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the reason its prolly acting up now is because you either got a memory leak in a program or you are using a program that is a memory hog a easy way to check this is by pressing ctrl/alt/delete and going to the processes tab and look at whats running on the computer the processes that should be taking up the most memory are svchost.exe and explorer.exe they should average 15 to 20 k of memory at one time

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firefox uses about 50k

gaim uses like 26k

explorer uses 18k

and svc uses 16


i search my shit constantly with adaware and AVG free, nadda




get spyware blaster and spybot s&d.

also, try this ewido portable. it's real good

to keep this on a usb stick.






note to everyone else: i'll leave it up. it is free, just converted into a portable version.

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A sad thing is a 16 year old girl from my suburb was actually killed by her 19 year old friends and found dead in a garbage bin a few weeks ago.


They said her last hours of life were spent on Myspace apparently.







that's what hell is. you spend your last few hours on myspace.




obviously, i'm joking, but if i died and was capable of regretting something, it'd be if i had been on myspace before i died. i would think of it as some kind of punishment.

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alright tech fools....check this baller-rific scheme...



Im going to put together a website....


and sell DL Site passes...


for instance...


someone pays me a certain amnt of money, then they get passwords to different accounts on diff fileshare sites- Megaupload, sendspace, rapidshare etc....


The thing is these would be shared accounts, so i would only need One to service a bunch of people....


what do you guys think?

no idea stealing please.


M underscore I

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