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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


but I think I 'm about to pull the trigger on buying a new desktop cpu.




Just the cpu... I gonna retire this one and use as a backup or maybe put in the bedroom and newtwork it...



what should I get? a 64 to work with vista? whats some good specs? should I build my own, thers alot of good small cpu stores around where I live where I can get all the parts cheap...$$$ is no problem.. what you think?

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Guest Ginger Bread Man

Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


hey mainter thank for our advice and thoughts. i had nto tried the safe mode shit. im on it now.


my pc does have a 64 bit proccessor by the way. and im not doing shit when it goes fubar... i will come back later with results. thank you again

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


the irregular tech news update


from digg.com


free 80's music




ie users....

With a simple line of code you can display (at a minimum) what is on a person’s clipboard that uses IE with standard security set. I have also included directions on how to turn it off.



New System to Thwart Unwanted Video and Still Digital Photography





Latest cure for cancer: 500 oranges






from slashdot.org


Shuttle to Launch Despite Objections





Australia's Technological World Cup Advantage





Amazon to Launch Online Grocery Store







s.hi.t hap.pen.s

st.ay tu.ned f.or mo.r.e bo.rin.g ne.rd s.hit.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


I think firefox has a memory leak again.. if I have alot of tabs open for a while' date=' it freezes up my cpu[/quote']

just gods way of telling you he hates you.


and yes, firefox still eats memory.

1. Open a new tab. Type "about:config" without quotes into the address bar and hit enter/click Go.

2. Right-click anywhere, select New, then Integer. In the dialog prompt that appears, type:


3. Click OK. Another dialog prompt will appear. This is where you decide how much memory to allocate to Firefox. This depends on how much RAM your computer has, but generally you don't want to allocate too little (under 8M B, but if you allocate too much, you might as well not do this. A good recommended setting is 16MB. If you want 16MB, enter this value into the dialog prompt:


(Why 16384 instead of 16000? Because computers use base-12 counting. Thus 16 megabytes = 16384 bytes. Likewise, if you want to double that and allocate 32MB, you'd enter 32768.)

4. Click OK to close the dialog box, then close all instances of Firefox and restart. If your Firefox still uses the same amount of memory, give it a few minutes and it should slowly clear up. If that fails, try a system reboot.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


i need some help


i have been fuckin with my myspace account i want to add some live radio to my profile which i did


the code is this



<center>Top Hits<center>


<center><form action='http://www.myspacescripts.com' target='_new'><embed allowScriptAccess="never"name=MaintersMusicPlayer pluginspage=http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/Downloads/Contents/Products/MediaPlayer/ src="http://www.hitzradio.com/hitzradio.asx" width=300 height=49 type=video/x-ms-asf loop="false" autostart="false" ShowStatusBar="1">




<center><form action='http://www.myspacescripts.com' target='_new'><embed allowScriptAccess="never"name=MaintersMusicPlayer pluginspage=http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/Downloads/Contents/Products/MediaPlayer/ src="http://1.fm/wm/energyhv128k.asx" width=300 height=49 type=video/x-ms-asf loop="false" autostart="false" ShowStatusBar="1">



so my question is i do not want them to start when the pages is loaded thats why i got autostart="false" but it keeps overriding it and playing anyway how the hell do i get it to work?


i tried






none of them work where am i going wrong?


is it because its live radio?

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


To mainter- yeah, probably...I've had the same song on my profile for a long time, only due to the fact that I have never had much success with streaming audio...and it's a good song.


Also, how should I go about uploading my own music to my page? Never figured that one out. Whoever has that script could get over by either selling it or offering a $1 per upload service.


It would be a hit mainly due to the fact that a lot of folks on Myspace (except mainter) aren't tech-inclined. At all.


Someday, every newborn will be issued a RFID chip, a barcode, and a Myspace page. Social networks are fun, but scary- kind of like drugs, I think. No, it's just like drugs. I see a lot of parallels between the two...


This is after Social Security goes belly up, of course.


In the meantime, I'll get a hold of you on there. There I go again....

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


You will need to get hosting to host you music files


you could do a search for free web hosting


http://mysplayer.com/ instead of making a a flashplayer and all the bullshit that goes along with it just use this site its a free flashplayer (real basic clean design really like it) uploaded the song links to it and then it will generate a code for you just post it to your music section



http://www.filelodge.com(this is a free file hosting site just uploaded the music you want from your computer and it will host it for you just make an account they are clean with spam and shit its a good site

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