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Suicide Girls.

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I can't get in to this shit. Some of them are hot but then they have too many tattoos and it kinda grosses me out.


I feel you on that. I think a few tattoos on a girl can really be attractive given that they are in the right place and aren't too big (also subject matter is a big factor). Even sleeves can look really cute if they are done right.


But yeah, on a whole it's just too much with too many piercingsa and tattoos all over the place. i mean, can you imagine the day when these girls wake up and it's like "Oh, i'm 43 and I have a tattoo of a dagger piercing a heart above an all seeing eye across my breasts.........fuck"


Seriously, there folks don't give a lot of consideration to the consequences of some of this body modification that looks cool now but won't in about 15 years

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playboy is....

soft porn.


Suicide girls is the same thing, but with less talented photographers, uglier, trashier models (for the most part), and they don't have magazines with articles by celebrated writers, pages dedicated to the latest in playboy gear, and most important - NO FATTIES!

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