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so i'm sitting at my friends house right now on my laptop. She has dsl, which seems to be on the complete fritz for me... I mean I was losing 90% ish of the packets earlier today that I was sending out... shit will lag like hell.. then drop me... literally can't load a thing on the web... not even a simple text site... then bam its back and lagging quite a bit... so I dug through my computer in the 4 fucking hours I couldn't get shit running and didn't find anything to tip me off to why its acting like this...

shai is telling me to throw my laptop out the fucking window...

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Guest shai_hulud
okay, so i have all my albums on my computer in one big folder on my storage drive titled MUSIC.


is there a way to get a listing of all the folders in the MUSIC section so i can send it to my friend to choose from? or would i have to manually type all of them in?


You could c&p all the titles into a textfile. Also, there's a way to do this in Unix...you can cat the folder all your music is in.

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he's just wanting to get a bunch of music from me to put onto his zune.


i've got all my music on my harddrive and i'm just going to rip it onto his zune, but he has to decide what he wants first. i dont have it categorized in itunes or anything, i just use winamp to play individual albums and playlists.


in the mean time, i just took screenshots of the folders so that'll have to tide him over for now, but is there a way to get a listing in like a text file of the contents of a folder?

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Select all folders you want, (CTRL+A) then right click

Select=Send To

Select=Mail recipient


then it will list all your folders, copy and paste that shit... youre set.. btw mine only went up to

the M folders, so you might want to check if all the folders are listed, if not just do the folders that are missing..



I think i need more music..


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I just finished watching the mist... watched I am legend earlier... I am legends ending fucking sucks... the Mists ending was interesting... not sure if its better then the books or not... but overall it was actually a fucking good movie....

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Ok so I have a comp question pertaining to mac, and to ipod purchases. On my Ipod I have music and videos and movies bought on another (ex girlfriend) computer. I have senuti and can rip songs and otherwise from my ipod, but not the purchased ones because of some lock that apple has on purchased music.

Is there any way to get that data off of my ipod and onto my computer, props to whoever helps me with this shit.

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Guest shai_hulud

Del, try searching "sandvine+comcast" in this thread and read up on anything after that.


Basically, you need to get down with OpenDNS and find the post where I explained configuring IPFW with a script that was in red text.


Actually, once casek told me about Sandvine I researched the hell out of it, then got mad enough to do something about it.


Check it out.

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Guest shai_hulud

And to Seph- we can use any and all help around here. We're not choosy or proud.


You seem like you know what you're talking about, so welcome aboard the leaky ship S.S. 12oz. Tech Support.


Seffiks, does this mean I can stop trying to remember how to fix Windows stuff now? Because I really want to get back to just thinking in terms of *nix.

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