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My laptop keyboard is still fucked up. I tried to use a usb keyboard to just bypass the problem for now, But one of the keys must be stuck down now that the liquid has dried. I have a password to log into my user/profile/whatever the hell it is on windows. Therefore, this stuck key keeps filling up the password entry area, so I can't type in my actual password to access anythig. Anyone have any suggestions about how to turn off the laptop keyboard or anything?

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ok remove the battery shit remove the faceplate ( most new keyboards have a rubber membrane in them ( depending on what you spilled ) pop/coffee they have acid in them which will eat through metal overtime and kill t the computer, so anyway for the fix just pull the keyboard off and clean it with Isopropyl alcohol or in other words rubbing alcohol everywhere you see the liquid or where it is sticky let it dry for 24 hours and put everything back together

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Guest shai_hulud

If you wait till the last minute, the prices will be considerably lower.


On the down side, everything will have been picked over and you may not get the item you want.

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i just installed avast 4 pro<3


i used the norton removal tool to get it off my comp

now do i need to uninstall that tool or just delete the desktop shortcut?


also can anyone hook it up with a link for a good free antivirus prog for when my 60 day trial of avast runs out?


or, can i just get it over and over every 60 days?

would i need to spoof my ip?


thanks in advance

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