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Guest R@ndomH3ro
no it does not (the bun gets smaller (which causes the maker of the sandwich to stack the meat higher



Its a ploy from the commies in conjunction with the Clinton Administration....


Casek knows...;)

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Look carefully at the entire surface of the board, including those areas that may be hidden behind drives, cables, or the power supply. Many boards are labeled between their expansion slots. Another common location on newer boards is in the area of the CPU slot or socket. Also, be aware that while the board may not have its maker's name showing, it just may have its model name or number printed there for all the world to see.



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oh yeah, and one thing i suspect: are you downloading the ati drivers from the ati site? catalyst and all?

that could be the big problem. or maybe you're downloading some crap from sony's site?

eh, don't trust that catalyst shit, man. ati makes a damn good card, but they fuck things up when it comes to catalyst control center.


I got a radeon 9800 and i run the ati drivers, catalyst and stuff..if theres a better alternative, i'd take it.

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nope mindvapor i did post it all fuckin credit goes to me


Mainter vbmenu_register("postmenu_4793534", true);




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Join Date: Sep 2003

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icon3.gif iTunes 7 DRM Already Cracked 09-16-2006, 06:10 PM

It's only been a day since Apple updated iTunes to version 7, but the folks over at the Hymn project have already posted a new version of a program that can be used to remove the DRM from songs purchased from it.








here is the proof http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=111310&highlight=hymn

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"The Brazilian senate is considering a bill that will make it a crime to join a chat, blog, or download from the Internet without fully identifying oneself first. Privacy groups and Internet providers are very concerned, and are trying to lobby against the bill, but it seems they won't have much success.


" From the article: "If approved, it will be a crime, punishable with up to 4 years of jail time, to disseminate virus or trojans, unauthorizedly access data banks or networks and send e-mail, join chat, write a blog or download content anonymously."


the story in full

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The browser update is not a giant leap from Firefox 1.5, yet it beats Microsoft's Internet Explorer 7


Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that Mozilla unleashed Firefox 2 this week. Although the new browser is not a giant leap from version 1.5, it does beat Microsoft's Internet Explorer 7 in several aspects, including security, say CNET News.com's Joris Evers and CNET.com's Robert Vamosi on this week's Security Bites.




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Why is my monitor making these weird ticking noises and the screen goes as though it is degaussing? I have already gone through one monitor on this comp already, but that was an old one.


Thanks for all your help so far, it has done me wonders, but could this new problem be due to running a non genuine windows?

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haha. i've got more........



edit: photobucket hunting is a new favourite pass-time activity.


gotta go vote in a minute. i guess i'm taking the day off? gotta

call someone and let them know i'll pick up their computer on the

d/l tomorrow. they can meet me in the alley near bruno's tire.

i'll be wearing a kangaroo suit.

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vote for them the dems fuck those retarded repubs




i think that may be the biggest mistake, though. if the dems win, nancy pelosi will be speaker of the house. she said if she gets that position, she will block any attempts

to impeach bush. although, thank goodness our forefathers thought of this, there are ways to get around that blocking.


i see it as a winning year for the dems, though. alot of america feels it's time for change.



whatever the feelings, vote your conscience.

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