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BITER thread!


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swagger jack


Wow...that's the first time I've seen that Mast piece...pure coincidence. I didn't realise having a similar colour palette to a piece someone else has done is considered biting...the outline was an exchange with someone else as well.

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To my knowledge he doesnt even do those characters anymore, he does some geometric shape stuff these days. No characters at all. in all truthfullness hasnt done "graffiti" itself in like 6 or 7 years. Possibly longer. And his character work I think is best to say was influenced from when he worked for the Japanese artist Murakami. Not taking away from Dalek's work, but the back story of his creations and is interesting.

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on the other hand, writers don't have signature colour schemes, that's just bullshit. i have NEVER seen a colour scheme and thought to myself, ooh that's a very Writer's name colour scheme. bite bite! there aren't enough different colours available for us to change up the colour ways every god damn time we make a piece. also, that colour scheme on the merc and that other guys pieces are pretty standard. i've seen guys from germany, spain, france, MSK and so on use those colours together for years. you guys need to stop hating, and understand that things actually can happen by coincidence, and not by biting. europe and usa are far away from each other, and a lot of writers don't look at pieces on the internet. hell, they don't even look in magazines!

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well, i can post the pics, but it will take some time, as the pieces i have seen are in magazines not available to me now. but i will do it, just to prove that the colour scheme we're talking about has been used many times before.

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i know of several myself. there's atleast one in australia, one in sweden, and one in oslo. and there's probably one in every city from europe to america and all the way over to your neck of the woods. the one in oslo, which i am a member of has been doing their thing since 1994, before internet became the big thing, bombing trains, painting tracksides and highway spots through out the years.


and please tell me why i'm the biter, when there's three other am crews. and state your name.

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i dont think the 3-d thing is a bite, correct me if im wrong.


but of course "someones" going to do something first. is doing fullcars biting someone? what if you can do i tbetter than the last guy?


i think its just curiositiy, maybe to see if you can pull it off, or out-do the one you saw.


not saying im gona run out n do it, but just rambeling a bit.

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