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  • Wikipedia wants to grow up. Wikipedia founder, Jimmy Wales, addressed the free Internet asking contributors to put more emphasis on quality than quantity. His goal? To be a more comprehensive online encyclopedia than Britannica. Best 'o luck. (Source: MSNBC)
  • Expert warns on e-passport security. If you've gotten a new passport in the last year, then you've got an RFID-enabled passport. Smart passport, as it's called. However a German computer scientist on Friday warned that there are numerous security holes in the new scheme, including ID theft and the ability to enter countries illegally. (Source: MSNBC)
  • Medal of Honor moves to PSP. Electronic Arts WWII classic shoot 'em up game has made a deal with Sony and will soon be releasing Band 'Brothers'-style devastation and chaos on the Sony PSP. Wonder how good the sound chips are on those things? (Source: MTV.com)
  • Google partners with StopBadware.org. On Friday of last week Google announced a partnership with StopBadware.org to block sites that are on that company's list of malware-spawning sites. You won't get fully blocked, but you will see a pop-up from StopBadware listing the issues they've found with that URL. Not bad, actually. (Source: BetaNews)


  • The price of going free. AOL lays of 5,000 workers. All part of the restructuring that's part of the service becoming free as well as Time Warner selling off its entire European access division. Hey, as long as it's free for me. (Source: MSNBC)
  • More goodies from AOL. In addition to freeing up the service, AOL has also announced that it would give all AOL users 5GB of free online storage space via its XDrive product. Hey, guess they need to do something since they lost around 900,000 subscribers last year. (Source: BetaNews)
  • Book browsing online. Amazon does this for some books, but now HarperCollins has announced that it's set up a Browse Inside program that will allow any reader accessing its Web site to view online excerpts of its books. Or you can do browse even more at B&N over a cup of coffee. But hey, I'm old-fashioned. (Source: MSNBC)
  • Marketing screws up the car stereo. The Apple marketing machine has managed to infect the car stereo market with its iPod virus. The company has made deals with Ford, GM and Mazda (which I thought was also Ford) to incorporate iPod hookups in their cars. Because just putting USB connectors so we could use any MP3 player is too convenient for us. Gotta be a proprietary iPod connector because that's simply the best thing all around. Arrgh. (Source: BBC Online)


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We're taking this one with a grain of salt -- we haven't seen it hit the wires just yet -- but the word on the street is that AMD has decided to drop the ATI brand name from future products. Seems like it'll be all AMD all the time for the newly joined chip makers, and according to the report, AMD's Richard Baker wanted to be clear that the acquisition is a takeover, not a merger. Apparently Chris Hook from ATI followed that up in a throughly docile manner, saying that "I don't have a personal emotional attachment to it [the brand], one way or another. I think the important thing is that we're going to make good products. ATI may be gone, but certainly lots of discussion is going to come over the next few days about the rest of our brands and their strengths." We were kind of hoping for some sort of nationally televised logo-deathmatch, or at least a lame attempt at merging the two brands, but we suppose we'll keep on keeping on. Somehow.

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Vista Hacking Challenge Answered

debiansid writes "Microsoft's most secure Operating System yet has been compromised at the Black Hat hacker conference. We all know that Andrew Cushman, Microsoft's director of security outreach invited the Black Hats over to touch and feel Vista in order to showcase the superiority of this OS. Joanna Rutkowska, from Coseinc, a Singapore-based security firm, obliged and showed how it is possible to bypass security measures in Vista that prevents unsigned code from running with the help of a little software she calls the 'Blue Pill.'" To be fair, the hack was possible only when the target is in administrator mode rather than a limited user account.

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Bittorrent Implements Cache Discovery Protocol

An anonymous reader writes "CacheLogic and BitTorrent introduce an open-source Cache Discovery Protocol (CDP) that allows ISP's to cache and seed Bittorrent traffic. Currently, Bittorrent traffic is suffering from bandwidth throttling ISP's that claim that Bittorrent traffic is cluttering their pipes. This motivated the developers of the most popular Bittorrent clients implement protocol encryption to protect bittorrent users from being slowed down by their ISP's. However, Bram Cohen, the founder of Bittorrent doubted that encryption was the solution, and found (together with CacheLogic) a more ISP friendly alternative."

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AOL Releases Search Logs of 657,427 Users


An anonymous reader writes "AOL has released the search logs of over 650,000 users for research purposes. This looks like it may become a public relations disaster for AOL, as well as a privacy nightmare for the users involved as Michael Arrington of TechCrunch notes: "AOL has released very private data about its users without their permission. While the AOL username has been changed to a random ID number, the ability to analyze all searches by a single user will often lead people to easily determine who the user is, and what they are up to. The data includes personal names, addresses, social security numbers and everything else someone might type into a search box." This is also being covered on The Paradigm Shift and Oh My News." fantomas adds " Looks like they've just taken it down but it's still available on The Pirate Bay; not sure why but some of the academic researchers are going crazy musing the ethical aspects of letting the world know who's searching for how to kill their wives ..." Update: 08/07 21:32 GMT by T : amromousa writes "AOL is now apologizing for the release ..., calling it a "screw-up," which they're upset and angry about."

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I got a problem and it seems to be just in Firefox. When I click on the "back" arrow, it goes back two pages instead of one, a lot. Sometimes this happens with the "next" arrow, but mainly with the "back" arrow. It's very annoying.


Locate the core/core.actions.php file. Find this line:

@header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");

Replace it with this:

@header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");

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