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10 hours ago, Blackbookink said:

Dead trains from 2013 when they started pulling the s Sets off the system




Wasn't this just the fucking best?


I went down there taking pics for my zine and literally spent a hour taking join ups and just generally being blown away.

it was like a graff jam on steel.


took pics until my battery went dead then started to run back with my iphone to take more and that's when I noticed the kids fucking around had disappeared and security was coming so skedaddled.


 dont jhave time to dig out files but here' some pics of the zine!










 went back a few months later

- drove out from Bondi 1 hour even at 6AM,

- spent ages trying to get in because the holes were all fixed and I'm too fat to scale the fence.

- ended up digging under and went in around the bend.

- had to climb over rows of freight cars

- ran to the fence

- pulled out camera

- looked to the left and big Indian Seccy with bright blue  turban is running full speed at me yelling to fuck off

- bolted up the hill to the entry point I couldn't see from street.

drove home


3 hours roughly for one pic.

10 hours ago, Blackbookink said:

"While The City Sleeps" I think it was Kade but need to confirm.


Though I know he did rattler "Crime in the city" in 1988

 think jewel and never but that's based on hype magazine captions 



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got it from here or bombingscience forums years ago



Been leeching this forum for yonks Saw this thread and had to post! Awesome thread te22a, those pics sure bring back some fond memories.

I have been lucky to know Jelous and be good mates with him over the years and although I no longer see him much we still talk on email every now and then. I've also been lucky to have painted with him on numerous occasions - both legal and illegal. I must tell him about this thread, he'll think it's hilarious.

He was a really cool, quiet kind of guy but occasionally he'd just do random crazy shit. Some Brisbane toys (we all know who) started accusing him of being a legal whore - but he did no more amount of legals then the rest of us, and the funny thing is, the person who made those claims is now the biggest legal slut in Brisbane.

Here's a coupla stories for the board. Enjoy 😉


This one time there was some of us (WAR, BWP, KOC) boys drinking at the Shamrock one night - Jelous went to the dunny- he came back out and told us that there was some old drunk dude passed out on the dunny floor. So he did the right thing and told the staff about him, when the bouncers carried him out of the toilets we all started pissing ourselves as there was a giant Jelos tag accross his forehead.

Another time there was about 20 of us dudes from both THC and KOC plus Brat, Jury and Jelos - We all just did a paint break and had bags and bags of paint - so we all drove in 3 cars to an (unnamed inner city) yard 😄 Jelos and the War boys had their eye on a train that was further away from the lay up and in a darker spot - everybody else proceeded into the main lay up and started rocking panelz

Unfortunately after an hour or so some bogans started throwing bricks at train windows in another part of the yard - which alerted rail dogs and QR work bums - so we are basically minutes from completing a window down "We Always Rock" and "The Hunted Childs" 2 car whole car and we all get chased by transits in 2 4x4's. Everyone scatters. Jury ends up jumping in a creek and swimming upstream for half a mile. Myself Jelos and Brat and hiding in mangrove bushes for nearly an hour with mud up to our waists. Jelos lost both his shoes so he had to run in muddy socks once we split.


We eventually made it up and away from the yards, and we could now see sirens flashing and torch lights in the distance, amazingly no one got caught in the yard that night. Anyway the three of us were running up the road and we saw a cab so we hailed it. Now I was the only dude with any cash between us and it was probably only enough to get one of us back to Brat's flat - so the quick plan was to jump the cab. Jelos vouched to sit in the front seat while me and Brat sat in the back, the cabbie was a little Indian dude so we figured 3 against one wasn't going to be much of a problem. We told the cabbie that we all got rolled by a gang of abbo's and needed to get home - he agreed to take us. Jelous wouldn't shut up about all the paint we had to ditch and he was even more pissed because he lost a mad pair of Nike's 😄

Anyway to cut a long story short we eventually jump the cab and cut accross a paddock, both myself and Brat are stoked we made it but then we realised Jelous was still in the cab punching on with the cabbie. The crazy Indian floored the cab and all we could see Jelous's body half hanging out the front door of the cab while the cabbie floored it. He also had a hold of his shirt and the cab eventually got too fast for him to bail while moving so they drove off.


The next day he told us the cabbie radioed ahead at a service station and his plan was to belt the cabbie and run off but when they pulled in there were like 6 cabbies all waiting to hold him until the cops arrived. Poor cunt, the night was a disaster for Jelous, but he often looks back on that and we have a laugh. He said the Indian cabbie was a hard cunt too, because Jelos even ripped his turban off his head (the most disrespectful thing you can do to a sect) yet the guy would not let go, no matter how many times he got hit. All over a $20 cab fare.

Dope thread - thanks



End to end Central yards, Sydney- Thorn, Taven, Rush, Exit, Jelos - RBS, WAR, KOC - 1992.jpg

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On 5/15/2021 at 2:05 PM, Schnitzel said:

haha yeah i hated that always made me angry .. same with millers when the fkn paint was constantly peeling off before they relocated the wall to the other spot on the oval eh ....

That missing brick on this little wall annoys me.


 biut nice to see some allambie heights up in here!




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