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burn the ISO using an ISO burner program you have been around long enough to know what i am talking about set the bios to boot from cd restart and let it do its thing ( it will take some time for it to load into erd commander


you will see the windows splash screen for awhile and it will start moving after 5 minutes

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اليوم اقدم لكم اسطوانة من افضل اسطوانات الصيانةوهي اسطوانة

vيها كل ما تحتاجة لصيانة الجهاز بكل مشتمالته

فهي تحتوي علي اكبر تجميعة برامج تعمل من علي الدوس

وهي اسطوانة بوتابل ذات جرافيك و وجهة تشغيل جميلة

والاسطوانة تحتوي علي

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my computers fucking up... and i really need to get some data off it before i swipe it...


it just keeps retarting itself, ask if you want to start in safe mode, but it still doesnt work, just an endless reboot cycle...


how can i fix it???


sounds like the power supply is taking a shit



do you hear any beeps


and have you forced it to boot to safemode by pressing the f8 key select only safemode ( if that fails get another computer to but the drive in if its the drive that is having problems get ERD commander to boot the drive with and get the data off


hmmmm, i think it did beep once or twice, basically i turn it on, it shows like what the computer is made of... and then instead of loading the windows screen, it goes to that screen that says start with something, start with this, start in safe mode, or start normally...


and no matter which one you choose, it just starts back up again (like you just turned it on)


whats weird is that, everything was going fine, had been on the computer all day, went to restart it... and then it started happening...


i was thinking it might be a virus.............


but it also could be the power supply fucking up to i guess, my computer only has one hard drive, and it's like super maxed out


but you think it might just be the power supply eh????



ok its either bad memory like casek said/ power supply like i said or a simple virus which you said, umm while thinking about it go into the BIOS and you will see a setting that says restart computer after fatal error (BSOD) blue screen uncheck that ( you want the blue screen to come up this will give you an error code please report with the code that will give you the answer ( and about the beeps you should atleast hear 1 beep this is the OK beep any other then that is a hardware problem including bad memory/harddrive/powersupply


if it makes it to the welcome screen you got a virus or a worm most common is the sasser worm

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so heres the deal i got a new laptop last week i got the vaio cr as soon as i got it i reinstalled windows to get all the extra bloatware out i never started norton 360 so i dont have the activation code that i paid 69 dollars for for 2 years. norton is pre installed. i called sony they told me to call norton i called norton they said call sony. so if anyone has a key they dont mind me using or know where i can get one it would be appreciated

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so heres the deal i got a new laptop last week i got the vaio cr as soon as i got it i reinstalled windows to get all the extra bloatware out i never started norton 360 so i dont have the activation code that i paid 69 dollars for for 2 years. norton is pre installed. i called sony they told me to call norton i called norton they said call sony. so if anyone has a key they dont mind me using or know where i can get one it would be appreciated



uninstall norton. go avg free edition. less of a resource hog. also, peerguardian, a-squared free edition, spyware blaster, spybot, and comodo firewall.


some more fun stuff: quicktime alternative, realplayer alternative, ffdshow, xvid codec,

and bluetack.co.uk for more blocklists for peerguardian.


run spyware scans once or twice a week, schedule avg to scan for virii at some time when your computer will be on and you won't be using it.

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so heres the deal i got a new laptop last week i got the vaio cr as soon as i got it i reinstalled windows to get all the extra bloatware out i never started norton 360 so i dont have the activation code that i paid 69 dollars for for 2 years. norton is pre installed. i called sony they told me to call norton i called norton they said call sony. so if anyone has a key they dont mind me using or know where i can get one it would be appreciated




a waste get yer money back ( fuck norton it will cause you more problems than solutions its also spyware so uninstall the whole damn thing



this is what you need on yer computer to stay protected


avast antivirus http://www.avast.com/eng/avast_4_professional.html ( send the key later)


windows defender ( included with windows updates)

IE7.0 latest version (do not use) but keep it updated

Firefox 2.0.8 http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/

>with firefox you will need some add-ons for protection

>>these are





and you will also need these plugins on yer computer they include


adobe reader http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html

adobe flash player[url=http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html][/url] http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&promoid=BIOW

java http://java.com/en/

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a waste get yer money back ( fuck norton it will cause you more problems than solutions its also spyware so uninstall the whole damn thing



this is what you need on yer computer to stay protected


avast antivirus http://www.avast.com/eng/avast_4_professional.html ( send the key later)


windows defender ( included with windows updates)

IE7.0 latest version (do not use) but keep it updated

Firefox 2.0.8 http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/

>with firefox you will need some add-ons for protection

>>these are





and you will also need these plugins on yer computer they include


adobe reader http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html

adobe flash player http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&promoid=BIOW

java http://java.com/en/




avast is better then avg despite what casek says


you do not need all the spyware blaster and spybot crap a waste of space all you need s windows defender it does realtime scanning and it also runs a full scan every night at 2 am ( you can change the time if you want to in the settings) all automatic

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how to clean a laptop/notebook/lcd monitor



1. Dilute isopropyl alcohol (not rubbing alcohol, as it may contain oil) into a solution of no greater than 50% alcohol and 50% with distilled water / deionised water. Purified / bottled water works well too.


2. Put the solution in a small atomiser bottle, the type that you push from the top to get a fine mist. It works really well at getting just the right amount on yer screen with a spray on each quadrant.


3. Apply the solution to a cotton cloth, such as an old T-shirt, lint-free microfiber cloth, or other very soft cloth. A large cloth is best, since it will help to reduce the risk of leaving streaks across the screen from finger pressure.


4. Wipe the cloth against the screen in a counter-clockwise, or other consistent motion. Apply an even pressure to the cloth but take care not to press yer fingers into the cloth or screen.

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* Expensive store-bought products contain the same mixture of alcohol and water. Others include Ethylene Glycol. You really do not need all these additions, which may be harmful to yer health and that of the environment.


* If you apply too much of the solution and it is drippy or too damp, wipe it off with a soft cloth and apply less.


* Tissues will likely leave flakes of paper on yer monitor. It's better to not even try using them.


* You don't want mineral spots on yer screen, so don't use tap water.


* Using a 100% cotton cloth or shirt alone, without the alcohol mix, can sometimes produce the same smudge-free results without going to the trouble of mixing yer own solution.


* If you're a photographer, you can use yer lint-free lens wipes instead of a soft cotton cloth.


* If you are looking for a cheap way to get yer hands on ready-made cleaning solution, try CD/DVD cleaner, which is often 55% Isopropyl alcohol and is not harmful to most plastic surfaces.


* Lint free cotton cloth will work best.


* If you are the owner of a lacquered instrument you can use a dry polishing cloth. You have to use a bit more force with dried on spots, but with smudges it works just fine.


* If you have lens cleaner for eyeglasses, check the back to see if it contains "Isopropanal" as it should work just as well, and may already come in the proper spray bottle.

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# Do not use cheap paper towels. You will scratch the LCD screen.

# Avoid using products such as Windex because these contain ammonia and it can degrade the LCD panel.

# Shut down yer laptop, unplug it from the power adapter, and remove the battery before cleaning it or you risk damaging the laptop.

# If in doubt, test a small area of screen first.

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is there a way i can update an ipod without having it delete all music already on it?

back story:


the hard drive i filled my ipod with blew up and is no longer working so I can't use it any more.


if i go to the new computer i'll lose about 60 albums of my ex's that i don't want to lose.


I can replace my music easy but her music is going to be alittle tricky and i don't have the funds to buy all the albums again.


any suggestions? or am i just going to have to bite bullet and get back with her for a few weeks

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thanks alot casek and seffiks helps alot. i have vista which peer guardian and comodo dont work for. your thoughts on vista i have heard of lots of people down grading to xp but im not all hip to all of this





both peer and comodo run on vista


before installing peer guardian disable UAC and windows defender after installed and runnig enable windows defender





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to disable UAC go to the start menu and in the search area right under all programs type cmd and enter


the command box will come up


copy/paste this


C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

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