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So I am allowing my room mates to use my computer when I am gone.


I have an iMac, I created a master account for myself and a guest for them.


I have a password protected screensaver that I put up when I am downloading and leave the house.


My problem is that they are simply pressing the power button on back of the computer to reboot it to get to their guest account.


Is there any way to disable the power button while the computer is password locked?

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So I am allowing my room mates to use my computer when I am gone.


I have an iMac, I created a master account for myself and a guest for them.


I have a password protected screensaver that I put up when I am downloading and leave the house.


My problem is that they are simply pressing the power button on back of the computer to reboot it to get to their guest account.


Is there any way to disable the power button while the computer is password locked?



in windows there is a feature on the properties menu that allows you to configure the power button to either turn off or not function.


don't know if macs have the same feature.


put the smack down on their asses.

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just a thought that came up... what will stop them from just unplugging the whole thing when the power button trick won't work?

a lock like at university computer labs. or a one time "you fucking touch that shit and i'll shoot you both" gun waving. knives work, too.

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While turning the computer off to get around the password is 100 percent annoying and intrusive,


I would hope that they would get the clue and not all out unplug the fucking computer.


I hate room mates.


buy a lock for it.

just go tot compusa and ask them about locking mechanisms

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So I am allowing my room mates to use my computer when I am gone.


I have an iMac, I created a master account for myself and a guest for them.


I have a password protected screensaver that I put up when I am downloading and leave the house.


My problem is that they are simply pressing the power button on back of the computer to reboot it to get to their guest account.


Is there any way to disable the power button while the computer is password locked?






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get quicksilver


create a little apple script like:


tell application “ScreenSaverEngine”


end tell


1) Save that in an applescript somewhere.

2) Then open the Quicksilver preferences and go to Triggers.

3) Add a new trigger by clicking on the plus Icon

4) Type in the name of your script and select it (you might need to rerun your indexing for quicksilver so it gets the script)

5) You can now add any keyboard shortcut you like.


(Taken from the comments in http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20050706194219822)

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Computer crash course for PC/Windows Users


ok i am going to make a little thing on what you need on yer computer (its time for spring cleaning, meaning time to clean the computer/reinstall the operating system


on the reinstall if you do not have a legit version use these



use one or the other the list one is a patch that goes in the registry the second one is a patch for the computer BIOS which turns it into a OEM version of windows


Make Your Copy of Windows 100% Genuine in 2 Seconds.rar



Windows XP BIOS Activator.rar


these both let you be legit and download all windows extras like windows defender/windows mediaplayer 11 IE 7.0 and other also including passing the genuine key crap


(use at yer own risk) its better to go buy a legit key from microsoft




now onto the system


go download all the windows updates/including windows service pack 2


and now we start on the software you need to add to the computer to keep it safe and clean (all free)


all links are up to date as of today 5/8/2007


first off you will need Firefox Web Browser (there are others out there that are great like opera and others but casek and I recommend firefox



you will need a firewall windows firewall sucks all it has more holes in then swiss cheese


go and download the top rated firewall Comodo Firewall


now onto the antivirus program/ go with Avast Antivirus and works well and really easy to use plenty of options



for the adware/spyware/malware and anyother type of crapware thats out there use the Windows Defender


if you can't get the patches i provided above to work then you will not be able to get the extras so you should get a third party tool like Spyware Blaster it is a good anticrap tool



ok that was the security part of the post


now on to the must have plugins so the computer works without a hitch no need to explain them just download and install them


Acrobat Reader


Media Codecs


Adobe Flash Player




Quicktime Alternative


Realplayer Alternative


Adobe Shockwave


now to the firefox add-ons


these are things that will help you while browsing and make it easier


first off

Adblock Pro

Ever been annoyed by all those ads and banners on the internet that often take longer to download than everything else on the page? Install Adblock Plus now and get rid of them.


Adblock Filterlist Updater

This is a companion extension to Adblock or Adblock Plus and should be used in conjunction with it. This extension automatically downloads the latest version of Filterset.G every 4-7 days. Filterset.G is an excellent set of filters maintained by G...


IE Tab

Some websites are just to old and have to changed the web code to support firefox or they are just to stupid to do so well with this tool you just press the the IE Tab and it will create an IE session inside the firefox browser so you will be able to view the webpage without leaving firefox.



Performance and network tweaks for Firefox.. only use this if youi have a slow connection/because it does break websites its puts to much load on the web servers and makes them crash so if you have decent speed to the internet dont waste the time downloading it .


Megaupload SX3.2for those who download things from megaupload use this addon which will allow you to download more then the limit they allow you


Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin

Play WMP videos inside the firefox browser



Download videos from Youtube, Google, Metacafe, iFilm, Dailymotion, Pornotube... and other 60+ video sites ! And all embedded objects on a webpage (movies, mp3s, flash, quicktime, etc) ! Directly ...


there are plenty others you can try for yerself


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LOS ANGELES - New technology designed to thwart DVD theft makes discs unplayable until they're activated at the cash register.A chip smaller than the head of a pin is placed onto a DVD along with a thin coating that blocks a DVD player from reading critical information on the disc. At the register, the chip is activated and sends an electrical pulse through the coating, turning it clear and making the disc playable.

The radio frequency identification chip is made by NXP Semiconductors, based in the Netherlands, and the Radio Frequency Activation technology comes from Kestrel Wireless Inc., based in Emeryville.



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I got comodo from filehippo. I have it installed, but now when I click the X of my utorrent it doesn't go to the toolbar like it used to (whereas the Windows messenger icon does) I am pretty sure it is still running though, as in Comodo it says it is. Just curious that is all.

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I got comodo from filehippo. I have it installed, but now when I click the X of my utorrent it doesn't go to the toolbar like it used to (whereas the Windows messenger icon does) I am pretty sure it is still running though, as in Comodo it says it is. Just curious that is all.


it's an option in utorrent. you can have x close or minimize.

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A mini tuttorial of how to open ports for bittorent and similar p2p programs

Go at the "Network Monitor" panel and add the following rule


Rule for TCP/UDP protocol


Action = Allow

Protocol = TCP or UDP

Direction = In

Source IP = Any

Remote IP = your IP adress (or "Any" )

Source port = Any

Remote port = the port your bittorent program uses for the TCP/UDP connections



You must move the rules up, over the default rule "Block IP in". ( CPF "reads/applicates" the rules from the top to the bottom)


ps. Remember that for CPF "Source IP" is the adress of the computer which sends the data and "Remote IP" is the computer that receives them. When your computer sends data is consindered Source, when receives them is consindered Remote.

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here i will lay out this way i am working off of vista now and comodo does not work with it so i am doing this from memory


You have to set up a network rule for apps like uTorrent. Network monitor works like a router, so you have to forward ports in there.

First you need to set up uTorrent to NOT use random port and also disable UPnP. Write in your port 63115 and click ok. Close uTorrent.

Go to network monitor and right click the top rule and add/add before.

Now make a rule like this.

Action : Allow

Protocol : TCP or UDP

Direction : In

Source IP : Any

Destination IP : Any

Source Port : Any

Destination Port : A single port : 63115


move this rule to the top of the list


Click ok.

Restart the firewall.

Open it again and open uTorrent and it should work.


i think destination is now called remote

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well gaim upgraded


use this program now Pidgin


Pidgin is a multi-protocol Instant Messaging client that allows you to use all of your IM accounts at once.


Pidgin can work with:



* Bonjour

* Gadu-Gadu

* Google Talk

* Groupwise




* QQ



* Sametime


* Yahoo!

* Zephyr


We've got a new name, a new look, and a ton of new features, but we're still the same old instant messaging client you know and love. We've changed our name as part of a trademark settlement with AOL, and have finally released our long-awaited version 2.0.0



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