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I recovered some flicks from my corrupted memstick using photoresquepro(thank god)

Some work fine and some may be available as a thumbnail on explorer but not up for a proper

open, some just dont work and some give me a 'unsupported jpeg process/compression:SOF type 0xc8' when opening with irfanview.

I tried opening them with:

irfanview(all plugins)

photoshop cs2

nero image viewer

windows viewer.


Is there some software out there that could be able to fix those?

is there some other recovery software that would go deeper than photoresque pro?


thanx amigos.

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Shell Extension: The Shell Extension DLL library is not installed.


Keep getting this message when the virus scan runs... A pop window comes up and says something about Restart.exe..


When I close it basically makes everything useless and slows the computer down quite a bit..


Any help would be great..



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hmm. something isn't right with your computer.




sounds like you have a bit of a conflict with some shite.

what you should probably do is pack up your computer in a nice box,

tape it, find the tallest building you can find.........



ok, that's probably not the answer you are looking for....


sounds like something is conflicting with your virus scan.


sometimes virii can eat your scanner alive.


do me a huge favor and run this (in internet explorer)




panda antivirus is a trustworthy, very good antivirus manufacturer.

just out of curiosity, i want to see if your system has some evil

virus on it.


also, what type of anti-spyware programs are you running?

some of them may conflict with your antivirus. that sucks, but shit happens.


when did you first notice it happening? remember installing anything around that time?

get back to me, we'll help you out.


mainter, ballbags, sneakandcrap, and i...we're men of the people.

ok, sneakandcrap isn't. he's neil cavuto. but the rest of us are good, upstanding americans...except for ballbags. and mainter is a jew....so, i'm a good, upstanding american who is willing to help you with your computer.....except for one thing, i'm a space alien....

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ummm first things first do a system restore (then do a complete virus scan using AVAST! not AVG in safemode you get to sfaemode by restating the computer and pressing the f8 key every second when you see the first splash screen a list will come down and ask you how you would like to restart select ( safemode only) run the avast antivirus see if that error comes up if so then we got a firewall/antivirus/antispyware/ conflict sometimes these tools do not play nice with eachother

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ummm first things first do a system restore (then do a complete virus scan using AVAST! not AVG in safemode you get to sfaemode by restating the computer and pressing the f8 key every second when you see the first splash screen a list will come down and ask you how you would like to restart select ( safemode only) run the avast antivirus see if that error comes up if so then we got a firewall/antivirus/antispyware/ conflict sometimes these tools do not play nice with eachother



sometimes is an understatement.


what i was thinking is that he's using lavasoft. it doesn't agree too well with alot of things. same with that microcrap antispyware thingy.

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Okay.. Running the Panda thing, which is taking sometime.. But so far 55 spyware detected and 1 Hack tool thing.. I might have uninstalled a spyware some time back in drunken rage... Damn... Spyware suggestions?? Thanks again for the help...


Worse comes to worse... My friend has few guns and could always use the target practice..

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Alright, i'm finally gonna ask about this damn problem i've had for months.


Basically all my codecs are fucked up. I usually used to simply install K-Lite Mega Codec Pack under the Real and Quicktime Alternative install option and be good to go. Then when the new Quicktime came out i couldn't watch any vids encoded in it without the newest Quicktime. I HATE having to have multiple players, just feels like bloatware to me. So i try updating my Klite, and it still didn't work, and something made me go back and install my old version. After that, a shitload of codecs have been fucked up. This results in:


1) Me not being able to watch some videos in browser, while i can watch them if i download them.


2) Most videos now come up with "Cannot load source filter" in Media Player Classic (was my media player of choice).


3) Can't convert most videos to play on my Creative Zen Vision M. This SUCKS a lot cause i got the AV cable for it so i could watch all my PC movies on my TV. MUCH easier than converting to DVD let me tell YOU. Shit's really convenient when it does work.


Also, i have downloaded and used VLC since then, its the only prog thats come through, but the time-scrolling is fucked up, and sometimes outputs multiple visual windows with some videos. AND i've found this page (how to install default codecs in windows xp), and i dont know if i was just way too tired when i found it and it didnt make sense to me, or if i just dont get it exactly, but it didnt work. I'm pretty sure i was doing something wrong. If you guys could probably just make those instructions more clear, i think it would fix everything.


I have Windows XP Pro SP2. Thanks guys.

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uninstall that klite shit.


go here: http://www.free-codecs.com


what you need is ffdshow, xvid, dvix free, quicktmie alternative, realplayer alternative, xvid codec.





sneakandcrap: i was lying. i'm really a giant lsd monster made out of french fries and big bird.

come'n get me NSA. i'ma runnin for senate!


That's where Klite is from, and it includes all those, which wont install because my codecs are fucked up...I'm pretty sure i need to reset them to default before it'll let me do anything.


Back at the start.

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Okay, so I think Avast did the trick after rebooting in safe mode.. Not sure yet though.. Should I stick with Avast?? So what freeware will work well together to help protect me.?? I'll check those links Casek..


Thanks a lot for the help.. This was seriously driving me nuts..

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also download ccleaner CCleaner (Crap Cleaner) is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool. It removes unused and temporary files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster, more efficiently and giving you more hard disk space. The best part is that it's fast! (normally taking less then 20 seeconds)

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