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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


hey mainter... i have a few old hd's and soem old ram chips that im not doin anything with if you are interested.... i can ship stuff to you from my work cuz i have a daily ups pick up so dont worry bout postage but maybe a little trade or something music or apps or help gettin my website setup

sounds good i will PM my info to you

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


How do I make Azureus get a better connection? I read the help and it says a about finding ports. What are good ports to listen on? Is it maybe that I am using Norton Firewall? Help a brotha out.

so sneak you get that issue cleaned up?

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Yousendit Hacks


Disable the Yousendit 25 downloads limit

When a file is uploaded to yousendit, it displays a link to your file when the upload process is complete. The link generally looks like the one below:




Append http://anonym.to/? to the above yousendit link, the new URL should now look like:




Load the URL in your browser and download should begin. This trick will not byepass the seven day limit


Unlimited downloads from Yousendit


The YouSendIt link looks like the one below:



See the letter "d" after "yousendit.com/" ? Change that letter "d" to an "e" and the link will never die. The d.aspx has the counter on. if it finds there has been more than 25 hits then it refers the user to expired.aspx otherwise it refers you to e.aspx. e.aspx has the download link and does not add any more hits. the link may stay for longer but will not eliminate the 7 day period.


YouSendit Download Manager

You can use most download managers when downloading files from YouSendIt. You can use YSIGet Download Manager. If the download stops before completion, you need to resume a stopped download - click on the original YouSendIt download link to re-open the browser window.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


All features in Mozilla Firefox browser are accessible through the use of the keyboard. You can use shortcut keys to view and save Web pages, search the web, open new webpages, work with bookmarks, or find text on the current webpage.


64803623_8c48fac77f_o.pngSome of the most common keyboard shortcuts in Mozilla Firefox are Ctrl+N (to open a new Firefox window), Ctrl+T (to open a new tab), Ctrl+F4 (to close the current tab) and Ctrl+S to save the current webpage.


Mozilla Firefox supports many more powerful keyboard shortcuts. For instance, by pressing a simple key combination, you can manually delete autocomplete entries from the Firefox location bar or Web forms. I am sharing a list of my favorite Mozilla Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts that make web browsing with Firefox even more fun. And you also save your precious time as navigating through several layers of Firefox Toolbar menus is no longer necessary.


1. Web Search Ctrl+K moves the cursor to the Search Bar. You can then type in the terms you wish to find on the Web. Press Ctrl+Down to select the next search engine in the Web Search bar. and only works if the Search Bar is visible. If the Search Bar is hidden, this keyboard shortcut has no effect.


2. F3 or Ctrl+F or / (Slash) displays the Find Toolbar at the bottom of the browser window. Use Shift+F3 to find the previous occurrence of the entered text on that page.


3. Select text on webpages with keyboard keys. Press F7 to turn Caret Browsing on. Caret Browsing places a moveable cursor in webpages, allowing you to select text with the keyboard just like a normal text editor. Ctrl+C copies the selected text to the Clipboard. When you are done copying the texting, press F7 again to turn Caret Browse off.


4. F5 reloads the current page. Ctrl+F5 will display the most up-to date version of the webpage (overriding the browser cache). Works the same as in IE.


5. Alt+D or F6 or Ctrl+L will select the location bar. Alt+Enter will open the URL in the Address Bar in a new tab.


6. Ctrl+U will display the source code of the current webpage in a new tab or window.


7. The is my most favorite Firefox shortcut - Firefox AutoComplete feature saves previous entries you've made for Web addresses, forms, and passwords. Firefox also lets you delete selected autocomplete entries. When typing information in Web forms, and typing passwords, you can remove an item from the list of suggestions by clicking the item and then pressing Shift+ DELETE key.


Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera browser share many of the same keyboard shortcuts. In particular, menu navigation uses the same combinations of arrow keys and Alt as most Windows applications, and navigation within text-editing fields supports the same keystrokes as most text editors. Only the shortcuts highlighted in bold are exclusive to Firefox.


Keyconfig - another great Firefox extension, gives you a menu of all of Firefox's keyboard shortcuts, and lets you replace any of them with the key comibnation of your choice, or disable it entirely. It even lets you change keyboard shortcuts owned by other extensions.


You can also download and print the official Firefox keyboard shortcut chart.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


this is for you people in the computer field


Basic BIOS password crack - works 9.9 times out of ten

This is a password hack but it clears the BIOS such that the next time you start the PC, the CMOS does not ask for any password. Now if you are able to bring the DOS prompt up, then you will be able to change the BIOS setting to the default. To clear the CMOS do the following:

Get DOS prompt and type:

DEBUG hit enter

-o 70 2e hit enter

-o 71 ff hit enter

-q hit enter

exit hit enter

Restart the computer. It works on most versions of the AWARD BIOS.


Basic BIOS password crack - works 9.9 times out of ten

This is a password hack but it clears the BIOS such that the next time you start the PC, the CMOS does not ask for any password. Now if you are able to bring the DOS prompt up, then you will be able to change the BIOS setting to the default. To clear the CMOS do the following:

Get DOS prompt and type:

DEBUG hit enter

-o 70 2e hit enter

-o 71 ff hit enter

-q hit enter

exit hit enter

Restart the computer. It works on most versions of the AWARD BIOS.


Accessing information on the hard disk


When you turn on the host machine, enter the CMOS setup menu (usually you have to press F2, or DEL, or CTRL+ALT+S during the boot sequence) and go to STANDARD CMOS SETUP, and set the channel to which you have put the hard disk as TYPE=Auto, MODE=AUTO, then SAVE & EXIT SETUP. Now you have access to the hard disk.



Standard BIOS backdoor passwords

The first, less invasive, attempt to bypass a BIOS password is to try on of these standard manufacturer's backdoor passwords:


AWARD SW, AWARD_SW, Award SW, AWARD PW, _award, awkward, J64, j256, j262, j332, j322, 01322222, 589589, 589721, 595595, 598598, HLT, SER, SKY_FOX, aLLy, aLLY, Condo, CONCAT, TTPTHA, aPAf, HLT, KDD, ZBAAACA, ZAAADA, ZJAAADC, djonet, %øåñòü ïpîáåëîâ%, %äåâÿòü ïpîáåëîâ%



Other passwords you may try (for AMI/AWARD or other BIOSes)

LKWPETER, lkwpeter, BIOSTAR, biostar, BIOSSTAR, biosstar, ALFAROME, Syxz, Wodj

Note that the key associated to "_" in the US keyboard corresponds to "?" in some European keyboards (such as Italian and German ones), so -- for example -- you should type AWARD?SW when using those keyboards. Also remember that passwords are Case Sensitive. The last two passwords in the AWARD BIOS list are in Russian.


Flashing BIOS via software

If you have access to the computer when it's turned on, you could try one of those programs that remove the password from the BIOS, by invalidating its memory.

However, it might happen you don't have one of those programs when you have access to the computer, so you'd better learn how to do manually what they do. You can reset the BIOS to its default values using the MS-DOS tool DEBUG (type DEBUG at the command prompt. You'd better do it in pure MS-DOS mode, not from a MS-DOS shell window in Windows). Once you are in the debug environment enter the following commands:


O 70 17

O 71 17



O 70 FF

O 71 17



Invalidates CMOS RAM.

Should work on all AT motherboards

(XT motherboards don't have CMOS)

O 70 2E

O 71 FF


Note that the first letter is a "O" not the number "0". The numbers which follow are two bytes in hex format.


Flashing BIOS via hardware

If you can't access the computer when it's on, and the standard backdoor passwords didn't work, you'll have to flash the BIOS via hardware. Please read the important notes at the end of this section before to try any of these methods.


Using the jumpers

The canonical way to flash the BIOS via hardware is to plug, unplug, or switch a jumper on the motherboard (for "switching a jumper" I mean that you find a jumper that joins the central pin and a side pin of a group of three pins, you should then unplug the jumper and then plug it to the central pin and to the pin on the opposite side, so if the jumper is normally on position 1-2, you have to put it on position 2-3, or vice versa). This jumper is not always located near to the BIOS, but could be anywhere on the motherboard.


To find the correct jumper you should read the motherboard's manual.

Once you've located the correct jumper, switch it (or plug or unplug it, depending from what the manual says) while the computer is turned OFF. Wait a couple of seconds then put the jumper back to its original position. In some motherboards it may happen that the computer will automatically turn itself on, after flashing the BIOS. In this case, turn it off, and put the jumper back to its original position, then turn it on again. Other motherboards require you turn the computer on for a few seconds to flash the BIOS.


If you don't have the motherboard's manual, you'll have to "brute force" it... trying out all the jumpers. In this case, try first the isolated ones (not in a group), the ones near to the BIOS, and the ones you can switch (as I explained before). If all them fail, try all the others. However, you must modify the status of only one jumper per attempt, otherwise you could damage the motherboard (since you don't know what the jumper you modified is actually meant for). If the password request screen still appear, try another one.


If after flashing the BIOS, the computer won't boot when you turn it on, turn it off, and wait some seconds before to retry.


Removing the battery

If you can't find the jumper to flash the BIOS or if such jumper doesn't exist, you can remove the battery that keeps the BIOS memory alive. It's a button-size battery somewhere on the motherboard (on elder computers the battery could be a small, typically blue, cylinder soldered to the motherboard, but usually has a jumper on its side to disconnect it, otherwise you'll have to unsolder it and then solder it back). Take it away for 15-30 minutes or more, then put it back and the data contained into the BIOS memory should be volatilized. I'd suggest you to remove it for about one hour to be sure, because if you put it back when the data aren't erased yet you'll have to wait more time, as you've never removed it. If at first it doesn't work, try to remove the battery overnight.


Important note: in laptop and notebooks you don't have to remove the computer's power batteries (which would be useless), but you should open your computer and remove the CMOS battery from the motherboard.

Short-circuiting the chip

Another way to clear the CMOS RAM is to reset it by short circuiting two pins of the BIOS chip for a few seconds. You can do that with a small piece of electric wire or with a bent paper clip. Always make sure that the computer is turned OFF before to try this operation.

Here is a list of EPROM chips that are commonly used in the BIOS industry. You may find similar chips with different names if they are compatible chips made by another brand. If you find the BIOS chip you are working on matches with one of the following you can try to short-circuit the appropriate pins. Be careful, because this operation may damage the chip.

CHIPS P82C206 (square)

Short together pins 12 and 32 (the first and the last pins on the bottom edge of the chip) or pins 74 and 75 (the two pins on the upper left corner).




5v 75--| |

| |

| |


1 * | |

| P82C206 |

| |

| |


| |

| gnd | 5v

12 32

OPTi F82C206 (rectangular)

Short together pins 3 and 26 (third pin from left side and fifth pin from right side on the bottom edge).

80 51


81 -| |- 50

| |

| |

| OPTi |

| |

| F82C206 |

| |


|| | |

1 || | | 30

3 26


Dallas DS1287, DS1287A

Benchmarq bp3287MT, bq3287AMT

The Dallas DS1287 and DS1287A, and the compatible Benchmarq bp3287MT and bq3287AMT chips have a built-in battery. This battery should last up to ten years. Any motherboard using these chips should not have an additional battery (this means you can't flash the BIOS by removing a battery). When the battery fails, the RTC chip would be replaced.

CMOS RAM can be cleared on the 1287A and 3287AMT chips by shorting pins 12 and 21.

The 1287 (and 3287MT) differ from the 1287A in that the CMOS RAM can't be cleared. If there is a problem such as a forgotten password, the chip must be replaced. (In this case it is recommended to replace the 1287 with a 1287A). Also the Dallas 12887 and 12887A are similar but contain twice as much CMOS RAM storage.


1 -| * U |- 24 5v

2 -| |- 23

3 -| |- 22

4 -| |- 21 RCL (RAM Clear)

5 -| |- 20

6 -| |- 19

7 -| |- 18

8 -| |- 17

9 -| |- 16

10 -| |- 15

11 -| |- 14

gnd 12 -|__________|- 13


NOTE: Although these are 24-pin chips,

the Dallas chips may be missing 5 pins,

these are unused pins.

Most chips have unused pins,

though usually they are still present.


Dallas DS12885S

Benchmarq bq3258S

Hitachi HD146818AP

Samsung KS82C6818A

This is a rectangular 24-pin DIP chip, usually in a socket. The number on the chip should end in 6818.

Although this chip is pin-compatible with the Dallas 1287/1287A, there is no built-in battery.

Short together pins 12 and 24.


24 20 13


| |


|> |

| DS12885S |

| |


| |

1 12



Motorola MC146818AP

Short pins 12 and 24. These are the pins on diagonally opposite corners - lower left and upper right. You might also try pins 12 and 20.


1 -| * U |- 24 5v

2 -| |- 23

3 -| |- 22

4 -| |- 21

5 -| |- 20

6 -| |- 19

7 -| |- 18

8 -| |- 17

9 -| |- 16

10 -| |- 15

11 -| |- 14

gnd 12 -|__________|- 13


Replacing the chip

If nothing works, you could replace the existing BIOS chip with a new one you can buy from your specialized electronic shop or your computer supplier. It's a quick operation if the chip is inserted on a base and not soldered to the motherboard, otherwise you'll have to unsolder it and then put the new one. In this case would be more convenient to solder a base on which you'll then plug the new chip, in the eventuality that you'll have to change it again. If you can't find the BIOS chip specifically made for your motherboard, you should buy one of the same type (probably one of the ones shown above) and look in your motherboard manufacturer's website to see if there's the BIOS image to download. Then you should copy that image on the chip you bought with an EPROM programmer.



Whether is the method you use, when you flash the BIOS not only the password, but also all the other configuration data will be reset to the factory defaults, so when you are booting for the first time after a BIOS flash, you should enter the CMOS configuration menu (as explained before) and fix up some things.

Also, when you boot Windows, it may happen that it finds some new device, because of the new configuration of the BIOS, in this case you'll probably need the Windows installation CD because Windows may ask you for some external files. If Windows doesn't see the CD-ROM try to eject and re-insert the CD-ROM again. If Windows can't find the CD-ROM drive and you set it properly from the BIOS config, just reboot with the reset key, and in the next run Windows should find it. However most files needed by the system while installing new hardware could also be found in C:WINDOWS, C:WINDOWSSYSTEM, or C:WINDOWSINF .


Key Disk for Toshiba laptops

Some Toshiba notebooks allow to bypass BIOS by inserting a "key-disk" in the floppy disk drive while booting. To create a Toshiba Keydisk, take a 720Kb or 1.44Mb floppy disk, format it (if it's not formatted yet), then use a hex editor such as Hex Workshop to change the first five bytes of the second sector (the one after the boot sector) and set them to 4B 45 59 00 00 (note that the first three bytes are the ASCII for "KEY" followed by two zeroes). Once you have created the key disk put it into the notebook's drive and turn it on, then push the reset button and when asked for password, press Enter. You will be asked to Set Password again. Press Y and Enter. You'll enter the BIOS configuration where you can set a new password.


Key protected cases

A final note about those old computers (up to 486 and early Pentiums) protected with a key that prevented the use of the mouse and the keyboard or the power button. All you have to do with them is to follow the wires connected to the key hole, locate the jumper to which they are connected and unplug it.


That's all.


Clear Cmos, jumper.That is the way how I solve problem when customer forgets password.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


so i leanered there is a 5 minute limit set that you can edit post thats bullshit but that will speed up the site and loosen bandwidth, still sucks


but on the other hand its gonigto take more bandwidth if people have to post another message instead of editing there other one it happenes alot on this thread (should be set to atleast 20 minutes

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


i unplugged my ipod nano from my box w/out 'ejecting' it, and now all my songs are erased and when i plug it into my usb slot, i get the error "iTunes cannot read the contents of the ipod. Use the ipod software updater application to restore the ipod to factory settings". pretty self explainatory, yes, but i have looked high and low and cant find whatever application theyre talking about. ehhhhh?

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


i unplugged my ipod nano from my box w/out 'ejecting' it' date=' and now all my songs are erased and when i plug it into my usb slot, i get the error "iTunes cannot read the contents of the ipod. Use the ipod software updater application to restore the ipod to factory settings". pretty self explainatory, yes, but i have looked high and low and cant find whatever application theyre talking about. ehhhhh?[/quote']


it's the ipod software that installs when you first set it up. It should be in your start menu under IPOD

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


yo mainter,


jus got a dell dimension3100 want to add extra external memory any makes i should try get hardware is what i know nothin about!




you looking for the type you need or what?


if so this is what you need


DDR2 PC2-3200 • CL=3 • UNBUFFERED • NON-ECC • DDR2-400 • 1.8V • 128Meg x 64


you can have up to 4gb


1 gb will cost you between $130-$150


or you can go with the PC2-4200 its a little cheaper but i would go with the 3200

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Dell Inc. confirmed Thursday that it had acquired boutique PC vendor Alienware, a move that will add some zing to the company's image.


Although Dell's acquisition was widely anticipated, Alienware chief executive Nelson Gonzalez said that his company will remain a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dell, continuing its own brand, design, sales and marketing, and support. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.


For consumers, the purchase will mean that Alienware will now access Dell's well-known supply-chain efficiencies, ideally reducing wait times for new PCs that Alienware executives said have swelled to as much as a month or more. Interestingly, the deal also means that a PC containing a processor from Advanced Micro Devices will finally contribute to Dell's bottom line.


Gonzalez said that to expand Alienware's product line with more, highly-tuned boutique products, the company needed more resources. Although the company sells its PCs to customers in Japan, Korea, and Asia, Alienware didn't have the cash to fund the worldwide expansion it needed, he added.


"We were at a crossroads, we were at a point in time where we had to make a decision to go public or to perhaps merge with another entity if it made sense," Gonzalez said. "There were very few organizations out there that we would do this with—and there's only one that I could think of, and that was Dell, just because of the similarities in terms of the direct business model, and that we have a lot of similarities with the [company]. The problem is that we were at these crossroads, we needed to raise capital, and we had never raised capital at this company from day one."


"We needed to get bigger, and we needed to release more products," Gonzalez added. "We do our own designs and our own form factors, and that costs a lot of money, frankly."


That won't come at the expense of the Alienware brand, however. Gonzalez said that Alienware PCs would not carry a Dell logo, and that he would report directly to Jim Schneider, Dell's chief financial officer. "I think that you'll find it very hard to find the Dell name on the [Alienware] web site," he said.


"The reality is that you're not going to see a whole lot of changes," added Mark Vena, Alienware's vice president of marketing and the former chief of Dell's Dimension consumer PC business.




The Dell-Alienware deal was first "reported" by a blogger and rival, VoodooPC chief Raul Sood, who predicted that a then-rumored deal would make sense. "Why the potential for a Dellienware and not another? Alienware is widely considered to be the volume leader in gaming, they have scale," Sood wrote.


Somewhat ironically, Dell announced the Alienware acqusition on the same day as it released the Dimension XPS Renegade, its own boutique PC sporting a ramped-up design, four graphics chips, an overclocked CPU, even a physics accelerator – and a price tag above $9,000, aimed at the well-to-do enthusiast that Alienware, Falcon Northwest, and its competitors covet. Unsurprisingly, Alienware PCs will also use the Ageia physics chip.


And that means competition will undoubtedly occur, Gonzalez said. "Dell is going to do what they do," he said. "I'm sure they have no plans of eliminating the XPS," he said. "They're going to have their lineup; we're going to have ours."


The Alienware and Dell Renegade lines will "complement, not compete with one another," said Jess Blackburn, a Dell spokesman. Alienware will not sell Dell PCs, but may sell Dell peripherals, he said.


What Alienware does plan is a further expansion into the server and Media Center PC market, with a few specialized sidelines, such as government offerings. While Gonzalez readily admitted that Alienware would never develop a business PC, he added that the company plans to launch a new all-in-one PC in a few weeks' time. A specialized home media server is also in the cards, as is an aggressive push into the high-end workstation space, Vena added.


Customers of both product lines will also be able to tap into Dell's financing options, Vena noted.


Being added to the Dell organization also means that the company can take advantage of the Dell supply chain and its relationships to suppliers like ATI, Intel, and Nvidia. According to Vena, customers were being forced to wait up to five weeks for new PCs using the latest technology, a trend that he said should be far easier to buck now that Alienware can tap into Dell's supply chain.


Finally, the deal also allows Advanced Micro Devices to finally gain access to Dell, the last major PC OEM that existed as an Intel-only shop. While the deal doesn't mean that Dell will ship an AMD-based PC under its own label, the deal could provide a way for AMD to move closer to Dell over time. Gonzalez appeared to be one of the few people in the PC industry that said he didn't care, however.


"We're completely agnostic to any one vendor," Gonzalez said. "We talk about performance."

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hey for the viewers what the hell do you want to see posted here add yer comments


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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


maybe on of you liinux kids can help me out. i'm trying to run the paralell linux

and i get to a point in the boot where it freezes right before x windows starts up.


i'll get a specific message next time i try it.


anyone else very uncomfortable with these new web colors for 12oz?

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


maybe on of you liinux kids can help me out. i'm trying to run the paralell linux

and i get to a point in the boot where it freezes right before x windows starts up.


i'll get a specific message next time i try it.


anyone else very uncomfortable with these new web colors for 12oz?


what is the error

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


I'm about to throw my linksys router at the wall.


Do you know how to fix it after its in 20 pieces?

wireless or wired




hack it and make it a linux box


i love linksys open source do anything you want to do to it

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