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Spyware disguises itself as Firefox extension



The antivirus specialists at McAfee have warned of a Trojan that disguises itself as a Firefox extension. It is currently being openly disseminated through spam emails that purport to come from Wal-Mart. If the recipient opens the mail attachment while running a Windows operating system, the Trojan then installs itself as a Firefox extension, presenting itself as a legitimate existing extension called numberedlinks. It then begins intercepting passwords and credit card numbers entered into the browser, which it then sends to an external server. McAfee has dubbed the Trojan "FormSpy," although the company is still currently categorizing its distribution as low.



In a blog entry, Geok Meng Ong from McAfee Avert Labs called on users to take extreme caution when installing unsigned Firefox extensions from untrustworthy sources. This well-intended warning was actually off the mark on several points. One the one hand, only very few websites are authorized to install extensions without seeking additional approval. Furthermore there are at the moment virtually no signed extensions for Firefox or Mozilla. And finally, that mechanism would not have protected against this attack. This is because the user, in opening the file attachment and thereby allowing the foreign program to execute on his computer, automatically provides it with his own usage rights.




ADD: from me dont be so dumb do not open emails from people you do not know come on common sense


When in doubt, confirm the legitimacy of the email with the purported sender in another way, such as by telephone

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Damn firefox spyware? What is the world coming to?

I've always thought of open source software as safer because anyone can inspect it. I guess I thought wrong.



well no matter (firefox of course has spyware this is not the only account of it this is just the latest ) but IE is 99.998% worse


as i have alway said (not in this way ) but just like anything the more it gets used the weaker it will get over time or in other words easier it will break


look at the Mac right now they came out with there new machine and it got hacked and is getting hit hard with viruses and bullshit like nothing because it got popular more started using it so it got broke

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Guest spectr

shai is he running osx? if he is you can have lots of fun.

but the keylogger on a flash drive sounds like the best idea i have heard.

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Hey guys I'm having a problem. Flash movie players from certain sites won't play in my firefox. I have the latest versions of both flash and firefox...


Any ideas?



some sites are not able to play in firefox (cause the dumbasses did not code it for it so to bypass this issue there is 2 extentions you an use first one is IE view and the other one is IE TAB download both

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teh linx?


do i really i really do not feel like it just go to the tools and select extentions select more extentions search for them 2 extentions and download them 2 extentions (i think i said extentions alot. do you think i said extentions alot ? extentions are fun to type


see i could have found the links and posted them during the time i was typing extentions but this is more fun

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Ok, i have this question that makes me kinda anxious for a while now. I have 3 HD's on my system. The first one is a 35GB @10.000 rpm western digital and thats where my system resides. Only OS and Program files are stored there, i never save files on that HD and it really works fine. The Other 2 HD's are two identical 120Gb@7200rpm each western digital disks that a friend hooked up on RAID. Now, i know nothing about RAID, what i know is that those two disks are connected in a way that data is split in two and written half in one disk and half in the other theoritically in half the speed. I'm backing up my work(or atleast the crucial stuff) but i was wondering what will happen if one disk fucks up or if C: fucks up..what and where is the part where it united those two disks and makes sense out of all the files?

yada yada yada

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sounds like you have aLevel 1 RAID hooked up. A technique in which data is written to two duplicate disks simultaneously. this way if one of the disk drives fails, the system can instantly switch to the other disk without any loss of data or service.

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yeah yer right my head is not in its place today my dog just died (fuckin drown in the pool)



lets see Usually a RAID is configured to mirror the drives, so that in case of HD fail data will still be functional, however, what you are describing is either RAID 0 (stupid set) or JBOD (just a bunch of disks). If it is set up as RAID 0 and a HD fails you loose everything, if it is JBOD you loose data on the affected drive.


If your main c: drive screws up the data on your RAID will not be affected, yet you may need to install a new HD and OS.

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talk to your friend


if not


if the size of the resulting partition is 240 gig the speed should be about the same and if one of the disks became corrupted, some data will be lost some might be restored, it'll be a toss up (make sure to back up regularly)


If the resulting size is 120 gig the data is written to both drives (again only slightly slower) but if one of the disks go bad it'll be easier to rebuild the info. Nothing will be lost. (Read speed should improve if the raid controller is any good)

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so it turns out that i have a dvd burner built into my computer. I just need a program to copy all of these torrent movies to dvd.


There are a bunch of different ones. Some files are .R00 files and some are avi files. something about mpg4. I dunno whats going on. I cant play the video on any of the avi files. I dont even know what the hell all of these .R00 files are.


Hook me up with some knowledge fellas.

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so it turns out that i have a dvd burner built into my computer. I just need a program to copy all of these torrent movies to dvd.


There are a bunch of different ones. Some files are .R00 files and some are avi files. something about mpg4. I dunno whats going on. I cant play the video on any of the avi files. I dont even know what the hell all of these .R00 files are.


Hook me up with some knowledge fellas.


ok get the DIVX player it will play alot of them codecs like .avi and mpg4 and for the .R00 files you will need winrar just go download it its free blah blah blah and when you get that all installed and bullshit take yer winrar program open it up while in there go to where the r00 file is located with the rest of the .rxx (xx is inplace of all the numbers when you download a movie or a program people split the file up multi times which makes all the .rxx files you use the winrar program to sew them all back together




if you do not understand



read read and read again

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