND THEIR LAZY ASSES WILL NOT GET OUT OF THEIR HOUSES TO DO SOMETHING, when i drag my ass all the way out there to hang out with them. and lately for the past two weeks i've been going out there and each day i've ended up wandering around by myself doing absolutely nothing and just wasting my life away, and it was even my birthday a couple of days ago, and surprise surprise, none of my friends wanted to make the effort of coming out to hang out with me. and today i went out again and wandered around and called everyone and my friend alex wasn't too far away from where i was when i called, and he was with a bunch of people, and he said "yeah we're all here at my friend's house but they're about to leave" so i was like "oh what are you about to do then?" and he said "i think i'm gonna go work out" and i was like "HELLO ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED I'VE BEEN DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AND YOU WANNA WORK OUT YOU SHIT HEAD?" so i decided that today was it and i'm not even going to try to hang out with them anymore. and my friends in concord are stupid ass fucks that are hella annoying i won't even get into it. so in recap it's not worth my effort anymore because they never return the favor.


was that too long?


why don't you punch em' all in the face & wake em' up ?

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