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Guest shai_hulud
Thanks for the advice.

I stopped backing up stuff, as my dvd burner was taking 1.5hrs to burn a 4gb dvd.

Ridiculous amount of time it is, but anyway I can check if it is operating properly?


If it's possible, I would go out and buy a cheap USB external HD. I know, I know...I'm broke too...but, they're cheap and useful. You won't regret it.


I think you're somewhere in Australia, if I remember correctly. I have no idea what something like that would go for, but backing up data to DVD is a pain in the ass. I would only do it if I had to.


Look for a smalller freeware DVD burner or a demo out there. Nero sucks, it's never worked right for me and I couldn't imagine having to use it for backups. It sounds frustrating.


Also, try closing any apps you don't need right now just to get things moving along a bit better.

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Guest shai_hulud

God, I'm fucking retarded. I actually had a question and forgot to post it.


I got Slackintosh 12.0 to work. Still no X11. Definitely a ATI driver issue. So, I'm putting that asdie for now.


Moving right along...I acquired a copy of Leopard Server today.


The install went fine. Set up the hostname, and it asked for a password. Typed it in, went through all the other config junk, blahx3.


Restarted...and I can't log in with the PW I double confirmed. I tried to use the install disk to reset it, and there's not much I can do beyond change the local admin PW or the root PW (and I want to leave the root folder alone).


What gives? Has anyone installed Leopard yet? Had a similar problem? It looks sick, and it has a lot of Unix features I used in Linux, but missed in OSX. Hopefully, I'll get to use it soon.

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mauler are you sure its not in PIO mode¿ PIO mode is very slow and sometimes a DVD burner sets itself to that if there are errors (it should be in DMA mode) To change it

right click my computer,


click the hardware tab,

then device manager.

then expand IDE/ATA.

I don't know yer setup of yer drives but in my case I have my cd/dvd drives on the secondary IDE channel so I would right click that, properties, advanced settings and change PIO if its there to DMA if available. If you dont see PIO check the others and switch them. Restart and try again.

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damn make me break out the book



its short for Programmed Input/Output, the oldest method of transferring data over the IDE/ATA interface is through the use of programmed I/O. this is a technique whereby the system CPU and support hardware directly control the transfer of data between the system and the hard disk. There are several different speeds of programmed I/O, which are of course called programmed I/O modes, or more commonly, PIO modes.

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Guest shai_hulud

But since IDE/ATA is the de facto standard...yeah, I get the idea.


Hmmmm...I never saw this before. Learn something new every day.


You know anything about Leopard, Mainter? I really don't want to reinstall 10.5 Server again.

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Guest shai_hulud

It looks nice. You know I'm not a Mac fan..but, it's got a couple Unix features OSX needed. Multiple desktops, disk imaging, virtual machines...well, no VMs on PPC, but they're getting there.


Oh, and Boot Camp. I'll bet you're gonna start getting some Mac users as clients now, Mainter.


Are you still doing tech support, or have you moved on to something else?

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Guest shai_hulud

Netstumbler finds wifi in the area. Netcrumbler does something else. I won't say what, but you could probably guess.


There's also Aircrack and Airsnort. These need to be run in Cygwin to work with XP.


Also, look into Wireshark for Linux. That's the secret weapon. It's a fairly comprehensive network analyzer.


Just Google any of these. There's a good forum for this stuff on the Netcrumbler site.

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Guest shai_hulud
still doing it pretty much) doing cooperate contract jobs as of late setting up win servers and clients little networking


Server/client? Are you working with any betas or RCs for Server 2008?

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Yeah I know lots of linux tools, but in windows I am lacking... thanks for the plug I will check those... and I would do a linux install on this laptop but I don't think my hard drive would handle it... since about 3/4's of the time I turn the computer on I have to turn it off and hit where the hard drive is to get it to register the hard drive... and it has started making really funny noises at me, instead of the regular funny I am hate you and am about to delete all of your information noises that it usually makes...

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Guest shai_hulud

That laptop I mentioned has a perfectly good HD in it.


If you know how to do this kind of stuff in Linux, then I wouldn't bother with XP. As long as you have a distro with working wifi drivers, it's really easy to do wardriving/network captures with Linux.


Try using Damn Small Linux. It has the wifitools package. All you need then is Wireshark, and you're in there.

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mauler are you sure its not in PIO mode¿ PIO mode is very slow and sometimes a DVD burner sets itself to that if there are errors (it should be in DMA mode) To change it

right click my computer,


click the hardware tab,

then device manager.

then expand IDE/ATA.

I don't know yer setup of yer drives but in my case I have my cd/dvd drives on the secondary IDE channel so I would right click that, properties, advanced settings and change PIO if its there to DMA if available. If you dont see PIO check the others and switch them. Restart and try again.

OK thanks seffiks.

It seems that the only one that shows anything is the final (3rd one down) secondary IDE channel, and it is the one that is set to PIO (the others say Current tranfer mode- Not applicable) It says DMA if available as the setting, yet I can't seem to switch it from PIO.


Am I needing to update (or rollback) my driver for this? There are options but I don't know what to do next. I think this is my problem, and I bet it is due to shitty Windows updates (or Java updates).


If I can do this I will backup to DVD then wipe my computer clean.

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Guest shai_hulud

I'm slacking on the Leopard project. It's just not that pressing to me right now. And, that's fine.


I do need a favor/lead. Can anyone hook me up with a shell account on a private Unix server? All I need it for is mail, no hosting or anything like that. Therefore, my storage needs are pretty small (<100 MB).


I'm still going to use the Gmail address I have, but I'm tired of getting spammed like crazy and a couple people have my address that I'd rather not deal with.


I have a SDF account, but every time I'm logged in for longer than three minutes the memory buffer fills up and I get kicked.


Anything would be appreciated.

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Guest shai_hulud

Thanks, Mainter.


I have five gmail accounts. I like shell accounts because then A) the spam filter is a human being and not a script, and B) I like using text-based chat, and it's easier for me to ssh into a server with bsflite than to install it. AND, I can just use PuTTY on a USB key when I'm on a Windows box to shell in.


SDF seems to have a memory buffer problem now when I use bsflite. My session usually only lasts about two minutes before I get dropped.

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how do people get so much spam ( just watch what the hell you give yer email to ( and sense you have 5 different gmail accounts how come you got them all full of spam ( separate them)

1. SPAM/Website Registration

2. Friends/Family

3. Internet Friends

4. Work/Business

5. Other



the other reasons i understand ( thats mainframe state of mind ) alot of people still enjoy that its faster/less overhead/ and you do not like change hahaha

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