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Ok guys more weird problems for you:


1. I use itunes7 and weirdly enough, when itunes is playing 'silence'(for example the part that comes before a bonus track) my whole system goes nuts...everything lags like a bitch and then it comes back to full balance after silence ends. In the meantime not even ctrl-alt-del works.

I know this sounds fuckin weird but it took weeks for me to actually pinpoint my self and i stand buffled aswell.


2. My firefox is now highlighting text that i used on the googlebar inside all the pages i open, that's super annoying:


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Ok, solved prob#2 by disabling the torrent toolbar.


Another thing thats completely silly and really annoying:


I've been dling using torrents for a good year now and i never got to read alot about all these things. I set up utorrent, forwarded the port and just did mt thing. Only problem is that i have a 22 GB partition on my drive called Incoming and thats where all my downloads go. Just because 22 G's are nothing serious when a download was complete i would my files someplace else and naturally, stop seeding. I was always under the idea that since i seed while i download i was fine (clueless on share ration etc etc).

At some point demonoid wasnt working for me and i couldn't figure out why and right after that i left utorrent for azureus and checked the bad news..share ratio:0.692.

I've been a fuckin leech and didnt even knew it. Right now i'm having horrible transfer speeds and all kinds of difficulties, needless to say i leave my comp open all the time seeding whatever was left or its adding on my list.

I'm sure you guys know more details about all that shit and for sure have some cool suggestions besides the obvious, for how long should i seed a torrent? whats a good ratio? what can you do in general to improve it?


help a leecher out.

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Well my comp has an AMD Duron 900 Mhz processor. But the bad thing is only having 376MB of RAM. My L2 cache is 64kB.


On the right I have a Download accelerator icon, an AVG Free icon, the windows security alert (as I have turned off the gay firewall to get things sent to me over msn), the safely remove hardware icon, and the volume control. I used that program to get rid of a heap of stuff that was there.


Umm I only have 2.59 gig left on my harddrive and am using 93% of it. Should I backup my music and vids I have on my comp? I defrag like at least once a week, but I have been gettign alot of errors when the comp just switches off while I am burning a movie or other things as I recently installed SP2 for windows and that has stuffed it up a bit.


Thanks for your help so far, it has worked well, but where is the keygen in that download?



ok, yeah. backup some of your stuff. i'd say burn the vids. they tend to be huge.


the keygen is this file:



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Ok, solved prob#2 by disabling the torrent toolbar.


Another thing thats completely silly and really annoying:


I've been dling using torrents for a good year now and i never got to read alot about all these things. I set up utorrent, forwarded the port and just did mt thing. Only problem is that i have a 22 GB partition on my drive called Incoming and thats where all my downloads go. Just because 22 G's are nothing serious when a download was complete i would my files someplace else and naturally, stop seeding. I was always under the idea that since i seed while i download i was fine (clueless on share ration etc etc).

At some point demonoid wasnt working for me and i couldn't figure out why and right after that i left utorrent for azureus and checked the bad news..share ratio:0.692.

I've been a fuckin leech and didnt even knew it. Right now i'm having horrible transfer speeds and all kinds of difficulties, needless to say i leave my comp open all the time seeding whatever was left or its adding on my list.

I'm sure you guys know more details about all that shit and for sure have some cool suggestions besides the obvious, for how long should i seed a torrent? whats a good ratio? what can you do in general to improve it?


help a leecher out.







you're gonna go to hell. you've gotta seed, tesser. gotta.

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my pentium class II don't love me

it tells me every night

i try to go on 12oz and my computer puts up a fight



that's 'cause it ain't got no soul

(i got pwned)


tried to download a torrent

but my dial-up don't work right

my pentium class II 266 is simply out of sight


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Thanks for the info guys. Yeah seeding is abit of a bitch btu hell, just leave the comp on all day for a while. Me and my friends just limit out download bandwidth while downloading to make the ratio not change as quickly. But can I ask, why did you stop using utorrent for Azureus? I find Utorrent to be fine, or am I just missing out? I also heard Azureus uses a hell of alot more processor power, which as you may have heard I am currently lacking.


Oh yeah, and I downloaded Ken Park from a link I got from here but it is in another language and I was wondering if you knew how I can configure FLV player to download subtitles for it.

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I know next thing to nothing about flv and subs. As far as azureus/utorrent you aint missing nothing. I was using utorrent but started having problems (that where all related with my low share ratio) and i thought of changing client. Azureus has more obvious indications about pretty much everything and thats how i realised i was the worst type of leecher (gasp)

I'd like to go back to utorrent but i dunno what that means for my share ratio...is it client related? will i keep the same rates by swaping apps?


Casek, thanx for the advice, seeding complete seasons of tv series for a week straight on a 512/128 adsl doesnt really cut it...

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ken park in english:





i saw this film a while back. it's not really worth it. some pussy, some teenage penises, some more pussy, a crazy guy wacking off...eh. it's not all that great. the soap opera chick is by far the hottest (the mom)



tesser: no problem.

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I just wanted to watch that movie as it is banned in my country (Australia) plus I really liked Kids and Bully.


As to whether Utorrent keeps track of how much you up as oppose to down I don't think it does. It is moreso the individual sites that I visit (where they link to the trackers) that inform me of what my ratio is. But I try not to leech too much, even though I was for a while. I just wish I had a better comp so that I could still browse the web while uploading because if I don't set it to 13K or lower then I can't really browse too much as it is too much of a load to handle.

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