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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


come on now you know who' date=' someone smart enough to overwrite the partition in the first place[/quote']



oh, come on, those type of people don't exist.

we both work with computers and people...c'mon.




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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


warning your VOip phonecalls are being tapped by the government also this is more like a crossfire thread but im just giving the basics



US government efforts to require most VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) providers to permit law enforcement agencies to wiretap phone calls could introduce new security problems to the Internet, a group of Internet

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


I'm back...I got sidetracked yesterday, and didn't get a chance to get down to business till the late evening. Nowadays, I try to stay off the web as much as possible unless it's late night and/or tech related. Too much distraction there, you see.


Mainter, you were right- I decided to look into it myself...and found out that the problem was more or less where I expected it to be...in both YasT and the Zen autoinstaller. Again, just like you said, when you invoke them they get stuck in a loop running a malloc, so that was where all my RAM was going.


Here's the funny thing. Novell released a patch that was useless on two counts- first off, it was an RPM, which requires a package handler. YasT is the package handler...hmmm. It would have made more sense to release the patch as a binary, so folks could just compile it and run it from the command line. I know there's other ways to unpack a RPM, but.... Also, I spent the better part of an hour checking different mirrors for this alleged patch- found the announcement a bunch of times...but no patch.


Well, that's when I caved in and decided to just go back to Mepis. I installed 6.0 beta 5, and within 20 minutes it was up and running. And, it has the rtl8185 driver for my wifi that SuSe dropped, so that was a nice welcome back to the fold. I've used Mepis more than any other distro, and have installed it on several "dead" comps for friends of mine, with excellent results...well. they get a great browser, a decent music player, and a word processor. I guess any distro with KDE will do all of that...the best thing think Mepis has to offer is that it will work right out of the box, and it's pretty much dummy-proof (if you aren't root, of course).


Actually, I'm typing this in Damn Small 2.4 right now- I use DSL as an easy way to format old HDDs with ext3. It's definitely geared towards people who have some Linux experience, though.


So, thanks for the input, all the same. Maybe SuSe 10.2 will work as good as it looks.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Thanks, Casek, good to see you're still here. I'm fine- that bullshit I was caught up in somehow worked itself out. Whatever...it seems like I'm paying dues every two years or so. I should be used to it by now.


Mostly, I'm trying to learn as much as I can before I decide what I want to do. Living cheap and being single is affording me the opportunity to do that. Being unemployed kind of sucks, but it's not anywhere near as stressful as the situation I just got out of....working for a law firm and still not making enough to get by sucks worse.


Drop me a line sometime...I won't be here all that much, but I'm always on or near a comp.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>




if it's onboard, that sucks. if not, and it looks like that, we're in luck. turn the computer off, get a phillips head screwdriver, open the case, find the soundcard, unscrew it, pull out, gently but firmly, find an empty slot for the pci card to go in, place in, again gently but firmly, screw it back in, hook it back up, turn computer on. blamm

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