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Hello all, havent been around for a while. i have, yet another question, I just moved to a new place and i'm like 2 blocks away from the city's biggest wifi hotspot. The signal is very weak on my balcony and non existant when you enter the house. I was wandering if there is something like an amplifier or something of that type that i could put on the roof of the bulding (i live on the last floor) and amplify teh free internets...help a kneegrow out

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That's quite the broad spectrum of antennae, is it the more expensive is waybetter, medium is entry level, and cheap doesn't work rule in effect or what?


Long distance smokeout, that amount would be good for like three bowls!


Per Vista, I got the diagnostics to see what would migrate, I didn't like the prognosis, I guess I'm not switching for now.

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That's quite the broad spectrum of antennae, is it the more expensive is waybetter, medium is entry level, and cheap doesn't work rule in effect or what?


more db of gain = longer working distance, in theory


I've been pondering buying a wireless card and antenna and leeching my neighbor's shit. anyone got recommendations for a good wireless card for a desktop?


edit: and will I be able to specify the wireless adapter for certain programs, like eth0 = cable modem, eth1 = wireless card? I'm a wireless n00b.

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OKay seriously. If anyone has a camera question just ask me from now on...


Don't buy a fucking Fuji anything, Fuji is just Olympus' budget company. So chances are you can get the same camera but better in an Olyumpus.


Second of all, Canon is by far, period, the best point and shoot manufacturer there is. PERIOD. For 299.99 you can get a SD800IS which is probably one of, if not THE best compact point and shoot on the market.


Casio is probably second right now, all their Exlim models are on point as fuck. Get a S700, that's what Lens has, and it rocks fucking hard.


Anyway, Sonys are overpriced and overly complicated. Don't buy one.


Seriously, that SD800IS is nice, but it's not 299.99, try 380, and it's like one step behind the fuji 40fd in all important categories, high ISO's, FD technology, Mega Pixel's, and price. Fuji is very reliable in my experience as well. The Fuji is not out yet however, which could be a plus or a minus depending on the way you look at it. The Casio Z700 is OK, but it seems to be falling off tech wise, the Coolpix S6 I have is the basically the same basic camera, but with a ton of added features, and it is priced similarly, now.

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quite honestly, is it worth it to switch to Vista?


from my recent experience I would have to say no. My boy brought his laptop over to my house for me to work on... after about 20 minutes I realized what a piece of shit os vista was and ended up downgrading him to xp pro... though vista does have some decent features, all the bad deatures far outweigh the few decent ones...

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im looking for a new program to resize uploaded images. ive used ifranveiw for a while but latley the images come out all pixilated when i post. anyone got something else they use? ...thats free?


posted in the yard too, hopefully someone somewhere can give me somethin

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Guest R@ndomH3ro
im looking for a new program to resize uploaded images. ive used ifranveiw for a while but latley the images come out all pixilated when i post. anyone got something else they use? ...thats free?


posted in the yard too, hopefully someone somewhere can give me somethin





A abode like program to trick out your photos.

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just want to comment that Antec has some kick ass customer support. I haven't added any hard drives to my p-180 case since I bought it last year. got a new drive in the mail today, about to mount it in the hd cage, and realized that I lost the special screws that it uses to mount. I emailed them about buying some replacements, and within an hour, they had responded, taken my address, and will have the replacements in the mail tomorrow. k-rad. just thought I'd share.

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completely free, I forgot to mention that part in the original post. I was thinking that I was going to have to buy another hd cage just to get the hardware.


it really sucks to sit here waiting on those screws before I can put this 500GB drive in the comp though. I've been wanting to have a music only drive forever, but finally got around to making the purchase last week.

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Seriously, that SD800IS is nice, but it's not 299.99, try 380, and it's like one step behind the fuji 40fd in all important categories, high ISO's, FD technology, Mega Pixel's, and price. Fuji is very reliable in my experience as well. The Fuji is not out yet however, which could be a plus or a minus depending on the way you look at it. The Casio Z700 is OK, but it seems to be falling off tech wise, the Coolpix S6 I have is the basically the same basic camera, but with a ton of added features, and it is priced similarly, now.


That high ISO doesn't mean shit because it's so grainy you wouldn't even use it.


And I didn't say Z700. That's an older model, I said S700 but I meant S770. My bad. I'm pretty sure the S770 has a 1600 ISO but I could be wrong. Either way it takes better photos in a dimly lit situation than ANY fuji you're going to find. Just because the ISO is high doesn't mean the camera can handle it.


It's not hard to find a deal on that SD800 either. Just because it sells so well...


I don't know, I don't like buying down. And I've got enough returns on Fujis to know not to fuck with them.

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you guys are really surprising me. mainter, too i'm sure.




i keep seeing people who were ( a few months ago in some cases) virtually computer illiterate starting to join in on giving advice/tips/ tutorials, etc.


good job, guys and girl (s)





that wasn't my main goal of posting this, just wanted to mention it.


main reason is: anyone got any neat projects that are being worked on/brainstormed atm?

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I got this 2*cable in card and a remote which I'm going to try to get that up and running soon, so I can shitcan my DVR. My bills are out of control, it is nice to record two shows at once however, but do I want to pay 12 dollars a month or whatever to do that, shit no, so that's what I'ma do. It's probably been there done that for you all, so is it going to go easy, or am I going to have to struggle.

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