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the LOST appreciation thread!


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i heard they're scheduled for another 3 seasons, but that can be complete bullshit..so..


I don't think the show is going to end next week... but something is supposed to happen that radically changes things. I think some sort of rescue crew is going to arrive on the island, for better or worse.

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Okay so I am happily having a snack and watching the last episode...which is then interrupted by American Idol. I haven't watched this show even for like, five minutes for years, so I thought It'd be okay to leave on in the background.


What the FUCK???!! Biggest retard circus I have ever seen.

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how was it interrupted by idol?


Probably because I am in Canada and they like to make everything lame here.


It's not doing that where you are?


They put on the first hour of Lost, then one hour of AI, then the last hour of Lost. Yeah, totally makes sense, I know.

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Jesus McHeadfuck Christ. I seriously have no idea what the hell the next season is gonna be like.


Question though (SPOILERS DIRECTLY AHEAD), if the flashbacks we were seeing were in fact "flashforwards", why did Jack ask that guy at the hospital to go see if his dad was drunker than him???

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Didn't the writers already say that they are not going to take the "alternate reality" route on any of the story lines? I thought that was stated.


I think Jack is just fucked up. He says something like "go upstairs and call my dad" and the doctor gives him a weird look.


That shit with Charlie is shaky. He could have easily ran out of the room and locked the door from the outside, or just ran the fuck out, jumped inside the huge pool, and swam to the boat. That shit was suicide, but Charlie isn't suicidal, he has a family now. I guess his rationale is that if he doesn't follow Desmond's vision, everyone else won't get rescued, so he martyred himself.


The thing with Naomi doesn't make sense to me either. We know she wasn't part of Penny's search team. I'm guessing she's from the Dharma Initiative, and they want the island back. What I don't get is how she had the picture of Desmond and Penny, and why we never saw Desmond question her about it.

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all good questions... honestly i just want to know who is in the casket. i want to know if walt and his dad are going to resurface. i want to know why the dude from the original inhabitants hasnt aged and why the fuck mikhail never seems to die?

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mams walt fucking harry pottered on us for real. haha. well something is definitely up with mikhail because other people die die.. yet he seems to keep wolverine ing on us. maybe thats what makes him a believer....how ben has healed and such.

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so can we assume that jacob and the shitty black cloud are either one in the same.. or.. of the same origin?


jacob seems to hand down commandments.. the cloud seems to give judgements..


are we assuming that the chick with the phone is from some other company or some other part of the dharma initiative.

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