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The I Think


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I used to be here all of the time....haven't really posted shit here in the last few years....but maybe I'm coming around again......I'm not addicted to this board anymore....RIP 12oz Grandpas,Nightowls.....it doesn't look like that shit exists here anymore.

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I think I'm getting addicted to getting drunk and angry with people on Friday nights.


This week I almost got into a fight at a bar because some dude thought I was trying to cut infront of him. His girlfriend stepped in. He apoligised and I felt her up by accident. Then I got pissed off with some kid called "Lionel" because he was acting all punk rock with a really dorky sounding name. (and because he was being rude to a bouncer who helped my friend earlier that night after he had to fight five people by himself). Seriously its pretty dam silly. I'm well aware.


My space is also sucking me in. I find myself just going through friends of friends of friends's profiles for the sake of it. Last friday I actually bumped into some people who I don't directly know. But I checked out their myspace's. It was like two worlds colliding.

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Guest Melburnian
Originally posted by SilentBob@Mar 18 2006, 02:02 PM

I think I'm getting addicted to getting drunk and angry with people on Friday nights.





I can relate to this. I'M THE JUGGERNAUGHT BITCH!

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